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Why I wont be contributing any more money for now.

thugmarthugmar Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Personally the state of class balance is so bad that I am done giving them any more of my money.

I find this a real shame, because I feel they did a lot of things well in this game. There are several issues, but they are things that I am willing to accept because this is a young game. The one thing that should have never made it to even a soft launch is the complete lack of class balance in this game once you reach level 60. I am not stating that you can not run the game with 1 of each class, but that it is so terribly ineffective when compared to the standard 2/2/1 comp. that it is flat out silly to do so.

You, as a company, should know from 15+ years worth of mmo history that the player base will go with what is easiest, and you should simply not allow the situating to develop so that two of your classes are largely ignored and one is considered completely useless.

This does not even become apparent until you reach 60, at which point it becomes painfully apparent.

Fix the class balance so that there is a purpose to including others in the group beyond double stacking a cleric and wizard with a rogue for flavor. Right now a well played GF still doesnt do much for his/her group because you have allowed the balance to swing so far out of whack.

So I personally will not give any more money to a game I very much want to see succeed until there is some effort put into class balance by your team. I do not expect perfection, but this is likely one of the worst, if not the worst, class balance I have seen in any mmo, and I have been playing them for roughly 15 years.

Best of luck to you on this game, but I think you are upsetting a fairly large portion of your player base atm. The mmo community expects some semblance of class balance in these games, and you can just look around to see how upset portions of your player base are right now (specifically the fighters, seriously did a fighter beat you up in school or something, I just do not get the hatred for the fighters).
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