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Guardian fighters need a look at in pvp (toned down)



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    supersaiyansonsupersaiyanson Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    soanvalcke wrote: »
    Two GFs can hold a point indefinitely if they work together to systematically take down one target at a time. Balanced is balanced.

    And any combo of classes can kill a single GF without taking any dmg in under 5 seconds if they're not <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. What's your point?
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    ceonnynceonnyn Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ryzzhan wrote: »
    i really do feel they are way overpowerd for pvp as things are now. they can block damage from EVERYONE for a long time. charge attack you (so you cant really escape). they still manage to do a lot of dmg in pvp while not taking a lot. and more fragile classes like the wizard and the rogues cant really do much about it. any attempt to cc them is just blocked. which is royal bs. and this is not just one match that i am complainng about it's been the last 4 days i've been pvp'ing that this annoyance has been getting a bit much.

    someone REALLY needs to look at this.

    I'm sorry this has got to be a troll. You realize that you can burn through a GF's block in about 3 seconds right? If not, then you need to LTP and/or get better gear.

    Additionally, there are usually only 1 GF per every 2-3 pvp matches anyways lol.
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    ufgtufgt Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hmmm... yah, GFs are really good in 1v1 situations. Probably the best 1v1 class. But this game isn't built around 1v1. I think they're in a good spot right now. Nothing feels ridiculous (except maybe the at-will gap closer). Damage is good but not over the top, defense is good but still very killable. No range means CC tears you apart (except for the aforementioned at-will gap closer). Blocking is strong but not infinite, and once you get guard broken, there's nothing you can do.

    You need to be pretty smart and researched to play GF well in pvp.
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    People always complain when they get stomped by someone better or outright counter-picked.
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    kitsunekisukitsunekisu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GF is the strongest class 1v1. You shouldn't be having any issues at all with dealing with rouges or CW. If your getting nuked down in the duration of a single CC get out of your greens and get some gear. Also hilarious how people are saying GF isn't strong "because he cant handle groups",... dafuq no pvp game should you ever be off 1v5 no class can solo groups of any none brain dead opponents.
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    supjeremiahsupjeremiah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 569 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I love the contrast between this and all the "Guardian Fighters are useless" threads.
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