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GF Officially Abandoned (less PVE love than a GWF)

axlefgkaxlefgk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Militia Barracks
Can't even get a group for the level 41 Grey Wolf Den! every group is just rolling cleric tanks, I'm running a pretty well optimized DPS Guardian Fighter and I know for a fact from Qs for dungeons and skirmishes that i can do good DPS and hold boss/elite threat but every other player seems so wrapped up on the fact that some Guardianss run low damage builds and can't hold threat due to just being bad at the game. These people seem to think all Guardians are useless now and from about level 40 on I've been having a hard time getting groups.
Post edited by axlefgk on


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    khraktikhrakti Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Maybe try and get a guild that you could roll with or meet some friends who will have your back, pref a cleric since everyone needs one. So they want a cleric for a group they have to bring you along too. Not saying you don't know what you're doing but it seems thats what needs to be done now since people rarely give anyone a shot just because of their class. I'm pretty sure GF and GWF will get a really nice buff here shortly, its still beta so they just have to figure out the exact moments when a class starts to really shine and when it sucks. A lot easier to balance things with that kind of knowledge. Best of luck to you and it does suck having to roll dps builds just to tank. Counter logic ftw right? Not sure but a GWF in a tank build might be able to do a better job tanking too. Seems more like a deathknight tank from wow from when I last played 4 years ago. Just keep at it man you're not the only one but really try and get some friends to mow through everything
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    leomutretaleomutreta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Roll another class while you are still leveling. You still have time.

    I lost a lot of time on my GF to achiev 13k GS, and no one wants to play with it, even outdamaging other classes.
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    will954will954 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok yeah, so I'm not crazy. So basicly it's 2 DC, 2 CW and a TR to tank the boss = win.
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    drakedge2drakedge2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    will954 wrote: »
    Ok yeah, so I'm not crazy. So basicly it's 2 DC, 2 CW and a TR to tank the boss = win.

    Pretty much yes, the only tank in the game is one of two classes left out of the party.
    A story driven quest, with a fun and challenging amount of combat, that takes you into the world of Planescape, carefully hand crafted by me.
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    areyoufurrealareyoufurreal Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Idk about your class, but for Grey Wolf's Den at 41, you are utterly useless, every main "dps class" deals more damage than you, Healers take every aggro possible from the adds, I have no idea why they are even considered "tanks".
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    zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, the GF needs a threat buff. the GWF needs damage, healing, threat and defense buffs.
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    etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    zardoz007 wrote: »
    Yeah, the GF needs a threat buff. the GWF needs damage, healing, threat and defense buffs.

    If all the GF gets is threat, life won't get any better for you :D

    GF really needs party utility, unique party utility. Ground effect powers that slow recover, increase party damage by non trivial amounts, reduce enemy defenses, increase party defenses, or anything that makes them a better choice then a second of any other class.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
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    lothriklothrik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Guardian Fighters should have a class feature that reduces damage taken for the whole group and increases their threat considerably, or something along those lines. The way clerics are forced to kite right now is ridiculous, it's amusing when I'm questing but miserable during dungeon boss fights.
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    cookjkcookjk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    You do realize what both etherealj and lothrik suggested GF do get!
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    dartakxdartakx Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lothrik wrote: »
    Guardian Fighters should have a class feature that reduces damage taken for the whole group and increases their threat considerably, or something along those lines. The way clerics are forced to kite right now is ridiculous, it's amusing when I'm questing but miserable during dungeon boss fights.

    It'called knight valor it's an encounter power that no one use because it doesnt fit the current conqueror meta and does no damage. The tactical tree provide utiliy and support and makes GF more than viable but most people are misinformed and focus on getting more loots more quickly. I'm not saying GF are fine but I don't the conqueror build brings what is needed for T2 except increasing dps to sub par dps. The other trees has what it takes if they buff it to reassonnable amount and improve the mechanic.
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    ceonnynceonnyn Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dartakx wrote: »
    It'called knight valor it's an encounter power that no one use because it doesnt fit the current conqueror meta and does no damage. The tactical tree provide utiliy and support and makes GF more than viable but most people are misinformed and focus on getting more loots more quickly. I'm not saying GF are fine but I don't the conqueror build brings what is needed for T2 except increasing dps to sub par dps. The other trees has what it takes if they buff it to reassonnable amount and improve the mechanic.

    The other two trees are broken. I am sorry you do not know/realize this.
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    spyder69spyder69 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've seen the orpg genre change and now it's more like a drive through version of how it started. What I mean by this is, when I played old EQ the clerics had to time their heals as not to pull to much agro and also give the tank some time to build aggro, but now I don't see as much cooperation or patience during Boss pulls. Although I am speaking from a limited experience with this game. I am surprised to hear that the Tank is getting overlooked at higher levels, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the fault is due to the other classed not respecting the aggro meter, while most of the fault being game development. Things will change if enough people make a complaint.
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    dilaniodilanio Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    Idk about your class, but for Grey Wolf's Den at 41, you are utterly useless, every main "dps class" deals more damage than you, Healers take every aggro possible from the adds, I have no idea why they are even considered "tanks".

    I've been the highest damage dealer the 2x I've run it with my GF, while dying the least, and taking the most damage. Personally I love the GF but it is the only class I've played. But from Lair of the Mad Dragon through the Pirate I've yet to be beat on the damage meter.

    Lunging Strike, Frontline Surge, Enforced Threat
    Villians Menace and Terrifying Impact
    Cleave & Tide of Iron

    Switch to Anvil of Doom on Bosses (except for Grey Wolf Den as I prefer to lunge out of the boss AoE)

    Sitting at 2700 power and 345 CS (IIRC) at level 46. Forget the name of the Dungeon before GWD and after LotMD but I beat group and the next highest (TR) by over a million damage. Thought I took a ss of the stats at the end of the run but nothing in ss but regardless the GF can do damage and do it well especially if traited and geared appropriately. I do have 2 pieces of the Valiant Warrior set so I am better geared than most but both pieces were bought for less than 60k AD
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    kirkhodgeskirkhodges Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yup, agreed signed. I'll reroll a rogue. Oh wait, no, I've just stopped playing all together.
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