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Reviews for trade, and I will review yours

notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in The Foundry
Quest: Memnon: Invoking the Old God
Short Code: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Duration: ~20 minutes
Difficulty: This quest is best played by people with companions. It gets progressively harder.

Intro story: You've overheard about a great treasure at a site called the Sacred Ground. While exploring the area, you came across a portal that took you deeper within. What should have been a simple excursion to loot and weapon upgrades turned into a complicated nightmare about cultists invoking a lunatic old god.

NOTES: Sub your quests here and I will review them. I will review yours first if need be, but only until the first few people don't return the favor.

Reviews In Progress/Completed

Author: Dugada Short Code: NW-DDJJA7X98 Status: Review Complete
Author: LostCharta Short Code: NW-DIRYOWUKY Status: Review In Progress

Thank you for your time. Looking forward to seeing what all is out there!
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Post edited by notaurious on


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    notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Reserved For Future Use
    Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
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    notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Reserved for Future Use
    Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
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    notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Feel free and post your quests in advance. I can review your quest first.
    Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
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    dugadadugada Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    Here is my quest : NW-DDJJA7X98 -The Cry from the past

    I will try your quest, when my GF will leave my place :D
    The Cry from the Past -(name changed from "The Camp and bandits")
    Solo quest with a great story
    My foundry in Slovak language: NW-DOBV4VXBC
    Ezrianova skrysa
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    lostchartalostcharta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Trying yours now.
    Quests are in my signature. Do either, or both if you're feeling generous.
    Could you put the review in my quest thread? The link is also in the signature.

    Edit: Done with LV50 control wizard
    That was really good. I liked the story (it ended abruptly but I assume that's just because you intend to continue it in other quests). The characters were interesting and I'm curious to see where it goes from here.

    Minor problems
    * Quest starts with "go to the next map". You could change the text for greater immersion
    * Dungeon portcullis' have the default name ("Dungeon Portcullis 01" or something)
    * The 1st arrow trap is hanging slightly out of the wall
    * Having a mindflayer show up out of nowhere was kind of strange. Maybe reskin it so it's not as obviously a mindflayer? Or if it's supposed to be a mindflayer that has (for whatever reason) joined the cult then you could dress it like the other cultists to show that.
    * Don't know if I'm remembering incorrectly but I think that the orb that was supposed too be "dropped" by the mid-boss was there all along.

    The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault

    solo campaign, balanced
    review thread
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    slaidzslaidz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 181 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I'll put this on my "to play" list.
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    notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    dugada wrote: »
    Here is my quest : NW-DDJJA7X98 -The Cry from the past

    I will try your quest, when my GF will leave my place :D

    I have completed your review.
    Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
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    notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    lostcharta wrote: »
    Trying yours now.
    Quests are in my signature. Do either, or both if you're feeling generous.
    Could you put the review in my quest thread? The link is also in the signature.

    Thanks for review. I will be doing yours shortly. If not this afternoon, then this evening when I return from work.
    Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
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    dugadadugada Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    So I tried your quest, here is my notes:
    -First objective is just "Go to next map" (its okey, but maybe it will discourage some ppl)
    -Dont know if its your intention, but there are blue small fires everywhere where will be some enemies - its quite easy to know where you should expect enemies
    -Allow players to track quest - I wasnt sure where to go sometimes

    -Very good, challenging but very good

    Idea and story:
    -I really like it, maybe one note - when I entered that dungeon, I wasnt sure why I am there.
    The Cry from the Past -(name changed from "The Camp and bandits")
    Solo quest with a great story
    My foundry in Slovak language: NW-DOBV4VXBC
    Ezrianova skrysa
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    voivodakvoivodak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    my quest is in sign. I'll play yours very soon, probably tonight. Please, return me the favor :)
    My Campaign and Quest :

    Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
    Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
    Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
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    notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    voivodak wrote: »
    my quest is in sign. I'll play yours very soon, probably tonight. Please, return me the favor :)

    I will note yours to do tonight when I am back from work.
    Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
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