Ooook, so we attempted the T2 dungeon "The Dread Vault" today.
Well what needs to be said first - it is absolutely HORRIBLE that campfires in that dungeon just won't work... every time a single person either dies or dcs later on in the dungeon u have to wait like 10 minutes (not exaggerating...) to run through the whole thing - craving for a fix on that

However the reason i created this post is the endboss of this dungeon, Yshiggol.
Having defeated EVERY other dungeon T2 boss there is i really think this boss is misconcepted or really harshly overtuned in epic difficulty. Even after like 50 tries on the boss (with some wasted due to trying out stuff) we didn't manage to push the boss below like 80% HP.
Right now we got an average Gearscore of ~9k on our party - which definately could be better, but usable loot just wont drop. Yet we got access to quite a lot of Twinks; thus we could try many kinds of different groupsetups on the boss, none of which seemed to work.
That being said i don't think we are lowclass gamers either...
None of the people on our party have below 10 years experience in hardcore MMO gaming, all of us are either former or still active members of a WoW world top 10 PvE Guild named "genuine", and most importantly we know each other for a very long time already, which further enhances our ability of quick communication within the party.
Things we are missing out on currently:
- 1-2k of possible average Gearscore
- Maxlvl Pets (ranging from lvl 20-25 on everyone right now)
- maximum classtacking (didnt try stuff like 3+ CWs or 3+ DCs)
- Pay-to-win stuff like 100% Healthstones, Ultrapets, bla...
We will definately try this again with maxed-out Gear and Pets, but for now we are looking for other experiences with this boss on epic difficulty or an official statement on the intention behind this boss, since at least for now this looks more like "Raid"-tuned for 10 man than a 5 man dungeon boss.
Future bosses should be like this with more than just 66% and 33% add spawns determining the difficulty. But i do agree that this boss is too difficult for pugs and average casual groups.
Youtube Channel
So 5 of the ~1000 most elite MMO PvE players on this whole planet are a casual group now?
It's just up to the devs to realize how to nerf an encounter to make it difficult but not straight out impossible. For now i don't think calling this boss impossible is too much of an overstatement - at least without some uber-cheesy tactics, exploits or other "illegal" way someone will eventually discover.
Of course u can maybe try to knock any adds that spawn down into the void with like 3 CWs that are crit&recovery-stacked for a full rotation of BH into knockbacks... but is it really the goal to kill a boss like that - which is clearly unintentional?
Well trying it again full-geared in a few days will render some final information though.
I'd love to see the data on that :P
But I agree. It's overtuned. There are already issues with developers interchanging the word "Adds" with "Boss Mechanic". But this fight specifically seems almost impossible without 3 Astral Shields.
Assuming WoW being acknowledged as the hardest PvE game out there. And tbh PvE-wise nothing can compare with its complexity yet.
Concerning the 3 Astral Shields - we didn't try it yet but survivability is good enough with 2 but with 2 clerics already (with 1 on double dps support encounter and 1 with single dps encounter) u cant dps the adds down at all. You can kick the adds off the ledges of course at start - (works till u want to dps the boss itself...) but then again imo it's already not quite legit to kill it that way.
I haven't tried this on epic yet, but I know we managed it with a very undergeared pug on normal.
All I can think of is:
Rogue tanks front tentacle. Everyone focuses. Ranged dps stands on the ledges back a bit- they can outrange the tentacle. Tank picks up adds while tentacle dies -> kill adds. Go focus boss.
Repeat til miniboss.
Drag miniboss to where the ranged dps stand to outrange tentacle. Kill miniboss.
So yeah maybe nothing useful there, and I dunno if it's just adds outright killing you... but we found that when you abuse the tentacle's range a bit it definitely gets easier.
Sadly, yes we cant even get to i miniboss without knocking the adds off the platform... which i dont want to do initially.
Concerning your tactics - I can assure u we tried almost all positions on this bossarea... Composition working best so far is playing TR, doubleDC and doubleCW btw. Moreover our Trycounter raised quite a little more; initially we wanted to stop when i wrote this post but in the end we were at it for some more hours...
In case someone else is experimenting with the boss as for our tactics up to now (what seemed to work best and could be doable up to the boss-spawn with absolutely no personal fails occuring):
So this is only for those that are actively trying the boss. Maybe u get some ideas running off what we were doing:
Cleric 1: Astral Shield, Prophecy of Doom, Sun Burst | Hallowed Ground, X | Divine Fortune, Foresight
Cleric 2: Astral Shield, Prophecy of Doom, Divine Glow | Hallowed Ground, X | Sooth, Foresight
Mage 1: Steal Time ("tab"), Shield, Icy Terrain, Ray of Enfeeblement | Arcane Singularity, Opressive Force | Evocation, Arcane Mastery
Mage 2: Steal Time ("tab"), Shield, Icy Terrain, Ray of Enfeeblement | Ice Knife, Opressive Force | Evocation, Arcane Mastery
Rogue: No idea of the Skillnames sorry, will update/edit as soon as he gets online.
Starting off by nuking one tentacle with everything we got, while ignoring the adds at start. Just chaining both Hallowed Grounds and stacking Astral Shields, only dodging tentacle swings. We stay where the tentacle spawns all time, also when it is down. As soon as we got both Hulks in range we make the CW with Arcane Singularity pull them both to one spot and try to damage them as little as possible; there won't ever be more than 2 at a time so any damage on them is not only wasted but in fact negative. From here on its about managing the adds and putting some damage on the boss until the tentacle respawns.
A short summary what everyone does there:
Clerics: Put Prophecy of Doom on every add that is about to die - first priority. With 2 Clerics u can to manage to keep Hallowed Ground up 100%. Nicely stacking AS ofc. The cleric with Sunburst has to communicate with the Mages on the knockbacks while the one with Divine Glow tries to hit the whole group with every CD of it to empower damage (time this well...).
Mages: Chain Shield Knockbacks (including 1 Cleric), Aoe Immobilize (Icy Terrain) and Oppressive Force to control the adds, care with Steal Time though; usage near half-circle-wise to get a like 80%+ uptime on the CA while also trying to interrupt as many Hulk "pulls" with it as possible. Damage and debuff Boss/Tentacle in between with Autohits and RoE.
Rogue: Interrupt the Hulk's "pull" as often as possible, sometimes finish off adds with Prophecy of Doom on them, else Singetarget DPS on Boss/Tentacle. Timimg nuke well with StealTime, Divine Glow, PoD and RoE on the tentacle to burst it down asap.
- Our tactics up to now displayed in a simplyfied manner...
Still looking for other experience on the epic version of this boss so far.
done without zen scrolls or pots.
Nice stuff there definately and i follow kripp as well sometimes so i knew they were trying it and making a lot of progress.
Still i have to say that they knocked the mobs off the ledges - which makes the fight significantly easier. Not saying it is easy by doing that though, just we are still trying to kill it the "normal" way. In fact we are also making progress on that so expect a video without knockdowns soon.
Definately taking back the impossible by now 1k gearscore more on each player makes a huge difference - way more than expected.
Since we finally managed to clear Castle Never today, we will go back with full focus on this boss. Hope we can make it
@ possum Edit: In fact we used a GWF in full Castle Never including endboss, there's hope!
check your games, there are games still putting out more complicated raid content then wow ever thought about. Just because it was your first mmo doesnt make it the best lol