if you either leave or get kicked out of the pvp arena and requeue, you won't be able to join another pvp arena until the first game you left/got kicked out of finishes. this is <censored> and has to go.
I agree, too many people kick people just for the lol's. its rediculous! i've been kicked so many times. I don't even talk **** I call incs and am friendly and helpful, then I just get kicked and talked **** too.
My experience running the past few days has been that it was just afker's being kicked, I'm sorry to hear some have been being ...... can't find an acceptable word for the forums There needs to be a balance as there needs to be a way to kick afkers so they don't profit but kicking for no reason is not acceptable.
The only pvp I've done the whole game crashed. And it appeared the entire party crashed. And then it looked like we didn't have any opponents so the metre just went straight to 1000 and we completed and that was that. Very odd.
Ty for the warning about pvp. Not my thing anyway but I've been warned when I get to 60 it's the only way to progress because of needed GS. So I hope this issue if arbitrarily kicking people gets fixed.
~*~ Sparkles! ~*~
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Ty for the warning about pvp. Not my thing anyway but I've been warned when I get to 60 it's the only way to progress because of needed GS. So I hope this issue if arbitrarily kicking people gets fixed.
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.