Can you please get rid of patrolling mobs and not place packs of mobs too close to one another.
We need some breathing space! No MMORPG has a "Pause" button. If I need to go AFK, for even just a few seconds, I can't! Mobs seem to have a far aggro range in this game, but not only that, but there's patrolling mobs everywhere I go!
All I wanted to do was report a Bug and I kept being pestered by patrolling mobs! We can't even pause for 30 seconds while in the wilderness to report a bug! Let alone the fact that if I wanted to take a short break, like I dunno, a bio break, or answer the doorbell, get a drink in the fridge. Because everywhere I stand is a potential hazard, we can't go AFK in this game for just a tiny bit!
I know I always mention World of Warcraft when comparing Neverwinter, but what can I say? Blizzard did it right! They know we're all human and we have human-like needs! We can't pause the game, and no one wants to Logoff or Exit the game just to go AFK for 30 seconds and then have to redo the whole Password and Character Selection screen all over again just to be safe!
Please Cryptic, remove patrolling mobs and space out the mobs a little more! Add some breathing space!
You have no idea how much breathing space we're given in this game compared to others. At least you can take one step without being swamped by the mass hordes of undead!
Don't go afk in stupid places, and you won't die.
I will agree however that the monsters seem to have a rather large agro range. However... it's not as if the monsters are blind either you know...