So I was playing in the foundry and found a hairstyle that is not available as a choice during character creation.

I want this hairstyle. Why can't we have nice things?

At least put it in the cash shop. :P Make all the hair available to us. In exchange I promise not to release a live badger into your office. (Note, the three badgers that showed up last week had absolutely nothing to do with me, scout's honor.)
the zen merchant for the mount is one that springs to my mind immediately. she has a waist-length hairstyle. as far as i know, every single female has all the same hairstyles more or less.
and yes, i'd like that style too. .-.
Ooh, I haven't paid attention to that merchant when I've been around her. I'll have to go look at her when I get done in the Foundry editor.
Hair doesn't have physics in this game. It's a static model. If it looks good while the npc is still it will look good when it's moving too.
there's more clipping issues than just that.
a lot of tiefling hair styles clip through the horns; the tails clip through any sort of cloth, etc. really, they should just offer the styles and let the players decide.
^ what tharkan said.
The tiefling hairs already do this. Also, what I should have said is that if the hairstyle looks good on the Halfling, it always will. I think there already a few hairstyles some races get but others don't. Either way lol, I want this hairstyle on my halfling.
They're not giving us a "new" hairstyle. This is already in the game, and would require next to no effort (probably add a boolean entry to in a certain field of the game's database (in the hair's row) indicating the hair is enabled as a playable hairstyle).
What you're asking for is remodeling, and is much more time intensive, as it would require an actual human to sit down and spend many hours in 3d studio max (or maya or whatever in-house application they use) tweaking it, changing one vertex at a time, until it looked perfect.
Either way, no reason we can't have both a fix for Tiefling hair AND they could also make other hairstyles available that are already in the game's models. I don't know why you'd think it would have to be one or the other..