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How to kill anything 1v1 with rogue on level 60?

whisperofthemoonwhisperofthemoon Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
Have some troubles in pvp. Let's try to describe it:

I am capturing enemy base. Alone. Here comes someone to defend it! And he is...

1) Control Wizard. Mission - impossible. Here is the movie to save you from the details - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Dht5Gz6BuQ&feature=youtu.be
Wizard not even using his daily on single targets, because he is more then able to kill anyone 1v1. And, by the way wizard in this movie is quite a newb - because pro wizards always dodge your lashing blade with his blink, winning battle with flawless victory.

2) Devoted Cleric. He will just come, place his shield inside a base point and will just run in circles, heal himself and attack you. You cannot push him out of the circle, you cannot land a combo because you can only slow him (but we will still move faster then your combo works), so your only option is to run away.

3) Guardian fighter. Most of them are bad. Like 90% of them are bad. But if you meet good one:

A) He will strike you on the ground, and while you trying to stand up, he will strike you again. You loose 50% hp from that. Then he runs back, waiting for his cooldowns behind shield. Then he repeats combo, and you are dead.
B) He throw you away from the point. And run in circles so you cannot land combo on him. Then throw you away again. He will die at the end, but you will waste way too much time on trying to cap that point.

4) Great weapon looser. The only class that is almost always not a trouble. He needs some buff i think.

5) Another rogue. Well, that is easy - the one who have daily ready will win. Or the one who have wrong skills and cannot remove smoke.

So... tips, please?
Post edited by whisperofthemoon on


  • mourilssmourilss Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    best tip: learn to play. also known as practice
  • runicfirunicfi Member Posts: 269 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You must be clueless as hell. You just press 2 buttons and instagib them?

    Rogue is the easiest, most overpowered faceroll keyboard smash class in this game.
  • whisperofthemoonwhisperofthemoon Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    As far as i see wizard pressing 3 buttons and i am dead, he not even hurt. Keep raging, i will wait for players with experience to answer.
  • neverhofneverhof Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I'm no expert but I would suggest changing a couple of your buttons, Duelists flurry for 1 is pretty bad for pvp unless you have a group of players bunched up which would greatly increase the chance the flurry will proc on one of them. Without a stun or daze on a single target its fairly easy to move out of range of it while your locked in place going through the animation, the timing has to be spot on for that one.

    The other option is, if you see your target isn't going down but you are then run, live to fight somewhere else.

    This guy gave a pretty good breakdown of the rogue abilities for pve and pvp.
  • ff2nn2ff2nn2 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2013
    As far as i see wizard pressing 3 buttons and i am dead, he not even hurt. Keep raging, i will wait for players with experience to answer.

    I am sorry not being the one with experience.
    Besides, would you believe someone with another opinion ?

    There are countless threads about any combination of who vs who.
    No need for waiting.
  • whisperofthemoonwhisperofthemoon Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Duelists flurry for 1 is pretty bad for pvp

    The main problem is that another at-will power is so weak that when wizard saw me using that he not even tried to avoid it, just stand still and kill me in the face. Just because he doing a lot more damage from all of his abilities and at-will then my first at-will will ever do.
  • runicfirunicfi Member Posts: 269 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    As far as i see wizard pressing 3 buttons and i am dead, he not even hurt. Keep raging, i will wait for players with experience to answer.

    Keep being ignorant to the fact that I, and everyone else in this game has the experience of rogues being an overpowered noobcake class with way too much damage. Inb4 its designed to be a striker mimimimi - if it's designed to oneshot people, then thats one <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> design, and so are you for thinking that.
  • neverhofneverhof Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Alot could depend on which Paragon tree you chose. Executioner will give you more damage for example. Also if the wizard in that vid is in full epic pvp gear and you are in green gear then you will have a harder time getting the edge on him. Have a read through the guide above and see whats the most different.

    Cloud of steel maybe a better at will for you, pop stealth, hit your target with a barrage of ranged attacks without breaking stealth, so before you have been spotted or your stealth falls off you have already scored some points on him.
    Shadow strike, again from ranged, refills your stealth bar, deft strike to get behind your target fast, dazing strike/smoke bomb to daze the player then either shocking execution if its up or hammer him with some sky flourishes, impossible to catch if he uses cc on you.

    If the target is still high on health then back off and wait until some of your abilities are off cooldown. Theres lots of different combinations of abilities that will work for you in different ways depending on who your up against.

    Use the scenery to break line of sight with your target while your spells are on cooldown, basically survive rather than nuke if your target isnt going down fast.

    Once your gear improves you will probably have alot more success.

    Above all don't get frustrated in pvp, there is always someone better than you. I get mutilated in pvp but I still have fun sometimes as I contribute to the team effort and sometimes the effort pays off.

    And ignore the muppets that say L2P
  • whisperofthemoonwhisperofthemoon Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I have 8300 gs, full arena set of gear + jewelry from the seal market, so it is not about gear for sure. Other tips i will try, thanks for the advices, sadly that there is only 3 skills i can use, so if i choose one new (like deft strike) i will be unable to save myself from enemy rogues with smoke, or if i choose to use sly flourish instead of duelist flurry any gwf can easy kill me because i will do low damage to them and i will be unable to kill clerics under their shroud at all... Wizard is more simple - he always have all 4 spells he needs.
  • ff2nn2ff2nn2 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2013
    I have 8300 gs, full arena set of gear + jewelry from the seal market, so it is not about gear for sure. Other tips i will try, thanks for the advices, sadly that there is only 3 skills i can use, so if i choose one new (like deft strike) i will be unable to save myself from enemy rogues with smoke, or if i choose to use sly flourish instead of duelist flurry any gwf can easy kill me because i will do low damage to them and i will be unable to kill clerics under their shroud at all... Wizard is more simple - he always have all 4 spells he needs.

    From what I have read so far, the classes are reasonably balanced at level 60 for team play.
    So do not expect to win easily.
    Especially not if you play against a better team.
  • penpenstarpenpenstar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i dont do what you said about GFs, I kill TRs 2 hits with LS and BC XD I only hide behind my shield if they manage to dodge those.
  • nemonusnemonus Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2013
    runicfi wrote: »
    You must be clueless as hell. You just press 2 buttons and instagib them?

    Rogue is the easiest, most overpowered faceroll keyboard smash class in this game.

    What two buttons are those by the way? I mean, you've clearly played the class up to level 60 and no the limitations and strengths so well. Please let me know which 2 buttons to press to instantly kill any class every time.
  • whisperofthemoonwhisperofthemoon Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    From what I have read so far, the classes are reasonably balanced at level 60 for team play.
    So do not expect to win easily.
    Especially not if you play against a better team.

    I talking here only about 1v1 combat, in team fights i have no problems. But the best fun for me in any pvp game - is doing solo captures, assassinations and other spy business.
  • brutalehtopsbrutalehtops Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    !) Control Wizard (me :P) - most effective i've seen is when you stay in stealth and spam the ranged attack (knives i think, haven't played rogue). Only way i've found of pulling a rogue out of stealth is to hit them with an AoE, but given what the CW has it's limited and likely to miss (often not even on the toolbar in favor of other abilities). This gets me pretty easy as i can't respond to the attacks as the rogues remain in stealth and if i try to get away, they pop out and hit with the daily (unless they come out of stealth too early and i can get range). Any other approach and its usually in my favor due to the ranged control and attacks.

    2) Devoted Clerics - try to chain cc's with their healing, but more often than not just avoid or buy time for teammates to intervene. A good DC is near impossible to kill 1v1 due to the shields and healing. They'll whittle you down over time.

    Nothing to add to the others, but i have a question for you since you're a rogue regarding #1. Is that a paragon path, power, or ability that allows you to stay in stealth while attacking ranged or is that simply an aspect of the class?

    Edit: Rarely use the dodge mechanic on dailies anymore as it is often a waste. Just too much of a hit and miss (being hit quite a distance away, think you timed it perfectly, etc.), so usually just use it to keep distance.
  • majtrollxmajtrollx Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    runicfi wrote: »
    Keep being ignorant to the fact that I, and everyone else in this game has the experience of rogues being an overpowered noobcake class with way too much damage. Inb4 its designed to be a striker mimimimi - if it's designed to oneshot people, then thats one <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> design, and so are you for thinking that.

    u mad bro?
  • neverhofneverhof Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Is that a paragon path, power, or ability that allows you to stay in stealth while attacking ranged or is that simply an aspect of the class?

    Its part of the at will ability. It has limited charges(12) but does more damage with each hit.
  • brutalehtopsbrutalehtops Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    neverhof wrote: »
    Its part of the at will ability. It has limited charges(12) but does more damage with each hit.

    Ah, assumed attacking would break stealth so it was throwing me for a loop.

    Thanks for the response.
  • runicfirunicfi Member Posts: 269 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    nemonus wrote: »
    What two buttons are those by the way? I mean, you've clearly played the class up to level 60 and no the limitations and strengths so well. Please let me know which 2 buttons to press to instantly kill any class every time.

    Please let me know when Rogues make sense and stop oneshotting trough even Mail Armor. Thx.
  • majtrollxmajtrollx Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    runicfi wrote: »
    Please let me know when Rogues make sense and stop oneshotting trough even Mail Armor. Thx.

    Kind of like the CW you play, instead of 1 shotting, you 2 shot from RANGE. lol
  • runicfirunicfi Member Posts: 269 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    majtrollx wrote: »
    Kind of like the CW you play, instead of 1 shotting, you 2 shot from RANGE. lol

    And? Did I ever say a CW doesnt also do sick damage? Did I make a thread called "How to kill anything 1v1 with wizard on level 60?"?

    Altough CW requires some more thinking to play well than a Rogue, on that we can all agree ( or TR players can disagree, and be wrong. )

    My biggest issue with both PvP and PvE at the moment is the Fighters being practically useless and not needed in either, next to Rogues being so overpowered a braindamaged ape could play them well, ofcourse.
  • vykozpkvykozpk Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I play with Sneak attack 3 - Skillfull Infiltrator - Sly Flourish - Cloud of steel - Lashing Blade - Impossible to Catch - Smoke Bomb - Shocking Execution.

    To kill a mage 1v1 i start stealth a good bit away and out of line of sight if possible, then depending on situation or how i feel i do one of two things.

    If they are on mount or incomming on mount i lashing blade them for big dmg and they fall down and are stunned for a sec, i run to them and pop smoke bomb and hit them with sly flourish, then they either stand there and are dumb or run, if they get out of sly florish range i start shooting them with cloud of steel and when they stop to cast i pop impossible to catch and keep shooting, then they are mostly dead but if not catch up execute or hit or whatever, he is almost dead and youre 100% life.

    If they stand on ground i will open with smoke bomb from stealth so he is slowed, then i will hit him with lashing blade + sly flourish, when he run out i shoot with cloud of steel and when he stop to cast i pop impossible to catch and keep shooting, execute and finish as you please.

    This should make you a nightmare for most wizards, though ofcouse you can still get one shotted as can they ^^
  • runicfirunicfi Member Posts: 269 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    vykozpk wrote: »
    If they are on mount or incomming on mount i lashing blade them for big dmg and they fall down and are stunned for a sec, i run to them and pop smoke bomb, then they either stand there and are dumb or run, if they run i shoot them with cloud of steel and when they stop to cast i pop impossible to catch and keep shooting, then they are mostly dead but if not catch up execute or hit or whatever, he is almost dead and youre 100% life.

    There you have it OP. The instructions given to you sum up fighting a TR nicely:

    Advance towards him = Get stunned/die
    Stand = you die
    Run = you die
    Cast = you die

    Rogues balanced.
  • lepapalepapa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You are as pathetic; crying about the TR as they do about your CW, runicfi.
  • dirfingedirfinge Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    You should learn to play. Exit is stealth quickly from noo b
  • mazmarhaunmazmarhaun Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I play a CW and all I do is PvP since level 10, I don't even know what adventure zones there are after the Tower District, and so far TRs are both the most threatening and the least threatening thing to fight. A good TR opponent waits for the telegraph and dodges my CC with good timing allowing him to dodge two CC attempts and follow up with smoke (or what ever that few seconds of CC immunity is) to stay close and prevent me from getting distance from him. Usually, just from timing his two dodges properly and using that CC immunity move, he is able to take my health down between 1/2 and 1/3 max hp and then the fight gets interesting and depending on who is the better technical player.

    TRs can also be the easiest thing to kill when they try and use their dodge as a gap closer. Dodging toward me while I'm baiting them in a direction and then once they dodge hit them with force push or some other CC. Then they dodge again once it breaks and just open up for me to CC some more. It's pretty laughable when you just know they've built themselves to be super super damage and think nothing about survivability.

    Maybe you already time your dodge against the telegraph, maybe you don't. I just thought I'd add my 2 cents of feedback from a CW prospective. Out play your opponent. A good player can figure out what your strategy is within the first few seconds of a fight and then use that understanding to make you waste cooldowns or disrupt your combo.
  • mikemotamikemota Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stealth + impossible to catch = time enough to kill any cw,no matter what

    it's quite funny to see they blinking around and you just keep with cloud of steel
  • neverhofneverhof Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You are as pathetic; crying about the TR as they do about your CW, runicfi.

    Got to love these contructive helpful comments, thanks for taking part in the conversation.
    Exit is stealth quickly from noo b

    What? Sorry, I only speak English.

    The OP is asking for help and this is all you guys have to say? Please lol, go make your own post so others can laugh at your ignorance. That goes for all the others that have nothing constructive to add to the 'discussion', **** trolls.
  • whisperofthemoonwhisperofthemoon Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    vykozpk - thanks for the advices, i will try that all.
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