I originally wanted to start this game with a Cleric but went with a Control Wizard instead. Now that I hit 60 on him, I'm looking to play a Cleric. How difficult is it to play a healer in dungeons? Are there target heals or is it just all combat heals? I've also been looking at guides. Is the Crit Cleric the best way to go for end-game PVE dungeons?
deths1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited May 2013
I just hit 52 and I wouldn't say it is hard playing a cleric it just has a learning curve. It's a completely different type of healing from any MMO I have ever played. Early levels you are basically the tank/healer as the guard can never keep agro off of you, but by 30 you get forge which makes healing much easier, then by 50 you have all your skills and astral seal is amazing.
I just hit 52 and I wouldn't say it is hard playing a cleric it just has a learning curve. It's a completely different type of healing from any MMO I have ever played. Early levels you are basically the tank/healer as the guard can never keep agro off of you, but by 30 you get forge which makes healing much easier, then by 50 you have all your skills and astral seal is amazing.
Any tips on helping me pass that learning curve faster?
My Cleric has just hit Lvl 24 and I've had no major problems and enjoying him. Never died except in PvP - your main heal(s) are your whole party or those around the guy your hitting, I do have 1 targeted heal but it's not significantly better than any others and rarely gets used. Which is great because I would be hating it if I had to target individuals that run around so quickly!
EDIT: It's my first character so I haven't had to worry about a learning curve... seemed odd to be range at first but you got armour to take reasonable hits once they close in. One thing I have noticed, regardless of the description of your new skills (feats? whatever they're called here) going the next one up is almost always better than what you had even when they read worse.
deths1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
Any tips on helping me pass that learning curve faster?
The biggest tip I can give you for low lvl keep up the at will that heals, turn off all companion health bars and turn on all party member health bars. Right in the beginning all of your heals are targeting so just be aware and keep regen on you and someone on the party. Also expect to tank adds and keep alot of health pots on you. Finally when you get forge it is a HoT off of its dot so learn how to best benefit the group with it. For example, if I cast heals on people around a boss, but one of the dps is dieing killing adds I will throw forge on one of the adds. Its just being aware of your abilities basically. Also watch the videos by Unspecified and read the crit cleric forum they are extremely helpful!
Edit: The Critical Cleric (Deistik's build) this is the forum post i was talking about.
One thing I have noticed, regardless of the description of your new skills (feats? whatever they're called here) going the next one up is almost always better than what you had even when they read worse.
It sounds like you are talking about ranking powers 1-3? Feats are what talents would be in other games, such as Greater Wisdom: Your Wisdom now grants 1/2/3% more healing
Early on cleric actually has great dps. We have some early aoe's and in skirmishes/dungeons can easily have the highest dps/kills. Later on we also get daunting light which can do a lot of aoe dmg as well. Though around lvl 40+ our dps compared to other classes starts to fade and it's time to start playing a more supportive role.
If you want my advice.. just take searing light/daunting light/sun burst (or chains) and lvl to 50+. Agro a bunch of mobs, aoe and spam pots. Forget about party dungeons imho, they're a waste of time. People don't know how to play and cleric's healing is pretty bad early on. At 50+ with Astral shield you can actually start to become an awesome support.
braxkedrenMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
Forget about party dungeons imho, they're a waste of time. People don't know how to play and cleric's healing is pretty bad early on. At 50+ with Astral shield you can actually start to become an awesome support.
I don't know how you are playing your Cleric but I have no issue healing any dungeon up to level 24.
Sacred Flame for DPS
Healing Word for DPS/Heal
Sun Burst for HoTs
So I'm level 17 now. One thing I am having issues with is killing mobs is painfully slow. While I can tank 5+ NPCs at once, it takes forever to kill them. Even when it's 1v1 against mobs.
I don't know how you are playing your Cleric but I have no issue healing any dungeon up to level 24.
Sacred Flame for DPS
Healing Word for DPS/Heal
Sun Burst for HoTs
I play like someone who has done low lvl random parties for dungeons before. You know.. were people don't bring pots and basically know nothing of the game. Most of the early/mid game.. parties don't even need a cleric. They could do dungeons just spamming pots.
Imho it's better to take dps skills/gear first and ignore dungeons, just do progressing and lvl.
I play like someone who has done low lvl random parties for dungeons before. You know.. were people don't bring pots and basically know nothing of the game. Most of the early/mid game.. parties don't even need a cleric. They could do dungeons just spamming pots.
Imho it's better to take dps skills/gear first and ignore dungeons, just do progressing and lvl.
But gear is more likely to drop from dungeons?
I really haven't got the hang of healing myself let alone others 31 now and stuff I picked up at 30 has made it much easier. I live in fear of when my man at arms companion becomes totally useless and boss fights are a bit painful. I've only grouped 4 times so I suspect I'm going to be kind of useless at end game. Hoping that level 50 thing makes it easier to heal others.
~*~ Sparkles! ~*~
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
I really haven't got the hang of healing myself let alone others 31 now and stuff I picked up at 30 has made it much easier. I live in fear of when my man at arms companion becomes totally useless and boss fights are a bit painful. I've only grouped 4 times so I suspect I'm going to be kind of useless at end game. Hoping that level 50 thing makes it easier to heal others.
Yes but first you will need to actually roll for the gear and hope you get. Then it has to be actually usefull and not worse then whatever you are currently wearing. And then add in the factor that you might outlevel it quickly. I takes a lot of time to complete a dungeon, especially with people who are new to the game.
I'm currently rerolling my 60 cleric (can't respec basic ability) and am 40 now and I can say.. no worries at higher lvls your gear/feats/powers will start rolling, no matter what kind of build.
Yes but first you will need to actually roll for the gear and hope you get. Then it has to be actually usefull and not worse then whatever you are currently wearing. And then add in the factor that you might outlevel it quickly. I takes a lot of time to complete a dungeon, especially with people who are new to the game.
I'm currently rerolling my 60 cleric (can't respec basic ability) and am 40 now and I can say.. no worries at higher lvls your gear/feats/powers will start rolling, no matter what kind of build.
Ah that's comforting to hear. I must confess everything on my HUD is offensive although I've specified in the doubled up healing stuff. And I've only just started wondering about life stealing. I'll keep bumbling along I guess. I figure I'll only really start getting it after having done it.
~*~ Sparkles! ~*~
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
How well you can play a cleric will be determined by how much you can afford to spend in the cash shop on healing stones and resurrection scolls. Also how fast you can run from the horde of mobs chasing you.
With a good group the above scenario might not play out, but with a bad group.
It's just cheaper to leave. If they don't assist you with mobs and mob agro your life will be extremely difficult as a healer
in T2 dungeons.
How well you can play a cleric will be determined by how much you can afford to spend in the cash shop on healing stones and resurrection scolls. Also how fast you can run from the horde of mobs chasing you.
With a good group the above scenario might not play out, but with a bad group.
It's just cheaper to leave. If they don't assist you with mobs and mob agro your life will be extremely difficult as a healer
in T2 dungeons.
I point blank refuse to buy consumables like that from the store. I guess this game is not going to be for me if that is the case.
~*~ Sparkles! ~*~
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
justiniand1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 12Arc User
So I'm level 17 now. One thing I am having issues with is killing mobs is painfully slow. While I can tank 5+ NPCs at once, it takes forever to kill them. Even when it's 1v1 against mobs.
Once you get Daunting Light you'll find it a bit easier to kill mobs - usually one-hits trash and hits for 1/2 - 1/3 health on elites.
nvmbanelingsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Dps seems to have trailed off from where it was 10 lvls ago and my trusty man-at-arms has wilted in survival despite regearing and latest runes. Feel my interest for the Cleric waning and will likely stall soon.
To the OP - check the post on how to reduce aggro before going into an instance.
This appears to be a player discovered hot-fix for the ridiculous level of aggro attraction currently being experienced by Clerics.
Basically it involves removing and re-equipping all gear whenever you get to a new zone or arrive in an instance.
There's a couple of other suggested actions to go with this involving re-equipping Soothe etc.
1. Explain the delay to the group whilst you do it and ask them to wait -> Warning! This request will be ignored and the group will start without you.
2. Remind the group, particularly the dps, to watch out for all the mobs attacking the Cleric and ask them to help you out -> Warning! This request will be ignored and you will have to deal with many mobs attacking you, whilst all the other players around the boss are yelling at you to heal them.
This un-equip / re-equip hot-fix may seem like an urban myth, but more Clerics are saying it does reduce aggro levels.
If this fails for you then try spinning round three times on the spot, clicking your heels and repeating "there's no place like home" - this may get you ported away from the 10+ mobs all simultaneously trying to wipe you.
...............vote for your favourite expansion.......... "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity". ..............not this one then.............
There may be light at the end of the Cleric Threat Tunnel!
In another post one of the Admins has forwarded this issue to the Development team.
Waiting with baited breath............oh and not bothering with healing dungeons until this threat f.u.b.a.r. is sported out
...............vote for your favourite expansion.......... "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity". ..............not this one then.............
Actually after playing all the classes I would say cleric is the second most difficult...due to its heals being low its actual bonus ability being a penalty(-40% on all self heals, leeches and regeneration effects).
However most difficult would be the great weapons fighter and that I think is due to its armor not working correctly. That's the only reason I can fathom why I would have to use so many potions....when they have more health and damage output.
The people on this thread are interesting.....if you try a cleric you will notice most of the people on this thread either got power leveled or don't actually have a cleric they played much at all....and are posting I think answers based on faulty information.
So I highly suggest for anyone to try it for yourself first and when you get to the levels beyond 10...you will definitely understand everything I am posting here.
Many powers on the clerics right now seam to be broken.....from not giving the bonus they should to just plain underperforming...but go figure.....that's what a test is for....make sure to send in reports.....if the game goes live and there is no changes.....well there are other games out there.
Power without Perception is Spiritually useless and therefore of no true value.
cwiyk13Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
I can only comment on what I know. It's easy at early levels since they don't require much in the way of healing, which is good since you have limited tools. During the teens and twenties it seems to get easier since you start getting more tools. I'm level 32 now, which is about as far as I reached during the Beta Weekends as well. I can tell you that the difference between all the dungeons up to this point compared to the boss fight in Lair of the Mad Dragon is... staggering. From everything I've read here on the forums, 30's through 49 is the roughest time for Devoted Clerics. Then at 50 we get Astral Shield, which from all accounts is the defining ability of the class at this time.
Are there target heals or is it just all combat heals?
Devoted Clerics have only two methods (someone correct if I'm wrong here) of targeted healing: Healing Word and Soothing Light. Most clerics will agree that, while you may need to make use of these abilities in early levels, you should not even form the idea that you will be able to directly heal a specific teammate when they are low on health. (That is why they have potions.) Instead, you will be providing heals (and buffs/debuffs) as aoe's or from effects on your targets.
I've also been looking at guides. Is the Crit Cleric the best way to go for end-game PVE dungeons?
Different clerics will answer this question differently, as evidenced by the different builds posted in these forums.
One last note, if you plan on playing a Devoted Cleric, please don't do as some have advocated: please do not level from 1 to 60 as a solo player and then start grouping. Please do spend as much time as you can in groups: I understand that you've already leveled a character to 60, but you really do need to practice playing the Devoted Cleric's role in a group before you can expect yourself to perform that role well at the end-game.
In any case, good luck to you and welcome to the class.
50+ cleric atm, and I could say that it takes a certain kind of person to play a cleric until the end. And the key trait is: being adaptable.
You need to have a different mindset for all types of battles (solo, pvp, skirmish, dungeons). Granted, the overall theme is to keep your party alive (as well as yourself), you just can't have a single skill set that covers all of the situations. Add to that knowledge that mobs (and enemy players) will see the giant bulls eye attached to you when you start healing.
From what I observe, from lv. 30 to 50 is where dedicated cleric players get sorted out from the rest. I've been all too familiar of the frustration of party wipes at the last bosses on this tier. Pointing blames on your team members not going to help. So you have to ask yourself "how can I improve the situation on my end".
As many players have also attested, when you reach 50, you will see the "true power" of a cleric.
2. Remind the group, particularly the dps, to watch out for all the mobs attacking the Cleric and ask them to help you out -> Warning! This request will be ignored and you will have to deal with many mobs attacking you, whilst all the other players around the boss are yelling at you to heal them.
Gonna copy/paste my other post.......
k..listen up my friends. Here's what you do next time the tard pug plays "zerg the boss". Do whatever you can to keep yourself alive(pots & cast a FF on one of your kite mobs & spam Sunburst) for a little bit and round up ALL the adds then make a beeline for the group then plant yourself right in the middle and don't heal AT ALL. You will die but so will ALL of them
I will call the playstyle the "Titanic Cleric" You go down and take everyone with you. Its even more fun to do when the boss is below 50% and they think they got this. But alot of times you won't last this long.
For the next attempt tell them to help kill adds or they will be embarking on yet another Titanic voyage.
Healing as a cleric is fine. The only thing that isn't fine is the threat tables. You will have constant aggro on EVERYTHING in EVERY dungeon just because of your heals. Tanks do not generate enough threat to pull a mob off of you, even for a second. If you can get beyond the point that you will basically BE the tank then they're great
I still can't bloody make my own posts. But I have a huge question.
Why do clerics have a 40% reduction in healing to themselves??????? I'm glad it doesn't include pots, but still, only getting 23 heals per hit on mobs sux.
cwiyk13Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
I still can't bloody make my own posts. But I have a huge question.
Why do clerics have a 40% reduction in healing to themselves??????? I'm glad it doesn't include pots, but still, only getting 23 heals per hit on mobs sux.
Between Beta Weekend Two and Beta Weekend Three, the developers decided Devoted Clerics were overpowered without a reduction in self-healing. They looked at the numbers from Beta Weekend Two and decided that DCs were using too few potions and tanking through too many encounters. Their solution was to nerf the Devoted Cleric's ability to heal themselves. They implemented this in Beta Weekend Three, but due to a bug the nerf was much stronger than they intended. At the same time, a separate bug was causing clerics to generate more threat than they intended. That was a very dark time to be a Devoted Cleric.
Now, here we are in Open Beta and the developers still believe that Devoted Clerics would be overpowered without a self-heal reduction.
If you absolutely hate Righteousness, like 99% of other clerics do, make sure you bump this thread so at least one dev takes notice.... it's not needed in dungeons (if at all).
If you absolutely hate Righteousness, like 99% of other clerics do, make sure you bump this thread so at least one dev takes notice.... it's not needed in dungeons (if at all).
Done. Too bad they don't sell Scroll of Developer Summoning in the Zen shop.
Any tips on helping me pass that learning curve faster?
EDIT: It's my first character so I haven't had to worry about a learning curve... seemed odd to be range at first but you got armour to take reasonable hits once they close in. One thing I have noticed, regardless of the description of your new skills (feats? whatever they're called here) going the next one up is almost always better than what you had even when they read worse.
The biggest tip I can give you for low lvl keep up the at will that heals, turn off all companion health bars and turn on all party member health bars. Right in the beginning all of your heals are targeting so just be aware and keep regen on you and someone on the party. Also expect to tank adds and keep alot of health pots on you. Finally when you get forge it is a HoT off of its dot so learn how to best benefit the group with it. For example, if I cast heals on people around a boss, but one of the dps is dieing killing adds I will throw forge on one of the adds. Its just being aware of your abilities basically. Also watch the videos by Unspecified and read the crit cleric forum they are extremely helpful!
Edit: The Critical Cleric (Deistik's build) this is the forum post i was talking about.
It sounds like you are talking about ranking powers 1-3? Feats are what talents would be in other games, such as Greater Wisdom: Your Wisdom now grants 1/2/3% more healing
If you want my advice.. just take searing light/daunting light/sun burst (or chains) and lvl to 50+. Agro a bunch of mobs, aoe and spam pots. Forget about party dungeons imho, they're a waste of time. People don't know how to play and cleric's healing is pretty bad early on. At 50+ with Astral shield you can actually start to become an awesome support.
I don't know how you are playing your Cleric but I have no issue healing any dungeon up to level 24.
Sacred Flame for DPS
Healing Word for DPS/Heal
Sun Burst for HoTs
Fixed that for you.
Though it's Mad Dragon through level 50 that cleric healing it's really... awkward.
Thanks, was working from memory on that.
I play like someone who has done low lvl random parties for dungeons before. You know.. were people don't bring pots and basically know nothing of the game. Most of the early/mid game.. parties don't even need a cleric. They could do dungeons just spamming pots.
Imho it's better to take dps skills/gear first and ignore dungeons, just do progressing and lvl.
But gear is more likely to drop from dungeons?
I really haven't got the hang of healing myself let alone others
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
Yes but first you will need to actually roll for the gear and hope you get. Then it has to be actually usefull and not worse then whatever you are currently wearing.
I'm currently rerolling my 60 cleric (can't respec basic ability) and am 40 now and I can say.. no worries at higher lvls your gear/feats/powers will start rolling, no matter what kind of build.
Ah that's comforting to hear. I must confess everything on my HUD is offensive although I've specified in the doubled up healing stuff. And I've only just started wondering about life stealing. I'll keep bumbling along I guess. I figure I'll only really start getting it after having done it.
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
With a good group the above scenario might not play out, but with a bad group.
It's just cheaper to leave. If they don't assist you with mobs and mob agro your life will be extremely difficult as a healer
in T2 dungeons.
I point blank refuse to buy consumables like that from the store. I guess this game is not going to be for me if that is the case.
The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
Once you get Daunting Light you'll find it a bit easier to kill mobs - usually one-hits trash and hits for 1/2 - 1/3 health on elites.
you don't need them with a good group. the regular healing potions will suffice most of the times, but, in bad PuGs? glhf is all i have to say.
Dps seems to have trailed off from where it was 10 lvls ago and my trusty man-at-arms has wilted in survival despite regearing and latest runes. Feel my interest for the Cleric waning and will likely stall soon.
To the OP - check the post on how to reduce aggro before going into an instance.
This appears to be a player discovered hot-fix for the ridiculous level of aggro attraction currently being experienced by Clerics.
Basically it involves removing and re-equipping all gear whenever you get to a new zone or arrive in an instance.
There's a couple of other suggested actions to go with this involving re-equipping Soothe etc.
1. Explain the delay to the group whilst you do it and ask them to wait -> Warning! This request will be ignored and the group will start without you.
2. Remind the group, particularly the dps, to watch out for all the mobs attacking the Cleric and ask them to help you out -> Warning! This request will be ignored and you will have to deal with many mobs attacking you, whilst all the other players around the boss are yelling at you to heal them.
This un-equip / re-equip hot-fix may seem like an urban myth, but more Clerics are saying it does reduce aggro levels.
If this fails for you then try spinning round three times on the spot, clicking your heels and repeating "there's no place like home" - this may get you ported away from the 10+ mobs all simultaneously trying to wipe you.
"Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
..............not this one then.............
In another post one of the Admins has forwarded this issue to the Development team.
Waiting with baited breath............oh and not bothering with healing dungeons until this threat f.u.b.a.r. is sported out
"Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
..............not this one then.............
However most difficult would be the great weapons fighter and that I think is due to its armor not working correctly. That's the only reason I can fathom why I would have to use so many potions....when they have more health and damage output.
The people on this thread are interesting.....if you try a cleric you will notice most of the people on this thread either got power leveled or don't actually have a cleric they played much at all....and are posting I think answers based on faulty information.
So I highly suggest for anyone to try it for yourself first and when you get to the levels beyond 10...you will definitely understand everything I am posting here.
Many powers on the clerics right now seam to be broken.....from not giving the bonus they should to just plain underperforming...but go figure.....that's what a test is for....make sure to send in reports.....if the game goes live and there is no changes.....well there are other games out there.
Power without Perception is Spiritually useless and therefore of no true value.
Devoted Clerics have only two methods (someone correct if I'm wrong here) of targeted healing: Healing Word and Soothing Light. Most clerics will agree that, while you may need to make use of these abilities in early levels, you should not even form the idea that you will be able to directly heal a specific teammate when they are low on health. (That is why they have potions.) Instead, you will be providing heals (and buffs/debuffs) as aoe's or from effects on your targets.
Different clerics will answer this question differently, as evidenced by the different builds posted in these forums.
One last note, if you plan on playing a Devoted Cleric, please don't do as some have advocated: please do not level from 1 to 60 as a solo player and then start grouping. Please do spend as much time as you can in groups: I understand that you've already leveled a character to 60, but you really do need to practice playing the Devoted Cleric's role in a group before you can expect yourself to perform that role well at the end-game.
In any case, good luck to you and welcome to the class.
You need to have a different mindset for all types of battles (solo, pvp, skirmish, dungeons). Granted, the overall theme is to keep your party alive (as well as yourself), you just can't have a single skill set that covers all of the situations. Add to that knowledge that mobs (and enemy players) will see the giant bulls eye attached to you when you start healing.
From what I observe, from lv. 30 to 50 is where dedicated cleric players get sorted out from the rest. I've been all too familiar of the frustration of party wipes at the last bosses on this tier. Pointing blames on your team members not going to help. So you have to ask yourself "how can I improve the situation on my end".
As many players have also attested, when you reach 50, you will see the "true power" of a cleric.
Gonna copy/paste my other post.......
k..listen up my friends. Here's what you do next time the tard pug plays "zerg the boss". Do whatever you can to keep yourself alive(pots & cast a FF on one of your kite mobs & spam Sunburst) for a little bit and round up ALL the adds then make a beeline for the group then plant yourself right in the middle and don't heal AT ALL. You will die but so will ALL of them
I will call the playstyle the "Titanic Cleric" You go down and take everyone with you. Its even more fun to do when the boss is below 50% and they think they got this. But alot of times you won't last this long.
For the next attempt tell them to help kill adds or they will be embarking on yet another Titanic voyage.
<Rarely Sober> - Beholder
Why do clerics have a 40% reduction in healing to themselves??????? I'm glad it doesn't include pots, but still, only getting 23 heals per hit on mobs sux.
Between Beta Weekend Two and Beta Weekend Three, the developers decided Devoted Clerics were overpowered without a reduction in self-healing. They looked at the numbers from Beta Weekend Two and decided that DCs were using too few potions and tanking through too many encounters. Their solution was to nerf the Devoted Cleric's ability to heal themselves. They implemented this in Beta Weekend Three, but due to a bug the nerf was much stronger than they intended. At the same time, a separate bug was causing clerics to generate more threat than they intended. That was a very dark time to be a Devoted Cleric.
Now, here we are in Open Beta and the developers still believe that Devoted Clerics would be overpowered without a self-heal reduction.
Done. Too bad they don't sell Scroll of Developer Summoning in the Zen shop.