all the complainers that want <insert so called overpowered class here> nerfed the devs give in to these winey children and the rest of the game suffers for it so lets nerf them instead lol
ok now seriously it is damaging to the game i dont even like the word nerf and i dont think it is necessary i think it would be best to let the devs be devs and for all the winers to go back to wow(sorry for the generalization but its been my experience that most wow players are the ones that wine there are some decent people from wow too so dont get me wrong) lol
and when they bring in the next lot of classes people will say they are underpowered i would love the devs to just be able to work on getting most of the game crashes fixed and better optimization so they can bring out the classes and then work the balancing issues out cause with every class there will be something someone thinks is unbalenced
Actual Join date: Dec 2007
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited May 2013
Clearly Great Weapon fighters need to be nerfed hard and rogues and wizards need a lot of buffing.