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Power and Feat discussion -- Clarfying tooltips and in-depth analysis

blahblahseanblahblahsean Member Posts: 94
edited May 2013 in The Temple
I'm making this thread to hopefully initiate a discussion on all of the Cleric's powers and feats that have ambiguous tooltip descriptions so we can get a more complete set of information. I will be editing this post with all of the information provided in this thread so this can be a complete resource for anyone wondering what certain powers/feats actually do instead of relying on the very poor in-game tooltips. Aside from clarifying the tooltips so people have an idea of exactly how each power/feats works, if anyone would like to add additional tips/tricks/information for each power/feat that would be great as well and i'll add that information to this post too.

I will start things off by asking a bunch of questions that people hopefully have the answers to. I will then delete the questions and replace them with the answers. If there's any other questionable powers/feats that i missed, feel free to add your own questions to this thread and i will add them to this post until they get answered.


Astral Seal: Is this a unique debuff or can multiple Clerics have more than one Seal up on the same target at the same time? How is the healing determined and how much healing does it actually do? Is there some form of internal cooldown or do classes with extremely fast-hitting attacks (like the TR flurry at-will) get more healing from this than do classes with slower hitting abilities?

Sun Burst
: How much healing does this do and how much extra healing does divinity add to it? Is the divinity/AP gain based on how many targets it hits?

Guardian of Faith: How much healing does this do? What is the range of the heal?

Hallowed Ground: What is the damage reduction and damage boost?

Sacred Flame: How many temporary hit-points does this add per hit? Do the temporary hit-points stack? How long do these hit-points last for?

Forgemaster's Flame: How much healing does this do per tick? What is the range of the heal?

Prophecy of Doom: How much defense is removed from the target? How much defense is removed when used in divinity? How many AP do you get for killing a target with Doom on them?

Divine Armor: How much defense do players receive? What percent of max hit-point do they receive as temporary hit-points? How long do these temporary hit-points last?

Terrifying Insight: How long does this buff/debuff last for? Is it a buff on the player or a debuff on the target? If it's a debuff can an enemy cleric in PvP cleanse it?

Break The Spirit: What does the 'weakening' do? How long does the stun last? How long does the snare last?

Divine Glow: How much defense does this remove from enemies? How much of a damage boost do allies receive?

Hammer of Fate: How much reduced damage does the cleric take while casting this?

Prophetic Action: Is there a minimum damage limit? Will, for example, taking 1 damage trigger the cooldown on this?


Healing Action: Does this give more than 3% AP gain with 4 or 5 points spent into it? What exactly is considered a healing spell to meet the criteria of this feat?

Initiate of the Faith: Does this really only increase the critical strike rating by 1% (for 5 points) of power? With 4000 power this is an insignificant 40 critical strike rating which is only .2% critical chance or 0.04% crit per feat point spent. If you compare this to the second tier Weapon Mastery feat which gives 1% critical chance per point, it just doesn't seem like the tooltip for this is correct or it's extremely poorly designed.

Repurpose Soul: Does this have an internal cooldown? Does this work off AoE skills? For example, if i used a divinity Daunting Light on 5 targets and all 5 hits crit, would it heal 5 times at once or only one time?

Restoration Mastery: Is this actually a 5% increase in defense rating (e.g., if you had 100 defense this feat would add 5 defense), or is it a flat 5% damage reduction? The reason i ask is because Foresight has similar wording and it increases total damage reduction and not the defense rating.

Sovereign Justice: How much healing does this actually do?

Enduring Relief: Does this only proc off direct divinity heals like Soothing Light or divinity Healing Word or can it proc off indirect heals too? Does a divinity Astral Shield cause this to proc? Does a divinity Forgemaster's Flame? Does a divinity Astral Shield (if it does proc it) only proc it one time for 3 seconds or does it continually proc it every time it ticks for the entire duration?
Edit: Tested this one myself and Astral Shield doesn't proc it at all. Forgemaster's flame does proc it one time for 3 seconds as does Sun Burst, Soothing Light (constantly procs every tick) and Healing Word. Anyone else have anything else to add here?

Linked Spirit: When healing multiple targets, what percent of stats gets shared? 5% per target you heal? What is the range on the stat sharing?

Mark of Mending: Does this actually increase the effect by 5% (e.g., if you have three points into Healer's Lore for +15% healing output, this would increase it to 15.75%) or does it add a flat 5% bonus to healing (e.g., 20% healing output with 3 points into Healer's Lore)? The wording suggests the former but given how many tooltip bugs there are in this game i figure it's worth asking.

Second Sight: What is the range on the self-heal? Do you have to be near the target to actually get it or could you be ~80 feet away and still receive it?


How much divinity and AP does each power actually give? For example, does the healing from Astral Seal give AP and if so how much?

Which heals can actually critical hit?
Post edited by blahblahsean on


  • oronessoroness Member Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I want to know which of those powers are Healing abilities. Healing action states you build AP from healing abilities. Which ones are considered healing abilities and which ones have Healing as a bonus? I know FF and AShield aren't healing abilities per se. They do it as a bonus on divinity, so i'm guessing we're talking about SBurst, HWord and BoH ony?

    Also, Divine fortune.... Isn't it a waste? do we even have any decent non damaging power? I can only recall HWord... and BoH as non damaging skills. And that's pretty much it? I don't even have those in my encounter slots long enough for Divine Fortune to be of any use =/
    I want this class in NW. :o
  • blahblahseanblahblahsean Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2013
    oroness wrote: »
    I want to know which of those powers are Healing abilities. Healing action states you build AP from healing abilities. Which ones are considered healing abilities and which ones have Healing as a bonus?

    My guess is it just means any healing at all. Hopefully someone else knows specially if it means all healing or just non-damaging healing abilities. I'll add your questions to the original post.

    Also, Divine fortune.... Isn't it a waste? do we even have any decent non damaging power? I can only recall HWord... and BoH. And that's pretty much it? I don't even have those in my encounter slots long enough for Divine Fortune to be of any use =/

    It's good in certain circumstances, namely PvP where gaining divinity from damage can be a lot more difficult because of Brand of the Sun being cleansed constantly by enemy clerics and there being fewer targets to put brand of the sun on in the first place and with you being CC'ed often. You get ~40% of one pip of divinity per non-damaging ability you use and the non-damaging abilities are Healing Word, Astral Shield, and Bastion of Health. Each charge of Healing Word counts as unique non-damaging spell. If you aren't using Healing Word and Astral Shield then it would definitely be a waste over something else.
  • sauciflard1sauciflard1 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You have some answers here : http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?242381-A-Guide-to-explicit-Cleric-Mechanics

    For sovereign justice, i really want to know, i don't want to throw away 300K AD.
  • streamofsolacestreamofsolace Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Similar threads have been started before, and similar threads have failed before.

    Let's identify the common characteristics of these threads:
    • The author has legitimate questions about game mechanics that are not sufficiently described in-game.
    • The author has no interest in searching for existing answers to their questions.
    • The author has questions which require a significant time investment to answer. To put it in perspective, determining the point at which Power becomes better than Critical Strike rating on a single spell required several hours (split determining that no feats interact with the spell, obtaining test data, and synthesizing test data into a conclusion), and those results don't necessarily translate to other spells.
    • The author offers nothing of value to the community.

    Consider the very title of the thread; it lies about the contents. There is no clarification, and there is no analysis; there is just a request for people to clarify and analyze for you.
    Reading the title, I had great hope. A compendium where someone released a set of results-based conclusions based on a statistically significant sample size was really interesting, and I thought "I wonder if he's included my conclusions; if not, I'll re-post them!". Instead, I get this thread...

    People who don't have, or haven't exhibited, the ability to synthesize data have contributed to the community in other meaningful ways. You don't have to actually understand how math works to add something of value to the community, though it is certainly harder.
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