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Path of the Blade

gralgrathorgralgrathor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Thieves' Den
Am I missing something, or is this power just, like, terribad? Very low damage, high CD and every pulse only stabs one enemy at random instead of everyone inside the radius.

Does it get better later on (lvl 39 atm)? Just for solo leveling, I doubt it'll ever become powerful enough for dungeons or PvP, but right now it's faster just to stab trash mobs in the face one at a time. The more enemies there are, the less powerful this 'AoE' becomes. At least Bloodbath gives you immunity during it and doesn't take up a precious Encounter slot. And I still don't use Bloodbath.

Blitz seems better in every way; more damage, lower CD, you get a tiny dodge out of it, you actually hit more than one thing at a time.

Am I wrong, or is this thing in dire need of either a buff or a replacement. I realize we're single target monstrosities, but this is just embarrassing.
Post edited by gralgrathor on


  • solsol1337solsol1337 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 241 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I tested it earlier and it is indeed that bad. If you can hit 3 or more targets with blitz , then blitz is better, hands down. Path of the Blade hits a random enemy 17-19 times over 9 seconds. Also path cannot crit.
  • dagurasudagurasu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    @ level 60 with this skill maxed:

    I don't hit every target inside the radius of it, and I'm fine with this. I definitely do hit more than one more at a time though. It doesn't do a lot of damage, maybe 3-4k tops for the entire duration on one mob. Again, I am fine with this as this is a much much better skill than Blitz in a dungeon environment. I'm not there to AoE, I'm there to burn down beefier targets. Path of the Blade complements the single target DPS that rogues bring to the table - use it and then go about bending over the high hp mobs as it ticks in the background. The fact that Blitz puts distance between me and a mob is actually detrimental.
  • dezerussdezeruss Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dagurasu wrote: »
    @ level 60 with this skill maxed:

    I don't hit every target inside the radius of it, and I'm fine with this. I definitely do hit more than one more at a time though. It doesn't do a lot of damage, maybe 3-4k tops for the entire duration on one mob. Again, I am fine with this as this is a much much better skill than Blitz in a dungeon environment. I'm not there to AoE, I'm there to burn down beefier targets. Path of the Blade complements the single target DPS that rogues bring to the table - use it and then go about bending over the high hp mobs as it ticks in the background. The fact that Blitz puts distance between me and a mob is actually detrimental.

    If all you care about is the dps meter you could just Blitz facing away from your target. Why waste a slot on such a poor AoE when you can bring something useful is beyond me though, unless you can't live without the 50k damage you will get from path of the blade in the ending table.
  • solsol1337solsol1337 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 241 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Also if you're only worried about single target, you should be bringing lashing blade, wicked reminder and shadow strike. You have no slots for path of the blade.
  • papi032papi032 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    solsol1337 wrote: »
    Also if you're only worried about single target, you should be bringing lashing blade, wicked reminder and shadow strike. You have no slots for path of the blade.

    Wouldn't bait n switch be better than shadow strike if you pulled it right before stealth ends? I know it's a longer cd but if you manage to make enemies hit it ap gain is awesome to the addition of stealth refill. No cast time aswell and a bonus dodge in some situations
  • dagurasudagurasu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    solsol1337 wrote: »
    Also if you're only worried about single target, you should be bringing lashing blade, wicked reminder and shadow strike. You have no slots for path of the blade.

    I bring it for bosses. But PotB is just a background thing. It just makes the tiny(archers and the like) adds die a little faster.

    Also, it's not a DPS meter. A DPS meter would be far far more helpful in dungeons than just "herp derp I did x amount of damage".
  • hearsticlesicushearsticlesicus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Path of the Blade + Greater Tenebrous Enchantments = win.


    Also, I prefer Shadow Strike to Bait and Switch because SS refills your stealth bar even if you're already out of stealth, whereas BaS only works if you're still in stealth.

    Path of the Blade is our best PvP encounter, hands down. It's underused because people don't understand how to properly use it, and with the proper enchantments, it makes TR the best 1v1 class in the game (Sorry, Control Wizards.)
  • solsol1337solsol1337 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 241 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You realize that each tenebrous only procs once per 10 seconds right? Not once per hit. 5 Greater Tenebrous can account for a lot of burst still, but there is no reason to think path of blades makes them any better.
  • grokit4chgrokit4ch Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Path of the Blade is better than Blitz... Why ? Because PotB can be used effectively against 1 target where Blitz is totally useless. You can also kill greater packs of adds with PotB (Blitz only hit 5 targets). PotB also give more Action Points and generate less threat.

    For exemple with my Phoera, he usually takes all the adds on him, when I blitz I generate so much threat that every adds is on me, with PotB Phoera keep the mobs on him. And about cooldowns, with the appropriate feats it's not really a problem ;) !
  • solsol1337solsol1337 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 241 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    @grokit4ch I don't think you read the thread at all.
    "PotB can be used effectively against 1 target where Blitz is totally useless" If you are attacking one target why use either of them?
    "You can also kill greater packs of adds with PotB" PotB only hits one target at a time, for a total of 19 hits, none of which crit. It's not a true AoE.
    "PotB also give more Action Points and generate less threat." If it is indeed giving more action points it would be due to it having double the cooldown time. Also it generates less threat because chances are it isn't hitting most of the targets, and it does less damage in the first place.
  • quorforgedquorforged Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The nice thing about PotB is that you can activate it while approaching the fight (or while waiting for a boss's red circle to finish), then it's free DPS while using Duelist Flurry or whatever else. Blitz makes you sacrifice single-target DPS when you use it.

    Once I realized that it stays centered on me, and isn't a zone that get placed at time of use, I liked it a lot more.
  • kemirkemir Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i prefer PotB. why? because you can use it, then go stealth and it will still do dmg. i tested blitz and i eraly dont like it
  • klyzerklyzer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    for me without math to prove it, I feel PotB do more damage than Blitz and for the same reason that other stated, it's centered on you the whole time it tick, it doesn't pull mob on you.

    as for Blitz i really hate the backing move it make you do... im melee i don't want to be away from my targets , mobs need to be in front of you rather than all around for the PotB, even if it crit i still fell PotB do a better job at clearing mobs.
  • solsol1337solsol1337 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 241 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I have already done all the math and testing. In terms of pure damage blitz does easily double the damage, not even including crits (by this I mean per cast they do about the same damage, but you can cast blitz twice as frequently). Path of the Blade is not an aoe. It randomly hits targets twice per second (for a total of 17-19 non critical hits). So if you are taking Path of the Blade for only aoe damage you are doing it wrong. If you are taking it for single target damage there are still much better options. The potentially broken AP generation is the only reason to take it other than the ease of use.

    As far as the blitz jump back goes, it takes less time to take one step forward to hit the boss (all of our at wills port you slightly forward) than it does to cast path of the blade. And if you are using this well it can perform as a small extra offensive dodge.
  • ender69ender69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I generally always have PotB on my bar for the grind up to any dungeon boss (often switching it out for the boss fight itself) - the AP gen is amazing, assuming you're dealing with fairly sizable pack, allowing you to pop your dailies very frequently.
  • adevlin1991adevlin1991 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    Smoke bomb and Wicked Reminder are both mandatory for dungeons so you only have 1 slot left for spells, Dazing Strike is by far the best option if you are running with control wizards, It hits much harder than blitz or Lashing blade and dazes. Both Wicked Reminder and Dazing Strike are 3' cylinder aoe's. So if the mobs are grouped you can hit 5 targets with each which does insane damage and increases your entire groups damage on the mobs hit and dazes the mobs hit for a few seconds which is very useful to stop them alpha striking people while clumped up.

    Also due to Wicked Reminder and Dazing being smaller aoe spells the AP they give is balanced around the fact that they are meant to be single target, if you can hit 5 mobs with them the AP gain is insane, you get huge chunks per cast.

    Lurkers Assault + Whirlwind of Blades + Smoke Bomb + Wicked Reminder + Dazing Strike + Duelist's Flurry + Cloud of Steel.

    That is my setup for dungeons and I have cleared everything bar Dracolich (which is stupid tbh and requires throwing mobs off the edge with dual/triple wizards for 20minutes).

    You can animation cancel almost every spell, if the spell normally roots you or makes you move(blitz) if you cast it while jumping it won't root or move you. This allows you to blitz on the spot without being made to jump back, and it also allows you to throw Cloud of Steel daggers at a mob while you hop towards them which adds up to quite a bit of damage over a dungeon.
  • direbornedireborne Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dazing Strike is by far the best option if you are running with control wizards, It hits much harder than blitz or Lashing blade

    Wait, what? Nothing we have hits harder than Lashing, pound for pound, as far as I know. I won't argue the merits of Lashing vs Dazing in terms of utility/situational use but where damage is concerned you're either mistaken, or I'd like to see proof please (I am not trying to call you out for the sake of it, I'd really like to know if I am missing something here).
  • solsol1337solsol1337 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 241 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    He is just making the same mistaken assumption that other people tend to. This is that because dazing reads as doing half the damage of lashing with half the cooldown, that the damage is similar. But considering correctly using lashing blade requires you to use it from stealth, that is not even close to accurate.
  • adevlin1991adevlin1991 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    direborne wrote: »
    Wait, what? Nothing we have hits harder than Lashing, pound for pound, as far as I know. I won't argue the merits of Lashing vs Dazing in terms of utility/situational use but where damage is concerned you're either mistaken, or I'd like to see proof please (I am not trying to call you out for the sake of it, I'd really like to know if I am missing something here).

    I chose my words poorly, I meant to say "does far more dps" not "hits harder".

    With no buffs and no debuffs on the target dummy dazing hits for ~4454, lashing hits for ~5991. Dazing is half the cooldown of lashing so the dps you gain if you use it almost on cooldown is far higher than lashing not to mention the utility it brings.

    On most packs I am using Duelist's Flurry > Wicked Reminder > Duelist's Flurry > Wicked Reminder. I have just enough time to throw in a dazing strike before a wicked reminder without dropping my bleeds or armor strip. When stealth is ready I press it just before the start of a Duelist's Flurry and burn it off with either Wicked Reminder if the mobs have less than 4 stacks or Dazing Strike if they have 4 or 5 stacks. I use smoke bomb almost on cooldown but it is always timed so that it is not wasted, I use it just as a wizard casts steal time or just after they drop from singularity to get the best use out of the spell.

    Wicked Reminder is a huge damage boost for the group, keeping it at 5 stacks on as many mobs as possible is my #1 priority. Wizards might have better control than us, but have we better aoe damage. I head-desk so hard when I see rogues trying to single target a mob and not helping the group aoe effort.
  • argonacargonac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dazing strike is a tiny aoe, which may bring it up a bit
  • adevlin1991adevlin1991 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    argonac wrote: »
    Dazing strike is a tiny aoe, which may bring it up a bit

    Dazing Strike, Lashing Strike and Wicked Reminder are all 3' cylinder aoe's. You can easily hit 5 targets(cap) if the mobs are grouped up via singularity. You can normally hit 2 or 3 if they are just close to each other but not stacked inside each other.

    Path of the Blade is a really **** spell, doesn't scale from crit or crit severity, can't be focused on a single mob in a group, and the cast animation takes ages. I could understand using it in PvP since it is almost unavoidable but in PvE it's a waste of a slot. I used to use Blitz but once trash got a bit harder and aoe CC chains became a necessity if you don't want the dungeon to takes hours, Dazing Strike became better.
  • gralgrathorgralgrathor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is Lashing Blade also a 3' cylinder AoE? I know I jump for joy when a CW drops a Singularity because it means I can daze a ton of mobs at once with Dazing Strike, or just out in the world if the enemies are clumped up on me it's also pretty sweet. But I've never seen Lashing Blade hit more than one target.
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