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Thoughts on the game so far

jikitojikito Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I am going to start of with the positives.

1) I like the graphics and design, the game in itself artwork wise has a deep feeling of immersion , with an original feel and artistic and creative detail that surpasses almost every MMO on the market currently be it P2P or F2P.

2) the foundry system is one of the best possible ideas i have seen to date, letting role-players, authors, designers, or just the average Joe Player in world, take part in continuing to keep story lines and quests going, adding something to do, every day a person logs in, as well as providing creative outlet for those wanting to be involved.

3) I know its impossible for a standard traditional MMO to really take the place for the good old round table top D&D game, but this game does come close in involving your character into feeling like they are a part of the story, allowing for choices.

4)I always hated in past games having to find a 3rd party tool bar to load up all my spells and actions, the idea of keeping combat and movement, and abilities to just a few select keys makes things simpler and more action packed for all gamers, old and new.. keeping it fun and intuitive.

5) where there are a few jerk hats here and there, the communiity seems to be large, and supportive for the most part, already flooding the forums with useful ideas and suggestions to help less experienced players get an edge.

ok Now that the fluff and compliments are out of the way, and no, I am not going to troll, or scream or threaten, only offer constructive suggestions that may or may not be useful.. discarded.. tossed or ignored. but at least it is out there.

1) A special area for role-players that is devoid of harrassment from less imaginative players. I can understand folks think that role-playing is down right weird, and do not understand it is role-players in some form or shape that make up our entire entertainment industry from movies to fiction novels and not excluding games... I feel sorry for those role-players that put some serious effort into writing and creating inventive story lines , going on to make some amazing tales and even creating foundry quests for the rest of us. They need thier own server with server transfer or a tavern or something so folks will quit bullying them.

2) more clothing and armor options please! i have basically looked the same for 40 levels, just to look different I ended up dying my peasant gear, I know this is beta, but more variety of the wearables is a must for a girl! well at least me! Its just not right to be seen wearing the same clothes twice in a row *winks*

3) Player/guild housing.. I do not care if you charge 60 dollars, or 25 dollars, or offer it with a monthly subscription, there is something to be said about having your own hang out for you and yours, inviting folks over to something you decorated personally for events and such.. I have not been guilded yet, so not sure of there is something for guilds.. but the hang out spot that provides privacy is always a cool thing.

4) collectables, and i don't mean empowered rune-stones or exotic leather for crafting, I am talking about something that allows one to explore the world, while waiting on friends, that doesn't require them to miss half the content and art the artists put together because they are too busy being railroaded from one glowing quest to next... making the game sickeningly linear.

these are just a few suggestions, I hope others will add some thoughts and ideas as well, for those that do, please try and keep the suggestions constructive.

Silver Dagger of Mindflayer
Post edited by jikito on


  • geoffreysgeoffreys Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like these ideas. I really would like more armor models. Visual progression is important for me too.
  • morbidthought666morbidthought666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 33
    edited May 2013
    No game will ever surpass LOTRO for sheer # of clothes and things for the characters. LOTRO did the cosmetics right.
  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am thinking the lack of distinctive clothing and color will sort itself out in time. And at some point no one will know what your talking about if you mention the blue-grey era. ;) Despite the people who twitch at it, this is one of the reasons for calling the current state of the game beta.

  • jikitojikito Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lotro was awesome on the cosmetics for sure, but they also had another side that was actually sort of fun, never underestimate the power of farming ! the crafts rocked.. and were a good distraction for the days you didnt feel like hunting. the craft system in this game, is so slow, and not very entertaining at all, press button and craft , wait 6 hours for result...that sort of takes away the fun from the economy aspect of things, it would be kind of neat if they found a way to change this up just a wee bit.

    I realize a good amount of content is not out yet, but i am afraid that they are going to reserve all clothing and good looking armor for the cash shop and charge 10 dollars each for it, that would sort of be a downer. yeah i can whip out my wallet.. but that gives no sense of earning or working for something.
  • brightwhiteknitebrightwhiteknite Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    heya group, for anyone else with a nice enough pc, wouldnt you like to see all of neverwinter in HD? i sure as &^%% would! i love the music, love the ambiance the squeels shrieks, screaming in the distance in dungeons and unhealthy areas. the graphics are good, kinda like lotro, better than wow. but i would just looove to see the places of never winter in high detail! it could be released in packs, for manual update, or presented on the down loader as an option. pack 1 trees and shrubs, pack 2 lower monsters, ect ect ect. please!?

    as a side note, player housing! towns are full of unused buildings, perhaps add interiors and make some rooms for rent in places as well as taverns that may have rooms, and the usual places. making rooms openable by the player renting it only, with some minor storage capacity, whence rent is refused or unpayed all storage kicked to the players mail box =0). thats realistic, what id just diiiee to see, is player placeable, or buildable housing, right there smack on the game play servers to give a serious feel of being part of the world, instead of being in nice instanced housing areas. such as lotro. but thats usually alot to ask, with additional server load, so lastyly, perhaps a crappy safe place with instanced houseing where nothing ever flipn happens and is the most boring area to be in the game, like...lotro. please dont be a lotro!
  • morbidthought666morbidthought666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 33
    edited May 2013
    I hope some cosmetic goodies start dropping from dungeons and skirmishes.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's been a while since I last read a level-headed feedback regarding the game. I agree with most of the points!

    1. While I have not see much role-playing in the game yet, I do agree that they do not deserve to be ridiculed like that in a game that rooted from a game that role-players created themselves. However I'm not particularly sure if giving them their own server will stop the bullying. It might reduce it to a great degree but I believe it would be much better if we got community managers in the game itself that is able to address these sort of bullying issues via the report button. Far-fetched solution, but nonetheless I completely agree.

    2. Yes please! It would be great if we somehow saw more options when changing the appearance of armor themselves other than changing the colors and copying the looks of another armor. It would be great if we could further personalize our equipment to make our characters look more unique and distinct.

    3. Me and my guildies were talking about this yesterday, about how it would be great if we managed to "take over" the Cloak Tower and turn it into our very own guild hall. :p So yes, it would be terrific if this could be implemented in the future. I'm loving the guild system as it is so far but who can say no to a guild hall. :|
  • jikitojikito Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with HD graphics,
    Your right there is alot of places that could be used for instanced housing, it would be neat if we could use the foundry to create our style of homes within limits, and some decor as mission or quest rewards for decorating our own personal space.
  • startuxstartux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    Nice review :).

    Star Trek Online has Starbases which fleets (guilds) can upgrade over time, so I think the chances of Neverwinter seeing this type of thing is very high indeed. As we have no factions here, whilst STO has two types of Starbases, KDF and Federation, I wonder what styles we can see here? Maybe start all the same and then over time change into two or three distinct types?

    We will be seeing more cosmetic stuff over time, guarantee it or you can call me Treebeard :).
  • sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! We appreciate it very much!
    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
  • dukkhardukkhar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree that the game need more armor/clothing options.
    And it really is much to easy, at least the 30 first levels. I have leveled up to over 20 with all classes, and my GF and TR are over 30 and so far it hasn't been challenging at all, which is really to bad since I really like the game. Combat is fun with all classes and the Helm's hold area is superb.
  • ryftlordryftlord Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Probably one of the best gaming experiences I have had so far. I expect most of the issues mentioned will be addressed such as cosmetics. I look forward to it :3
    Ja'kreen - "The Laughing Vulcan"
    Mirror Ja'kreen
    Active RPer
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jikito wrote: »
    1) A special area for role-players that is devoid of harrassment from less imaginative players. I can understand folks think that role-playing is down right weird, and do not understand it is role-players in some form or shape that make up our entire entertainment industry from movies to fiction novels and not excluding games... I feel sorry for those role-players that put some serious effort into writing and creating inventive story lines , going on to make some amazing tales and even creating foundry quests for the rest of us. They need thier own server with server transfer or a tavern or something so folks will quit bullying them.

    Unfortunately, the reality is that us roleplayers are a tiny minority, probably less than 1% of the player base.

    A dedicated server isn't the answer (especially given that all the servers will be merged in the future). It discourages that small number of folks that decide they'd like to try roleplaying (which means the amount of 'new blood' coming in is not enough to replace the folks that leave).

    Personally, I tend to keep zone chat turned off, so if any one is jabbering about roleplayers I don't even see it. In other games (UO especially) I did get a slew of folks telling me I shouldn't be 'speaking Brittanian' (the form of english that all the NPC's spoke, your classic ren fair pseudo Elizabethan). For me in character, they were simply barbarians, fresh off the boat from some backwards place.

    Haven't had any issues in here yet, don't even care about it. If someone were to 'harass' me via tell tho, it goes to the report queue and I move on. Also, that's what the ignore button is for.

    The Moonstone Mask (and other taverns) are the places where much of the 'social' roleplay goes on at present, and it's fairly easy to simply ignore the folks that come running in and proceed to jump around the bar top, tables and so on spamming random combat actions. If anything, we can speculate on their sanity or ask why the Neverwinter Guard hasn't arrested them for drunkenness. By *not* acknowledging or reacting to them they quickly get bored and move on. They're only there to get a reaction from you in the first place, deny them that and they soon leave.

    Social clothing variations, yep, I'm all for continually expanding those choices. It's probably not at the top of development priorities right now.

    That said, creative mixing of what little is available, plus the use of dyes, there's been some amazing looking outfits (there's another thread with those in) that players have put together already.

    Armor, the same, although there's only slight variations as you move up, they are visually different. Sometimes it's quite subtle, but it is there. In the meantime, we have dyes to fall back on to get that unique look. (Dyes do drop, although not very often).

    Here's my main character, with creative use of dyes in level 40 ish armor.

  • ff2nn2ff2nn2 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2013
    I really miss variety of feats (gameplay).
    The current classes are too specialized.
    Removing class restrictions from gear (and mabye introducing gear related feats) would reduce the immediate need for more classes a lot.

    More deities and introduction of a text to define my own deity. This is VERY important for roleplaying my cleric.

    The really good points:
    - free game
    - world is well done. I like the spoken dialogues.
    - no bugs so far. Although because of the absent gameplay (melee cleric) I have played only a few hours.
    - short client update time despite my crappy internet connection. There seems to be no need to download the entire 200 MB before playing.

    sominator wrote: »
    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! We appreciate it very much!
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