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An Open letter to Cryptic about the Zen market.

arathnirarathnir Member Posts: 3 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Dear Nerverwinter admins and game designers!

I guess this would be branded as an open letter so lets go with that format.
First of all I would like to thank you for the oppertunity to play this game, I am enjoying it so far and I think it is a lot of fun and also challenging at times. I enjoy the PvP even though TR and CW are a bit too powerful but I am sure you are working on that right now. And as I stated before I enjoy the dungeons even though the tank roll is out of place right now, but I am sure you are working on that aswell.

What bothers me though is the state of the Zen market. I am sure you have heard the community complain about the lack of champion slots, the lack of bank slots, the lack of whatever. I can't agree with them on that fact. I feel that for a free game, two character slots, enough bank slots to get around and such are fine. It does not bother me, and if it did I would gladly chip in a small fee to get the privelege to have a brand new, fresh set, of 16 bank slots or additional character slots.
But I stated before that the Zen market is bothering, and it is. I think this will be the down fall of this game that I, many others like me, and you, the Devs, have invested a lot of time in. I would love to see this game grow larger and flourish with epic raid battles and clutch PvP matches. The problem is the feeling of power you can buy from money.
The problem is that if you struggle day in and day out to get that epic piece of gear you have been wanting for so long, that is a really great feeling. You tell your friends about it, you go to Protectors Enclave to show it off and everything is great. Untill you see the freshly dinged level 60 riding past in the exact same gear, and he has not played a single dungeon. Then you do not feel the same about the gear. Then it loses it's magic since all the work you did put in to getting it just fades away. The same goes for enchants.

So I am begging you Cryptic, to take a good look at the Zen shop, the Zen market and the power you can get from it and revalue, restructre and re-release. Because this market is the barrier between a huge success and a small, dying, playerbase.

Make it so you can buy really sweet personalisations of your gear, hell, character slots, bank slots and stuff can still stay. It does not effect the way my results compare to others in PvP or PvE. But when I can invest money to shorten the time it takes for me to get from nothing to hero for money, the struggle loses it's charm. And that is what MMO is all about, the struggle for success.

Lots of love from Sweden
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