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This game is a lesser version of Tera

yamface9yamface9 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
in pretty much every aspect. Same flaws, except more. Same content except less.

There's only 3 classes in this game, lol? I don't think devs are even aware of how much this ticks off people wanting to play their game but when 40% of the classes are instantly kicked from "end game" dungeons, the game dies off pretty fast. No variety at all. And the people who did pick something different cant even play the game because nobody wants them, bad design.

Money. Money. Give us money. That's what I hear from this company. You know how sad it is when your first purple item... is a box that says "give us money so you can open this"? And followed by an assload of more chances to take your money later on. Like seriously this game is an extremely shoddy version of most other mmos yet this is also the most money grabbing game I've ever seen. Sounds to me like the company threw out an "ok-ish" sort of game, not exactly super great in any aspect at all, just ok, and just put in so much money grabbing thing onto the game. They just threw this game out there to get profit with next to 0 care about the quality lol. I'm not even gonna go into how much things actually cost, because I don't know about anyone else but paying $40 for a mount is pretty hilarious to me, or even $6 for a respec, which fyi is FREE in virtually every other game. F2p? lol now that I think of this, this had to have been a fluke. Buy zen from ad! Only couple hundred thousand ad for a respec, pretty easy if you sell 1 t2 item... owait did you roll a gwf/gf? Oops you can't enter dungeons to begin with. Better find a guild who sympathizes for you and carries you.

No endgame. You'd figure that with some serious money grabbing the game would be actually good at least, but all I am running into is: run epic dungeon, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> easy then depending on dungeon final boss is either a joke or is the next illidan. Pvp is a little better.. I guess. I hear people complaining about low gear, afk, dc's happening but that is just something inevitable though maybe a better system can help it a bit, but otherwise pvp is probably the best thing about this game, though I really wish there was world pvp.

The way leveling scales in this game is just flawed. Seriously. You can't even pvp/do a dungeon/quest without fearing that youll overlevel and miss out on content... because you level too fast. No slowing curve at later levels. It's linear... cmon really? I can go back to the dungeons at 60 (woohoo... I have to wait til max lv to see what I missed), or I just miss quests that could give important rewards. lol

I did mention Tera in the title. That game died out. When the game was out it didn't have nearly as much problems as Neverwinter, not even close. The only 2 issues it had were like this game, unplayable classes (auto kick from dungeons), and simply no endgame at all (just like this game). Devs tried to fix it only a few months later but by that time the game was already dead. Server merge after server merge. Used to have ~15 servers, now it's down to what.. 2-3? And merging continues. This game is in "open beta", not sure how some of you take that status, but for a lot of people that means release. If the population is dead by the time of release, it's already too late.

Also as an aside going to mention that customer service from perfect world or cryptic or whatever is horrendous. This is the first company where I actually had a hard time finding their own phone number. I bought zen because what the hell why not... 2 days later my zen still bugged in store, my ticket only gets an auto response and never answered again. lol...
Post edited by yamface9 on


  • riven84riven84 Member, Banned Users Posts: 574 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    No, you're wrong.
  • pepto2pepto2 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    "Because we here don't believe in customer satisfaction. We believe in money. POOLS of money."
  • minkus109minkus109 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There's 5 classes. 6 when the game, you know, comes out.

    There is literally 0 things in the game that require you to give them money. The closest would be respeccing or character slots, which are low amounts of zen, easily converted from AD. Almost all f2p games actually require cash to have more than 2-3 characters ever.

    Very few MMOs have any semblance of end-game at release, TERA had nothing, not even PvP (unless you were on a PvP server) until several months after release. This has "heroics" which include two tiers of end-game loot. The word you're looking for is raids. This has 0 raids.

    If you think open beta means release. You might want to try being... Idk.. Of moderate cognitive abilities I suppose. That's like saying a fully living and breathing cow is also currently a cheeseburger. It is not, it will be, but it isn't yet. Of course that's not a perfect metaphor, but you get the point.

    The only things people have to complain about are usually frivolous and stupid. In order of frequency:
    1) Cash shop prices too high! - says everyone playing a game with a similar set up.
    2) Something completely misinformed or just plain dumb. - basically your entire no end-game and open beta means release sections.
    3) Nerf whatever class just dominated them in damage or PvP.
    4) Complaining about something almost impossible to completely fix or resolve that isn't a game issue, but a player-side issue. Trolls basically like PvP afkers.
    5) Actual bugs. These are about as rare as getting an item to drop for the class I'm playing when I'm in a dungeon.
  • mourilssmourilss Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    5) Actual bugs. These are about as rare as getting an item to drop for the class I'm playing when I'm in a dungeon.[/QUOTE]

    are you really sticking yoour head in the sand?
    Oh i forget you arent even lvl 40 yet right?

    And btw for a free 2 play game open beta is equal to a release of a pay to play game thats simply fact.
  • startuxstartux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    mourilss wrote: »
    5) Actual bugs. These are about as rare as getting an item to drop for the class I'm playing when I'm in a dungeon.

    are you really sticking yoour head in the sand?
    Oh i forget you arent even lvl 40 yet right?

    And btw for a free 2 play game open beta is equal to a release of a pay to play game thats simply fact.[/QUOTE]

    Yes, there are bugs post level 40 which is one good reason for it to be open beta, and I do admit I didn't want to play too much during the closed betas because I knew the characters were going to be wiped. What you're stating as 'fact' cannot be proven and is opinion :).
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Sorry but this is not fit for discussion. If you would like to improve the game we would love to hear it but this thread is not doing so.

    Please suggest improving the game but stating things you specifically do and don't like about Neverwinter.

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