Campaign Summary: Hidden underneath Protector's Enclave a series of tombs have been uncovered.
Foolish graverobbers have attempted to loot one of the tombs unleashing more then they bargained for.
It's up to you to put prevent the next cataclysm.
Ch. 1: Tomb of Gul'Dan (completed)
Ch. 2: Ezekiel's Labyrinth (WiP)
Ch. 3: Fortress of Azmodeus (WiP)
Quest Summary: Robbers have uncovered and defiled the Tomb of Gul'Dan, awakening the great lich from it's resting place. It's guardians have been activated to suppress the Lich, but after several centuries they are to few in numbers. Assist them in putting Gul'Dan to sleep, permanently, before it's to late.
Short-Code: NW-DLNHWXV4G
Quest Type: Story with ALOT of combat elements
Time to Complete: 20-40 Minutes (depending on your gear and party)
Combat: Heavy
Starts At: Protector's Enclave - Market
Difficulty: Challenging for Solo Play; Suitable for Two.
Group: Average
Solo: Average to Hard
Tips: Quest Trail is spot on and beware of deathtraps.