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Item shop vendors selling me the wrong things

rumplestoneskinrumplestoneskin Member Posts: 10 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
I dont know if this has happend to anyone else but i have been having trouble the last few days buying anything from any vendor I will try to purchase one item and instead I end up buying something totaly different than what i selected for instance i was buying lvl 29 identify scrolls and i ended up buying a protectors enclave teleport scroll instead and ended up wasting 4000 AD post here if u have had the same issue
Post edited by rumplestoneskin on


  • vegaswolfvegaswolf Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's happened to me twice first time was trying to buy the cat and got the mount training book II the second was with getting some health potions. I put in a ticket and got only a canned response. The main thing I notice was that I used a double click to purchase and the wrong item was 2 spots above the item i wanted. Also both time the item was on the left side.
  • mcharliehmcharlieh Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have had this issue yesterday as well with trying to buy Arcana Kits. I tried at three different vendors. The first two times I didn't notice if I got the wrong item, only that I didn't get my Arcana Kits, though the last time I noticed it gave me Potion of Lesser Healing. Which, since I was using those the first two times, is probably what happened every time even though I didn't realize it.

    The other kits - besides Theivery since I don't need it - I didn't have a problem with.

    I've also been having an issue trying to submit a ticket, so I doubt my ticket went through. I can't see that it did at any rate. So I doubt I could get a response out of support that way.
  • nicomadoxnicomadox Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    got it several times , but after read this thread i think its about double click. i gonna start using the "buy" button instead.
  • poisoncloudpoisoncloud Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I also had this issue when buying healing potions, I got way weaker ones than the ones I chose... In the "slider" window which appears after clicking on the item to buy, the name of the potions was correct, but it still sold me different ones.
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