Hi everyone,
After discussing of AFKs and all that things with friends, I came with an idea. I post it to you, tell me what you think :
All players prefer either PvP or PvE. Many of AFKs in Skirmish or PvP are people that really dislike this thing but do it for astrals and nothing else.
What I suggest is to change the daily quest to either PvP, either PvE.
Example : Right now, I have to do PvP quest for 3000 and Skirmish quest for 3000. If people had the choice between those two, for a reward of 5000 for example, they'd do what they like and won't come in PvP or Skirmish then AFK to have their quest done.
That would solve the AFK problem in Skirmish (since there is no reward) and solve half the problem in PvP (glory farmers would still be there).
What do you think of that ?
Be honest !