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My PVP observations

myakimyaki Member Posts: 38
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
- Cash shop mounts give a gigantic advantage in PVP, basically game breaking and if you have multiple people with them you pretty much get a free win. Res - > mount to enemies base and repeat forever. Also lets you respond to attacks MUCH more quickly for defending, it's really game breaking.

- Level scaling does not work, at level 48 I was scaled up to level 49, but my skill stats were scaled to that of a level 39 or less. My ice knife tooltip said 4k outside, but inside it was 1.6k. After I dinged 49, my tooltips scaled properly inside and outside, and I was able to actually damage people. The scaling being this ****ed means you actually do no damage to anyone, take tons of damage, and are a completely useless player on your team unless you're x9.

- Class balance doesn't seem that bad in the upper brackets, rogues can actually be kited but multiple rogues on you is still pretty impossible to play your character.

- Damage is low enough that skill matters, love it.

- CC's need DR, you can CC someone 100% to 0% with as little as 2 classes, that shouldn't be possible and encourages cheesy builds and boring gameplay.

- The map I get 95% of the time at level 49 bracket is too small and encourages zerg fights in the middle. The only way to get past the middle is by going around up top, the map needs to be bigger with more nodes to encourage splitting up more and not 4-5 manning middle 24/7.

- Rogues silence ability needs to have a shorter duration

- The healing potion needs to fade when taking damage

- Need an ability to kick AFK people(This is a huge problem, and completely ruins pvp)
Post edited by myaki on


  • pantamimepantamime Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The heal pots should disable when the player is at full health. Maybe when they take damage would be good too. But it is too easy to just mount up grab the 2 potions up top then drop down and live forever lol.
    PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
  • stereoblindxstereoblindx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 246 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    pantamime wrote: »
    The heal pots should disable when the player is at full health. Maybe when they take damage would be good too. But it is too easy to just mount up grab the 2 potions up top then drop down and live forever lol.

    This is actually really annoying when I'm riding by the potions and try my best to not pick it up but it happens anyway. The invisible "hitbox" if you will on those potions surrounds the whole area of them and I hate accidentally picking one up when I know one of my teammates could use it, especially when I'm at full health and just riding by to go cap a node.

    Very minor complaint, I know. But it is annoying lol
  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, I agree with these two posts. They really need a report feature, healing pots need to go away period (bring your own), there needs to be bigger maps with points spread out and also, they need to put in a feature that let's you decline a Pvp instance and a gear score for brackets (A lot of ****ty geared people fighting full PvP set, and tier 1-2 geared teams).

    Forgot to metion also, they need to nerf the proc chance on enchants, rediculous that a fully slotted enchant individual can add a extra 3-6k damage with that stuff on on attacks (proccing with Rogue throwing attacks and hitting you for 6k damage ++) .
    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

  • pantamimepantamime Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It is def annoying I try to avoid them if I see an ally around too. But sometimes if the enemy team has been taking the high road a lot I just ride and pick up all the potions to keep them from getting it.

    is there really a need for heal potions you can pick up in pvp, its kind of weird actually.
    PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
  • myakimyaki Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
    Is cryptic aware of level scaling being completely broken in PVP? It's probably the most game breaking part of PVP right now.
  • ijw473ijw473 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I thought something was up with the scaling. Glad to see that I am not crazy.
  • zamerizameri Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    So, just had a PVP Match where i took on 2 rouges as a cleric, kept getting silenced and didnt die much, one of the rouges proceeded to QQ about how i was just taking his silences and not dieing... was quite good
  • pantamimepantamime Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yea there is definitely something wonky goin on with the scaling. i was doing more damage when I was 22 than when i was 28 kind of odd.
    PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
  • ecued1ecued1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    just a quick newb question. how is pvp score calculated. i just started playing, my only class is a guardian fighter. i understand his role is to take damage and hold aggro, and with the help of your team, this class seems to do it well. i do notice at the end of the match that my score is significantly lower than everybody else. now with this class, you go in knowing your slow, and your attacks don't do the damage other players do, but shouldn't the GF scores be based upon damage recieved and times died, not damage given and kills?
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    ecued1 wrote: »
    just a quick newb question. how is pvp score calculated. i just started playing, my only class is a guardian fighter. i understand his role is to take damage and hold aggro, and with the help of your team, this class seems to do it well. i do notice at the end of the match that my score is significantly lower than everybody else. now with this class, you go in knowing your slow, and your attacks don't do the damage other players do, but shouldn't the GF scores be based upon damage recieved and times died, not damage given and kills?

    You can get lots of points by fighting on the nodes, taking nodes (both of which you are good at) and it should be nearly impossible to kill you 1vs1. Also GF gets a spamable at-will charge so you will be very mobile.
  • senettsenett Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    just lost a pvp match again just cause 1 ******* kept backdooring... seriously it infuriates me so much

    will rather punch my screen in 2 then i will ever accept that as a legit non dishonourable strategy
  • ehgriezaehgrieza Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yasha00 wrote: »
    You can get lots of points by fighting on the nodes, taking nodes (both of which you are good at) and it should be nearly impossible to kill you 1vs1. Also GF gets a spamable at-will charge so you will be very mobile.

    First and foremost I would like to address all the mentions of having a 110% speed mount meaning you win. Go play with a horrible team where everyone has a 110% mount against people on green mounts and tell me how it goes.

    I play a lvl 60 guardian fighter with a full glory set and a mid 10k GS PvE set. I don't enjoy PvP too much in any game as I always play a tank and PvP is never balanced for them/us. I have been tanking in MMOs since 1999 so I have quite a few years of experience. I have been lvl 60 for a little while now and have done every epic dungeon (minus clearing the final one) and have done quite a bit of PvP to get a feel for the class as a whole. I also have a rogue and wizard.

    KEEP IN MIND: These thoughts come from the mind/keyboard of a PVE tank who dabbles in PVP during the glory bonus times.

    PVPing as a Guardian without a proper PvP spec is brutal to say the least. I bought a founder pack and had a respec token which I used at level 60 to get out of my leveling build to spec a proper tank build. I do not feel like paying 600 zen to respec every time I want to PvP or paying AD for only being able to respec certain things. With the amount of actual points you get for Talents you can have a pretty decent talent set up for it, but feats need to be adjusted for actual PvP.

    I like that you give us a 0 CD charge (Threatening Rush) to close gaps...very nice. My complaint with it is...It is very weak and you have to swap out a good ability (shield slam or cleave attacks) to use it. Going from a very awesome debuff or very "strong" (used lightly as we are weak in general) 3 hit attack that heals you on 3rd hit or does extra damage on 3rd hit. You need the insta charge in pvp just to deal with Wizards or people trying to kite and the fact that we are the only class that doesn't have a movement boost (not sure on clerics or not)...GWF have sprint, rogues have roll, wizards have teleport...we have guard which only makes us move slower. How about making it do more damage, it wont really make it more OP...since no CD charge is already kinda OP. Lunging strike is very powerful and I always use, but has a long CD...so it can't be used to justify not taking Threatening rush. If you only use Lunging strike then a wizard will teleport twice and cast on you while you use guard and slowly move to him. By the time you get to him you either have 0 guard left or he has enough stam built back up to just teleport again. Also...You do more dps with cleave/crushing surge so you would choose that over tide of iron most of the time...in doing that you not only lose the debuff but the increased guard restore on hit. We really get kinda screwed on this IMO. (Coming from the keyboard of a PVE player over PVP)

    DR's need to happen and need to happen fast. There should be no way that 3 wizards/rogues can lock you done by cycling there CCs and not have any penalty. For those unaware of DR is...it means Diminishing return. Simple explanation is...if a stun lasts 7 seconds on hit 1, it should last 3.5 on 2, 1.75 on 3, and practically nonexistent on hit 4 in a certain time frame...(Barney style) the CC time is shortened per hit on the player after initial CC for a certain amount of time. To kill a GF all you need to do is beat down our guard (not hard will address later) then chain CC for however long it takes to burn the HP...which isn't much when CC'd. The main issue here is you could literally CC someone for an entire match if your CDs lined up with someone else perfectly.

    Guard...Awesome in PvE and lets you rebuild it quickly with the added bonus of not getting chain cc'd as soon as you drop it so you can rebuild it in a few hits. In PvP my guard drops instantly and takes forever to rebuild, but as soon as it drops you are dead anyways. When I use my guard and a rogue drops smoke on me I still get disoriented then walk out and have to press shift again. When using guard/pressing shift and you get CC'd it should pop right back up when it is over. Many times I have been disoriented from behind and my guard drops and I am still holding shift and have to press it again. Not a HUGE issue, but to me it can get annoying. When attacking with guard up...people can sidestep you mid attack and you keep attacking that direction even if your circle is on the person. Your toon should rotate and face the enemy so you don't get screwed in the back/side. I was crit for 28k by a rogue through a full guard multiple times. What is the point of guard if it isn't going to stop me from getting dropped in 1 hit? Besides make you walk slowly to the enemy just to lose it and die when you get to him? Keep in mind I am in the middle Paragon row for Feats so I am a pure PvE set up but reading other ones it doesn't seem to matter as no other one has more guard or anything. If a mage is hitting me and a rogue is on me, my guard is over. I can take more hits from a lvl 60 elite mobs than I can from people in PVP. We have no way to dodge an attack for the most part outside of hopefully walking out of it fast enough.

    Abilities taking to long to strike. Griffons wrath and Anvil of Doom are the 2 big ones that come to mind. I actually stopped using Griffon all together because the only time I could get it to connect was if a guy was already CC'd or I got a jump on him from behind and he had no stamina. The wind up animation is about 1-2 seconds before the attack goes off. It is even longer than the rogues dazing strike which as a GF all I can do is hope my guy turns around fast enough to use guard on it. As any other class they just port or roll or step away from me when i use them. I still use Anvil of doom because if you can get a person below 25% that thing is powerful and can still clip someone moving away.

    I am sure there is more, but for now this is all I can remember lol.

    Ideas/changes from a Guardian PoV
    1. Dual specs. every game out there (just about) has at least 2 specs you can swap between. The PvE feat choices really hinder PvP
    2. Threating Rush buff to make it counter dropping an awesome debuff and strong hit or strong 3 hit attack with extra damage or heal on 4rd.
    4. Fix guard usage and make you face your target when they move when attacking with guard up.
    5. Our big hit attacks can easily be moved away from as they have some wind up animation.

    EDIT: I stick with Venore's tank build as I prefer the defense style of tanking over offense.
    Dragon Shard
    Ethica - 60 - Human Guardian Fighter
    Ehgrieza - 40 - Halfling Trickster Rogue
    Windowpane - 30 - Tiefling Control Wizard
  • streethawkestreethawke Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    myaki wrote: »
    - Cash shop mounts give a gigantic advantage in PVP, basically game breaking and if you have multiple people with them you pretty much get a free win. Res - > mount to enemies base and repeat forever. Also lets you respond to attacks MUCH more quickly for defending, it's really game breaking.

    I dont understand what you are trying to say here. If you are talking about mounts, does everyone not have the ability to get a tier 3 mount through the use of diamonds?
    When you want to break the mold

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  • myakimyaki Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
    First and foremost I would like to address all the mentions of having a 110% speed mount meaning you win. Go play with a horrible team where everyone has a 110% mount against people on green mounts and tell me how it goes
    Go play as an organized team with only the green mount vs a team of equal skill and equal organization with full 110% mounts. Guess who has a gigantic advantage? The 110% mount team - that is a huge advantage that needs addressed.
    I dont understand what you are trying to say here. If you are talking about mounts, does everyone not have the ability to get a tier 3 mount through the use of diamonds?
    Diamonds are semi time-gated, and it costs about a million of diamonds for a 110% mount normally, or equally obscene amounts to buy them off other players. They are very expensive, and time consuming to get. You can spend IRL cash and completely skip the grind and come out the gate with a gigantic advantage.

    The entire CW class(I play CW) needs completely redesigned for PVP. Entangling force needs to have a 30-60 cooldown in PVP and last longer by default, with no benefit from arcane mastery stacks. It's too easy and boring to play a CW in PVP right now, and anyone can pick it up and be successful with it in a matter of minutes. The main offender of this is entangling force's sheer power.

    I agree 100% we need dual spec, I have many paragon traits designed purely for PVP that I can't spec into because they are very "meh" in PVE. At the least, allow us to have a seperate PVP spec that only exists when doing PVP.
  • motionssmotionss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    myaki wrote: »
    rogues can actually be kited but multiple rogues on you is still pretty impossible to play your character.

    why this mention? Are you some subjective rogue hater? Multiple of any class on you should make it impossible to play your character and you should die easily. This is just plain rogue hate. Go fight 1v3 CW, or 1v3 warriors. Ye exactly, impossible to play, cuz ur not supposed to win 1v3.
  • streethawkestreethawke Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am sorry you feel that you are too good with your control wizard.

    But saying the that people are "paying to win" with the cash shop is absurd. Give it time, everyone will be having enough diamonds to enjoy that 110% speed. Or just buy the Nightmare on the auction house. There are always deals out there. Right now on Dragon you can get a Nightmare for 1 million diamonds.

    Don't just use the prayers or the dailies to get your diamonds, use the auction house to be selling things and making your fortune. Instead of complaining that people have an advantage over others in PvP because they travel out of combat a little faster cause they spent zen or diamonds.
    When you want to break the mold

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  • wartimeraiderwartimeraider Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 132 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Multiple rogues on 1 guy mean death, multiple wizards on 1 guy mean 100% CC, multiple clerics on an enemy means he will be overhealing your damage and multiple GWFs will mean you are knocked to the ground every second...

    seems like hes showing off the basic roles :P

    though i do have to say:

    - Cash shop mounts give a gigantic advantage in PVP, basically game breaking and if you have multiple people with them you pretty much get a free win. Res - > mount to enemies base and repeat forever. Also lets you respond to attacks MUCH more quickly for defending, it's really game breaking.

    As a guy who owns a Heavy Howler .. yes, it is in fact a straigt up advantage .. but at the other hand. once more people get 110% mounts it will be alot better. I think we will just have to live with this for a while.. even though its an advantage, if you handle it well its not that big or a problem

    - Level scaling does not work, at level 48 I was scaled up to level 49, but my skill stats were scaled to that of a level 39 or less. My ice knife tooltip said 4k outside, but inside it was 1.6k. After I dinged 49, my tooltips scaled properly inside and outside, and I was able to actually damage people. The scaling being this ****ed means you actually do no damage to anyone, take tons of damage, and are a completely useless player on your team unless you're x9.

    Have noticed this to :S

    - Damage is low enough that skill matters, love it.

    jup, hope they make some more PvP modes, PvP maps and some stuff surrounding it cause it really does have potential.. and its fun :P

    - CC's need DR, you can CC someone 100% to 0% with as little as 2 classes, that shouldn't be possible and encourages cheesy builds and boring gameplay.

    At one hand i would agree, at the other hand i do have to say your team is not that smart if they let the enemy team CC you that much (mostly CCers tend to be the most squishy ones :P. Though i feel like CC is a great thing in PvP and Control Wizard kinda 100% depends on it. Perhaps make it so that.. if someone casts a CC and within 3 seconds after that CC.. you get exactly the same spell against you.. its duration will be lowered by 50% or something. Just to start with :P

    - The map I get 95% of the time at level 49 bracket is too small and encourages zerg fights in the middle. The only way to get past the middle is by going around up top, the map needs to be bigger with more nodes to encourage splitting up more and not 4-5 manning middle 24/7.

    There are tactical manouvres etc. but i have to agree the maps that are up atm are way to small to use them efficient.

    - Rogues silence ability needs to have a shorter duration

    Not sure yet. Though the silence is really really really annoying and strong.. the animation is slow and very obvious and thus easily avoidable.. not sure yet

    - The healing potion needs to fade when taking damage


    - Need an ability to kick AFK people(This is a huge problem, and completely ruins pvp)

    As a guy who just got kicked from a game because our leader was AFk waiting for the match to end for his dailly.. i accused him of being AFk.. he kicked me.
    I think the leader should not be able to instakick... instead make everyone able to start a votekick against someone

    Elf Control Wizard - Dragon
  • myakimyaki Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
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    Jan 2013

    I am sorry you feel that you are too good with your control wizard.

    But saying the that people are "paying to win" with the cash shop is absurd. Give it time, everyone will be having enough diamonds to enjoy that 110% speed. Or just buy the Nightmare on the auction house. There are always deals out there. Right now on Dragon you can get a Nightmare for 1 million diamonds.
    A simple solution is just to disable mounts entirely in PVP, or limit their move speed to that of a 5g mount. Your 110% mount runs as 50%(or is it 40%?) speed in PVP instead of the real speed. This help makes the game more fun for everyone and doesn't make the game look like a cash grab, you shouldn't ever be able to pay for power directly in a well designed F2P MMO. Once you can pay for power, everything goes to hell.
  • streethawkestreethawke Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I cannot try to change your mind..

    Level 50-60 should be a whole new playing field.

    Paying for a mount... meh, someone wants to spend $40, more power to them. If they are good, it will not matter. If they are bad, it will not matter.

    I just disagree with your "pay to win". Diamonds can get you there.. Zen just gets you there faster.

    Wait until 3 months from now... when Alts are running around with Apaloosas or whatever the 5 gold horse is, that is a Tier 3 mount. : (
    When you want to break the mold

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  • myakimyaki Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
    I just disagree with your "pay to win". Diamonds can get you there.. Zen just gets you there faster..
    If someone pays $40 for a mount they have a gigantic advantage in PVP over someone who didn't spend $40. This is called "pay to win", this isn't healthy for a good MMORPG. There is no arguing this, it's common sense. It needs fixed, and it needs fixed now. You cannot defend, or argue it, at all, stop trying to. You said it yourself "zen gets you there faster", the definition of pay to win. If you cannot see that, then you are blind.

    Please disable, or cap mount speeds to all be the same in PVP Cryptic! Thank you.
  • viquerothviqueroth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Im gonna make a comparison that most people will hate but wth... If you remember vanilla WoW(if you played that is), the 100% mount cost around 100g which was very hard to obtain back in the day. So you had several people with 100% mounts, that got them in various *cough*chinesefarmers*cough* legit ways. So, yea... Now it's who shelled out to pay up for the game that has the advantage, but that will dissipate as time goes by.

    DR should be definitely introduced, there is nothing worse than getting stunlocked by 2 cw's for ever. Also, I dunno if it is because I am in the EU, but I have many times been hit when I am LoS due to a wall or something... Again, I expect there is some lag due to the fact that the Servers are US based, but still... Another remark on this "lag" is that my Lashing Blade, being the main Encounter that does serious damage, other than the ridiculous Daily, misses so many **** times.... Even though it is supposed to have a 5-10 range, the lag makes it go to waste... Maybe it should become a targetable ability...

    Now the last and most annoying issue of all. Leaders kicking people, the fact that if someone leaves you are going to lose for sure because the queue doesn't introduce new players to the battleground, and afk'rs... I got kicked from one game that we were winning, and for some reason whenever I try and join another BG, I will join the team but not get ported to the instance itself.

    AFK'rs should just get flagged by the system, to appear as red on the map, or get a window to kick them.
  • robman1978robman1978 Member Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I really hope they fix the AFK problem soon.
  • ozrico42ozrico42 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree that mounts are an issue but I think there is a much simpler solution which would be to just ban them from PvP all together.

    The first few days I was playing PvP no-one had mounts and it was very well balanced, but I was playing earlier today and one team all had mounts and no-one on my team did. The result was 2 guys riding up to our first point and one just rode around in a circle inside the zone so you couldn't recapture while the other attacked you, the others on their team could get to you so quickly after dying that it was the shortest PvP I've played so far and only lasted about 5 minutes. Plus of course the fact that when they get low on health they run away a bit, jump on their mount and flee until they're healed up again.
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