With the current state of the game and even after they "FiX" the exploits and "Ban" the cheaters, will you still purchase Zen and continue to give money to PW?
I know many of you have spent no money and ALOT of you have.
Post edited by l1d3n on
dudezellMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
why wouldn't you, its not like you lost anything during this except playing the game for 8 hours. big deal.
Well whomever makes the decision for PW it's gonna be a BIG one. I wouldn't want to make this call on what's going to be done about the economy, exploiters and cheaters.
lexthegreatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Are you worried about them banning your STO account also?
Yes. The only reason I don't just charge back all the money we spent on the joke that is NW, is because I don't want them to ban my STO account. But if it comes to it, I would rather have the $800 or so we spent on this thing... I do not want to reward incompetence and greed.
With the current state of the game and even after they "FiX" the exploits and "Ban" the cheaters, will you still purchase Zen and continue to give money to PW?
I know many of you have spent no money and ALOT of you have.
Not No But Hell no. Cryptic and PW are way to greedy for my Wallet
kerlaaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Voted no but that would only be due to a server wipe. If they just patch out the exploiting and ban the exploiters (I mean for christ sake you have the account/character name attached to ever AH transaction) then I would continue to make zen purchases. Still looking to do some cosmetic purchases but since my goal is nearly 7.5kzen worth it will take time, I mean some of have jobs but we also have bills.
kife1100Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited May 2013
I've played this game for a few days now and it has given me
1. Sleep Deprivation
2. Always wanting to be online
3. Being frustrated at these exploits that have been fluttering around for weeks.
I'm in love with this game, I generally enjoy games that you have to grind/farm in, I think Runescape did that to be back in 05-08. I am a bit upset with the devs and after looking at the *poor* patch notes that not much has been done in terms of glitches.
I want to bring up a point however, this game has been in Open Beta since the 30th. They need to give the team a bit of slack.
If I continue playing the game for another month or so like I have been, sure I will dish out 10$ here and there like a subscription fee.
sinamonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I dont buy any cash shop money from PWE because they pretty much only care about the cash. It sucks for the Devs behind the game but I wont pay for anything that should be in the game already. Cryptic has pretty much sealed the fate of Neverwinter just being a 3rd rate MMO by using PWE.
Yes. The only reason I don't just charge back all the money we spent on the joke that is NW, is because I don't want them to ban my STO account. But if it comes to it, I would rather have the $800 or so we spent on this thing... I do not want to reward incompetence and greed.
I hear that my friend. I don't want to lose my STO account because of retaliation of my wanting a refund for D&D:Neverwinter but I'm about in the same boat as you are.
Yes. The only reason I don't just charge back all the money we spent on the joke that is NW, is because I don't want them to ban my STO account. But if it comes to it, I would rather have the $800 or so we spent on this thing... I do not want to reward incompetence and greed.
Rich people are so gullible...
"A Fool and their money are soon parted" - Bible Proberb
Nope. I'm honestly trying to decide if this is a deal breaker for me. They won't catch all of the people who profited off of this, and a lot of it was sold to AD sellers. By keeping the servers up, they reward people who profit from serious rampant bug exploits, because they will never find all of it.
Simply put, that screws me over as an honest player who knew about these things and didn't try to take advantage of them. It screws me up doubly because any people they miss who exploited this are going to get the (now more expensive) gear easier, because they have the resources, and outpace me in gear/pvp. And thirdly, Every single thing I try to farm for in game is going to be way more expensive because of this influx of AD. It's textbook inflation, and it harms the people who aren't in the 1%.
It was bad enough when mounts cost 40$. Now the astral diamond exchange is going to be similarly screwed up.
So freaking broken. I regret the 10 bucks I spent on keys, already. I can't imagine if I actually did decide to go for a guardian of the north pack like I was considering.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Voted no. With how there have been so many exploits in an open beta that has been promised not to have wipes (essentially making it live) there is no good way for the company to proceed. Any path they take is going to lead to problems that will drastically reduce it's lifespan and playerbase. If NWO is still here a year from now with busy servers and an active playerbase I may reevaluate.
why wouldn't you, its not like you lost anything during this except playing the game for 8 hours. big deal.
True, but still utter disappointment if they even consider a rollback. Some of the players might not have access to certain higher tier items if the, what do they call it, "EXPLOIT" did not occur. Plus, a lot of players invested time and money prior to this event in order to support their character and the development of the Neverwinter Community.
I vote:
1. Implement new Outfits and more dye colors in the item mall for complete player customization. Give players something to spend their money on that is worth it. The more choices the merrier.
[SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]Memories of Krynn ( NW-DMM8MANTM ) Save The Forgotten Realms from th[SIZE=-1]e Queen of Darkness![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
The inspiration for the Ansalon NW Foundry Project
Did you know they made the same mistake with STO? I am glad whoever programmed that got to keep their job so they could repeat the same mistake here.
I already requested my money back. Using this Reddit post as evidence that they have not kept up their end of the bargain.
I wasn't that foolish this time...
Good Luck with that, a friend of mine is still waiting for his STO Lifetime Sub refund.
[SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]Memories of Krynn ( NW-DMM8MANTM ) Save The Forgotten Realms from th[SIZE=-1]e Queen of Darkness![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
The inspiration for the Ansalon NW Foundry Project
Are you worried about them banning your STO account also?
Yes. The only reason I don't just charge back all the money we spent on the joke that is NW, is because I don't want them to ban my STO account. But if it comes to it, I would rather have the $800 or so we spent on this thing... I do not want to reward incompetence and greed.
1. Sleep Deprivation
2. Always wanting to be online
3. Being frustrated at these exploits that have been fluttering around for weeks.
I'm in love with this game, I generally enjoy games that you have to grind/farm in, I think Runescape did that to be back in 05-08. I am a bit upset with the devs and after looking at the *poor* patch notes that not much has been done in terms of glitches.
I want to bring up a point however, this game has been in Open Beta since the 30th. They need to give the team a bit of slack.
If I continue playing the game for another month or so like I have been, sure I will dish out 10$ here and there like a subscription fee.
Rich people are so gullible...
"A Fool and their money are soon parted" - Bible Proberb
[SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]Memories of Krynn ( NW-DMM8MANTM ) Save The Forgotten Realms from th[SIZE=-1]e Queen of Darkness![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
The inspiration for the Ansalon NW Foundry Project
Simply put, that screws me over as an honest player who knew about these things and didn't try to take advantage of them. It screws me up doubly because any people they miss who exploited this are going to get the (now more expensive) gear easier, because they have the resources, and outpace me in gear/pvp. And thirdly, Every single thing I try to farm for in game is going to be way more expensive because of this influx of AD. It's textbook inflation, and it harms the people who aren't in the 1%.
It was bad enough when mounts cost 40$. Now the astral diamond exchange is going to be similarly screwed up.
So freaking broken. I regret the 10 bucks I spent on keys, already. I can't imagine if I actually did decide to go for a guardian of the north pack like I was considering.
RIP Caine
I will continue to spend money.
If they do any type of roll back or wipe I will no longer spend money.
True, but still utter disappointment if they even consider a rollback. Some of the players might not have access to certain higher tier items if the, what do they call it, "EXPLOIT" did not occur. Plus, a lot of players invested time and money prior to this event in order to support their character and the development of the Neverwinter Community.
I vote:
1. Implement new Outfits and more dye colors in the item mall for complete player customization. Give players something to spend their money on that is worth it. The more choices the merrier.
+1 @dudezell