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we need to be able to review a map we did not finish

demiurgerealmdemiurgerealm Member Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in The Foundry
I just played a poorly designed map that would not let me finish it due to the author failing to provide a way out from behind a sky ship, I jumped off the back to get some treasure and there was no way to get back on to complete the quest. In the end I had to abandon the quest. We need to be able to review maps that are broken like this.
-Agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

Realm of the Demiurge Foundry Works

Neverwinter isn't D&D, it is a MMO based on a game that uses D&D terms but isn't really D&D either. NW is fun (for that matter so is 4E), but it isn't D&D, and once you wrap your expectations around that you will be able to enjoy the game for what it offers and not worry about what it does not.
Post edited by demiurgerealm on


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    kamaliiciouskamaliicious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You can use the ingame mail to email the author. There's a very good reason you can't review quests you didn't complete: rampaging troll potential.
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    notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You can use the ingame mail to email the author. There's a very good reason you can't review quests you didn't complete: rampaging troll potential.

    Agreed. Author may not know issue exists, but most of the people posting here seem to be very meticulous in how they set up their dungeons. Offer advice via forums/in-game options and you can place your review there. If you liked it enough, surely you can go back when the issues are fixed and offer up an in-game review. If the dungeon does not allow you to complete it due to a setup issue, it is not your fault that you cannot get to a review.

    As Kama said- and additionally- trolling reviews would be an issue, and the whole concept of R4R would be void because people would easily jump into a quest then bail to force review completion. People wanting reviews really want to iron out their instances and that requires a reviewer to complete the whole chain, whether they like the instance or no.
    Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
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    drakedge2drakedge2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The reason you can't review a quest you didn't finish is because of the trolls and exploiters that would spam a quest with 1 star reviews so that it would be lost into oblivion.

    Just send the author an ingame mail and offer some feedback on the quest and how to fix it or at the very least where you ran into a problem at.
    A story driven quest, with a fun and challenging amount of combat, that takes you into the world of Planescape, carefully hand crafted by me.
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    hercooles130uscghercooles130uscg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They had this feature enabled for about 3 days after the "foundry nerf" patch. The trolls and less civilized players that were pissed at the changes went and mass reported all the best story quests and got a lot of them taken down because of the auto-remove feature tied into the reporting of content.

    So they removed it again. I would have rather just removed all the players in question, we do not need their kind here. But the system is too easily abused.

    What they need is a modified system that if you do not finish a quest, you get a prompt asking why such as being unable to finish due to a bug, took to long, or was not enjoying it, and then a place to write a short reason why. However only the author sees this feedback so he can make changes, but nothing gets "reported" to Cryptic.
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    pumlekpumlek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What they need is a modified system that if you do not finish a quest, you get a prompt asking why such as being unable to finish due to a bug, took to long, or was not enjoying it, and then a place to write a short reason why. However only the author sees this feedback so he can make changes, but nothing gets "reported" to Cryptic.

    That's a step in the right direction, but there still needs to be a way for people looking for a Foundry quest to play to identify those with technical issues. They could eliminate 99% of the trolls if they just had a minimum time requirement instead of requiring completion in order to rate a quest. That way when I play for 45 minutes before running into a technical problem that prevents me from completing, I can at least warn other players that maybe this one isn't ready for prime time.
    What I'd really like to see is to track completion percentages for all Foundry quests (counting only those that were played for at least say...10 minutes?) and post that along with the average rating. Sure--no quest will have a 100% completion rate. But if the average quest has an 80% completion rate, you better believe I'll be avoiding the ones with a 40% completion rate. I know most of the people on this forum are Foundry developers, but ultimately the rating system isn't to glorify developers--it's to assist the average player to identify Foundry quests that they will have fun with. And while it may seem unfair to developers to have someone who gets stuck drag down your rating, ultimately it should be dragged down so others know that they could end up wasting their time if they make the same wrong move.
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