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Bug: Can not search by level range in Auction House. (With more)

moshpet02moshpet02 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
Among other issues in the Auction House.

Issue: Can not search by level range in any area of the Auction House.

Observation: When attempting to search by level range, putting any number from 0-60 in the first box (Lower Range) and putting any number equivalent or lower into the other box (Upper Range) and then hitting the search button (having selected any items to search) results in a non ordered list that is no where close to the level ranges requested.

Reproducible: Always

1- select item to be searched
2- input lower range (1-60)
3- input upper range (1-60)
4- hit enter
5- review levels on items that show up as search results.
6- Note that even if you select upper values (50-60) you still get lower level gear in the listings.
7- This is really noticeable in the Rare items option.

Issue: Selecting for 'Usable by me' as a Control Wizard, rather than the class 'Control Wizard' in the search parameters; results in a truncated list of 2-3 items rather than the usual 400... especially when searching for armor.

Observation: Selecting for 'usable by me' as a control wizard, results in truncated listing results, and makes that function unusable by the player of that class.

Reproducible: Always

1- Create a control wizard
2- set levels above 15
3- go to Auction House
4- select Armor
5- Select Usable by me option
6- Press Search
7- Note short list of items.
8- Repeat for other Item types.

Issue: 400 max items returned
Observation: There have to be more than 400 items on the AH at anytime for all of the high frequency items; which is to say the odds of having your item turn up for sale is crippled by the faulty tracking of the AH.

Reproducibility: Always

1- Put an option up for sale in the AH
2- Search for the item you just put up.
3- Scan through the listings in that search.
4- Close AH
5- Repeat steps 2-4 several times to ensure solid testing.
6- Note you have almost no chance of seeing your item sell.

Issue: Can not reorder the listings of search results by low to high price.
Observation: Clicking the sort function is useless, as it just re-lists the items in a random fashion.

Reproducibility: Almost always.

1-Search any item
2- Press sort by price ^v arrows.
3- Note prices are not reset to list most expensive or least expensive in descending order.
4- Repeat as needed for sample collection.
5- Note similar effects on other columns.

Things missing from AH.

An option to search via Buy Out
An option to search by Maximum price

Frankly the Auction House is one of the most broken items in game, if anything needed a total overhaul it is that.

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