So.. I'm not your typical MMO player and I like to be engrossed in the game world atmosphere.
The current UI is a bit "cluttery". When engaging multiple targets I have a hard time enjoying the artists 3D modeling and texture work because a majority of it is covered by titles and health bars.
Yes, I know one can change the options to not display them at all, display on target, etc... but
I want to know if it's possible to MOVE the health/title bars somewhere else?
When I click the options to change the UI the health bars are not present.
I would also like to see an option implemented that allows health bars to be displayed vertically next to the monsters.... I think Rift allowed this.. and they even took it a step further... I'd have to find some screenshots....
Basically I would like to see them take the Guard meter, flip it over on the right hand side and that would be the health of the targeted enemy.