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Foundry forces typing cursor into single location, over and over, deletes text.

kelplanktonkelplankton Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
I didn't have this problem until about two patches ago, and now it's impossible to do anything in the Foundry.

Basically, the text cursor 'resets' to a specific position in any given text entry box- in some of them it's on the first line about halfway across, in some of them it's simply all the way at the beginning of the line.

Sometimes it even deletes any text I've entered.

This is a BIG problem, since it means I can't write ANYTHING in the Foundry. I can't write a description, I can't edit dialogue, I can't name maps or objectives. EVERYTHING is broken.

I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this issue, but if so, have you figured out a fix? If not, please patch this ASAP Cryptic. I want to make another Foundry quest and get this campaign on the road.
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