The respec feature is 600 zen, which as we have discussed in other threads, it just on the expensive side.
What I'd really like to see for this price, is for the main stat-rolls at character creation to be included.
This might seem like a minor issue to some, but here is why I feel, it would be a vital part of the feature.
At max level being in competitive T1 and/or T2 gear, you will be pushing the diminishing returns on several of your main stats like crit, recovery, defense and so on.
The % of these stats, that comes from stats like int, wisdom or strength or the like, is added in after the % you get from gear. In other words, they are unaffected by the DR.
Now once you create your character, there is little help and/or notice as to how you go about rolling the stats, so more than often, you'll end up doing it wrong or slightly off.
Personally I play a Cleric. I chose a Human and rolled 18+2 wisdom, 14 charisma and 14 strength. What I found was, that only the bonus from charisma and strength has the DR problem, which makes them more important to me, than wisdom.
Now if I'd had to reroll my character, I'd most likely do 16w/16c/14+2s or something similar, and then boost my charisma and strength further when recieving points while levelling.
TL : DR - In endgame diminishing returns play a role in choosing stats from gear. Int, Cha, Str, Wis and so on are not effected by DR, therefor making the primary stat-roll at character creation a vital part of min/maxing.
As there is little help in understanding this for new characters, this should be includet in a respec.
Please keep the discussion here.