I do not even know what to call this problem. I do not receive quests properly and when I do get them nothing seems to work like it should. Example. I got the quest to go to the auction house. I went, looked at the talked to both auctioneers, looked at items, placed a bit, listed items for auction. It said quest complete, but my little trail to follow just goes back and forth in that area, pacing is what I do if I follow it. I do not know what else it wants me to do. I turned it off and went to Sgt Knox. Earlier I had been to him several times and he had no new quests for me I had no open quests either in my journal. I decided just to explore, went to the tower area and did a few things there. I was waiting to start quests in the contest area when the Auctioneer quest somehow opened up and I accepted it which is how I ended up back at PE to begin with. I have no idea of what happened to the contest. Finally I got tired of pacing and went to check, just in case. I did level a couple of times so I thought that may make a difference. It did, he gave me a new quest. The path appeared and I followed it...right back to the auction house! I opened the journal and nothing about the auction house is showing up at all. Why is the path taking me back there? I have also had issues with the quest to learn to invoke. She gave me zero instructions and I talked to her many times. I had to ask my son how to invoke. I got the quest to learn about crafting and again no instructions were given, only items offered to buy. I have not a clue how to craft and I am tired of asking everyone else. What is up with all of this? It is VERY frustrating! I am on the Dragon server, Rogue level 13 tymorial@copperscaledrgn