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Bro-op campaign story

notaworgennotaworgen Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
So i was finally able to convince a buddy of mine to start this game with me. After some time he finally started to play. He made a great weapons fighter while i made a guardian fighter. It started off very fun, in fact it got to the point where me and him couldn't wait to get home from work to play some never winter. However at level 20 is where some bad stuff started to show. We are level 35 right now.


1. Mounts: Way to expensive to buy. Used to be 2 gold pieces and now its 5 gold pieces (i still don't know why)
In addition to upgrade the mounts you need 768,000 AD, AND 2,064,000 AD to get it up to full speed. These prices need to be dropped drastically!

2. We wanted to use our nice high level enchantments, only to replace the gear itself a few hours later and unsocket costs way way way to much AD (Astral diamonds)

3. Abilities: Most are very fun, however i still think we should have more of our encounters available to use, right now we can have a max of 3 at our disposal, that needs to be increased. Its not really fun when you have 7 abilities, and yet when you realize you found your favorite 3 and use them over and over, it becomes the grind fest that no one likes. More abilities to use = different combos to pull off.

4. PVP : PVP was actually fun. I was the guardian so it would take people long time to kill me. Still extremely unbalanced. When we would play we would go after there healer first. We soon found out this was an impossible task if the healer didn't afk right in front of us. When we charge they roll away, when we finally catch up they knock us back, rinse and repeat. I would often charge and follow it up with the Leg Break ability to slow them down, but the range requires me to be so close to them right after a charge when the ability goes off, they already walked away. Same issues with the trickster and the control wizard. Other guardian fighters and great weapons fighters i thought where fairly balanced when facing me. What pvp would end up turning out to be is who has the most Crowd control. also i have no idea if anyone else encounters this pvp problem, but me or my buddy would get the killing blow, kick the person when they are down, and still not get the kill.

5. Questing: Started off good, getting new abilites, exploring neverwinter, seeing how the mobs are(see #6) but it all turned out to be the exact same thing over and over. Go kill this, go kill that. There is honestly not much you can do to fix that situation unless you get creative and add a new questing feature.

6: Mobs: Alot of them don't make sense. Some have way to much hp. Also most do the same thing (or at least look like it) auto attack and thats it. The mobs with higher hp tend to have the same ability also, get out of the giant red circle.

7: Instances (dungeons)
First off, if guardians are supposed to be the tanks(take aggro from mobs, lots of defence abilities at cost of there damage) then why do they not act like it? Yea i have a taunt, but i have had times where i would taunt the boss, aoe taunt blow off max damage, and he still just wonders around attacking whoever he wants.

Second, if you join a group with no cleric, say good bye to ALL your hp pots that you have been saving up. ALL of these instances need to be que-ed up with a cleric and a guardian fighter(after they get there aggro fixed).

instances up to level 25ish are actually quite fun, i did enjoy them. After that it seems that the developers just added MASSIVE hp to all the mobs and made them spam life draining abilities.

All the bosses are EXACTLY the same (this aggravates me the most) Boss has some kind of crowd control (if its a mage type boss) or hits hard(isnt a mage type boss), and about 90% of the bosses are spawning adds. This is a bad game if the developers thought process on bosses are "spawn more enemies". Doing it once or twice on a FEW bosses is okay, but over and over kills the fun. they all feel like the same boss, except different skin and more hp.

In addition, the dungeons are way to long, when you been in an instance and its been an hour, just to get to last boss and either A) servers crash or B) someone leaves. no you can not que up for more people.

8:Professions. Very interested on how it is done, haven't seen it done this way thus very fun. but to taunt us with "finish early for astral diamonds) stupid. To be able to craft level 9 gear, but you get the professions tab open at level 12 (maybe 13, not sure) stupid. Yea i can get worn hammers to increase my quality, but to get the iron hammers you need to get lucky opening a professions pack (so if you spend money you are good) and then you need 4 of them to upgrade it, and then to get to final you need to upgrade 4 of the steel hammers to get master hammer (16 iron hammers to make one master hammer + the 12 days to complete it)(18 hours to make one steel hammer x4 then x4 due to 4 steel hammers make up for one master hammer) That is of course if you use just one slot. My main argument is one, make iron hammers accessible to EVERYONE (not just the people with money) the time issue, honestly im okay with it. But professions needs to be accessible at level 9 so we can use it to our full advantage. also have a much MUCH BIGGER notification when the profession task is done, have a giant red button appear or something. they can very easily be over looked

9: miscellaneous:

stop announcing the " (enter character name here) has obtained a armored fire horse" WE KNOW THEY EXIST let the rare few people show them off and the people will buy the OVERPRICED keys that you sell. Companions, make it so all of them can level up to level 30 WITHOUT the books. Also take out healing companions, you can never balance a game in pve with someone taking a dps companion or a healer that keeps them up for a long time. Also add customization to certain companions. make it so the campaign game is easily solo able without a healer.
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