Both the second boss in Frozen Heart (Epic) and Karrundax (Epic) have a tendency to try and kill themselves by travelling into the walls, or finding a nearby pit. This causes their loot to either be dumped through the wall (and fall thousands of feet to the zone floor) or drop into an insta-kill zone.
Because of the mechanics of Mr Super Golem, he charges the walls and travels a good distance. When he gets unlucky in his destination, He Dies. I'm not sure if its a clipping problem with the walls of his encounter room specifically, but it would be awesome if he didn't plummet to his doom so often.
In Karrundax, the 2nd boss will follow targets to his death with almost no warning, causing him to self-blick when he steps in the wrong places (lava, crevices, etc. etc.) should the tank lose aggro, or some enterprising fellow decide that running away randomly during a wipe is clearly the best option, despite what the group may think makes more sense.
Can invisible walls or something be added to keep these big babies in their cribs better?