Hey there i like to think of myself as an experianced MMO players and i have noticed some pretty big flaws and some minor annoyances
- auction house searching is broken sure everyone knows this lol cant search based on level or sort what you searched in game just on the website
- no leaver buster for PVP or anyway of actually getting a full team if something happens to a teammate mid scenario just stuck 4v5 if you have a leaver or a disconect
-pvp heavily rewards running around ninja'ing poitns rather then actually contesting a point
-pvp heavily penalizes ranged classes attacking a point cause they are not counted as on point assists or kills also works the same with melees defending a point if they are going after ranged targets far from point
-pvp very hard to unmount someone as a non damage dealing class they can just trot away
- with need/greed system you can need roll an item that you cant even equip thus obviously do not "need"
-*unconfirmed* no way of avoiding a group with someone who was a loudmouth, ninja looter or any other reason why you dont want to group with them (putting them on ignore may avoid grouping again thats why unconfirmed)