I'm seeking a casting encounter. Here's the setup.
- Speak To NPC
- Dialogue gives you option to fight or not (I finally worked out how to implement this)
- If you fight, NPC despawns, Encounter spawns (Skinned as NPC)
Ideally, the Encounter (or combination of multiple SMALL encounters, spawned at once) will be:
- Non-Floating caster (Rebel Hexxer works well) - This will be the NPC
- Floating Casters x3. This will be the "Illusions" of the NPC. I'll re-skin to floating versions of the NPC, and add FX (Or "Ghost" form) to make the appear more illusion-y.
- No melee in the encounters. I need these mobs to be static.
- Mob must be a natural "floater" (If there are any). Simply reskinning a non-floating caster with a floating animation doesn't work. When the mob attacks, the floating animation is stopped, and the mob 'snaps' back to a standing position.
well all the ghost float...and there were a few others, just look through the list of NPC's and pick one you like to customize, I don't know which encounters are casters...most the time I just use melee :]