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Somewhat disappointed with the a lot of the game.

abloecabloec Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
Figured I would put out a list of the items I am disappointed with in this game currently.

1. Obviously the servers.

2. Dungeon itemization - This is seriously lacking, I have done countless dungeons (currently 9.2k gs even did first 3 bosses in Never Castle) and I see countless drops of the same item over and over. Take Cloak Tower for example, I mean really? an epic version of the rogue gear from lvl 16? Not to mention because that item drops so often the market is flooded with them. I find myself vendoring them over trying to sell for AD because the amount of gold/silver/copper I can get for them are worth more to me than the measly amount of AD.

3. "Dungeon Difficulty" Yes dungeons are hard, but to me the so called difficulty is a joke. Its like the developers went and designed a boss than couldn't come up with anymore challenging mechanics so just made it into a freaking horde mode. Constant wave after wave of adds, I would be fine with this if it was for 1 or 2 bosses, but EVERY SINGLE BOSS. Gimme a break here, come up with some freaking originality.

4. Underwhelming Tier upgrades - Tier 1 200 power, tier 2 220 power...... I mean sure its an upgrade but it feels like I am upgrading my pizza to have extra cheese. Its a mediocre increase in stats. Oh and the set bonuses are just horrid. A 4 piece set bonus is expected to give you a drastic power boost. Granted for the rogues PvP set of 20% more stealth timer, that is an awesome 4 piece. For my GWF with a 5 second cooldown reduction on skills that are on cooldown when I use a daily, that is just bad.... I use a daily maybe once every 2-4 minutes depending on the packs.

5. Bugs - Fact that the dungeon delve chests for tier 2 dungeons still hasn't been fixed worries me, I was expecting a fix in tomorrows patch. Not even a mention of it, these things really need to be fixed ASAP.

6. Aggro - Anyone who is lvl 60 and doing Dungeons will know exactly what I am talking about, Cleric threat is insane. GWF's tank tree is totally unviable, I have been specced full sent and I really wanted to be a GWF tank. I end up finding out that the spec I went is only good for one thing exchanging dps for survivability, you cannot hold aggro at all. Here's an example I was grabbing some mobs used my Daring Shout and Come and Get It than the Cleric heals me, they just run right by me straight for the Cleric.

7. Lack of descriptive tool tips - There is so much that people really don't know because of lack of information. Stuff like Steadfast Determination for GWF's. You steadily gain determination while in combat. Ok so how much, this type of information can allow us to better create builds. Another one is Steel Blitz, gain a chance to hit an extra time with a chance that increases with how many people you hit(Ok so whats the % chance and how much does it increase, and what type of attack is it. Is it just a normal swing, is it a copy of the attack you were currently doing.). The lack of info really limits build diversity.

Anyway it is almost 5 am here right now so this is all I can really think of currently, ill update if I think of more.
Post edited by abloec on


  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with most but uh.

    The set bonus for GWF isn't bad lol. It's HUGE for burst basically. May not be much of a thing for pve but it's definately a pvp bonus.

    Also 200 --> 220 is a 20% increase in stats, that's not bad in anyway.
  • okropniakokropniak Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    abloec wrote: »
    Figured I would put out a list of the items I am disappointed with in this game currently.

    1. Obviously the servers.

    2. Dungeon itemization - This is seriously lacking, I have done countless dungeons (currently 9.2k gs even did first 3 bosses in Never Castle) and I see countless drops of the same item over and over. Take Cloak Tower for example, I mean really? an epic version of the rogue gear from lvl 16? Not to mention because that item drops so often the market is flooded with them. I find myself vendoring them over trying to sell for AD because the amount of gold/silver/copper I can get for them are worth more to me than the measly amount of AD.

    3. "Dungeon Difficulty" Yes dungeons are hard, but to me the so called difficulty is a joke. Its like the developers went and designed a boss than couldn't come up with anymore challenging mechanics so just made it into a freaking horde mode. Constant wave after wave of adds, I would be fine with this if it was for 1 or 2 bosses, but EVERY SINGLE BOSS. Gimme a break here, come up with some freaking originality.

    4. Underwhelming Tier upgrades - Tier 1 200 power, tier 2 220 power...... I mean sure its an upgrade but it feels like I am upgrading my pizza to have extra cheese. Its a mediocre increase in stats. Oh and the set bonuses are just horrid. A 4 piece set bonus is expected to give you a drastic power boost. Granted for the rogues PvP set of 20% more stealth timer, that is an awesome 4 piece. For my GWF with a 5 second cooldown reduction on skills that are on cooldown when I use a daily, that is just bad.... I use a daily maybe once every 2-4 minutes depending on the packs.

    5. Bugs - Fact that the dungeon delve chests for tier 2 dungeons still hasn't been fixed worries me, I was expecting a fix in tomorrows patch. Not even a mention of it, these things really need to be fixed ASAP.

    6. Aggro - Anyone who is lvl 60 and doing Dungeons will know exactly what I am talking about, Cleric threat is insane. GWF's tank tree is totally unviable, I have been specced full sent and I really wanted to be a GWF tank. I end up finding out that the spec I went is only good for one thing exchanging dps for survivability, you cannot hold aggro at all. Here's an example I was grabbing some mobs used my Daring Shout and Come and Get It than the Cleric heals me, they just run right by me straight for the Cleric.

    7. Lack of descriptive tool tips - There is so much that people really don't know because of lack of information. Stuff like Steadfast Determination for GWF's. You steadily gain determination while in combat. Ok so how much, this type of information can allow us to better create builds. Another one is Steel Blitz, gain a chance to hit an extra time with a chance that increases with how many people you hit(Ok so whats the % chance and how much does it increase, and what type of attack is it. Is it just a normal swing, is it a copy of the attack you were currently doing.). The lack of info really limits build diversity.

    Anyway it is almost 5 am here right now so this is all I can really think of currently, ill update if I think of more.

    Ugh... I'm on ~40lvl but thought that bosse's-add's-zerg/attack is on low-lvl's dungeons only... and that it will change in future :(
    And yes - I'm tank and for many times blamed myself for not keeping aggro correctly - thought it's because I'm still learning/leveling... (of course I'm still **** with tanking here but never expected to be so bad...)
  • sotsotzaiisotsotzaii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 60
    edited May 2013
    I wouldn't exactly agree with most of it except Number 2 - Dungeons. That's true, every word you said, the drops are over and over again the same item, with almost the same stats, it annoys me at times when I do so many dungeons run and yet get something that is even worse than what I'm currently wearing now, even from Treasure Box at the end when you complete the dungeon.
    I'd rather not be alone, because I value friendships more than anything else.
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  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Always remember: it's always worth at least every penny you paid for it.

    With that said, I'll say this:

    1 = your experience, not everyone else's;

    2 = consider the leveling in your example, again: your experience;

    3 = definitely your experience, I don't think the game is supposed to be a "sport" the way you want it to be;

    4 = then report it as a bug and explain exactly what it is YOU want, good luck with that;

    5 = this is an open BETA, or did you not get the memo?;

    6 = didn't you just complain that dungeons are too easy? Please make up our minds;

    7 = ex-per-i-ment.

    No matter what your complaints and arguments are, you simply cannot deny you are getting everything you paid for. Yes, even we who bought into the Founders packs. I'm not trying to be confrontational, only to point out that though your arguments are valid, they are relatively low-tier compared to many of the other, more serious complaints about current status of the game.
  • cyzaircyzair Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That is a 10% increase. And is bad as hell.
  • fractur3d20fractur3d20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    knoteskad wrote: »
    I agree with most but uh.

    The set bonus for GWF isn't bad lol. It's HUGE for burst basically. May not be much of a thing for pve but it's definately a pvp bonus.

    Also 200 --> 220 is a 20% increase in stats, that's not bad in anyway.

    Might wanna check your math...
  • qazyfootsoldierqazyfootsoldier Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Armor Penetration: Resistance ignored

    Lvl 40 Control Wizard .. no one could tell me what this stat does for me.
    Does it ignore armor .. and so becomes useless or does it ignore magic resistance and so it becomes a huge DPS increase.
  • griebelgriebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    8 = Loot scattered all over the landscape including smegging candlesticks, pillars and tombstones, I feel like a kangaroo collecting everything.

    9 = My smegging companion doesn't level up, I'm a lvl 38 GF, my companion is a smegging lvl 15 cleric. Deadly level gap.

    10 = Removing enchantments cost too smegging much.

    3 = Bosses smegging spamming smegging adds. I gave up on dungeons after trying the Mad Dragon three times, with 9 partywipes.
  • belialdeathwingbelialdeathwing Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with a lot of the post, I still suffer from lag that equates to about 1sec delay i.e collecting loots and more frustratingly damage dealt, it usually takes 2 hits before the damage I’ve inflicted registers by which point the mob has started to attack me so they are effectively immune for 2 strikes, but I understand that this is still Beta and the servers are something that a lot of MMO's have issues with at this point so I look forward to that being fixed.

    The bosses are kinda lame, it's gotten to the point that I'm waiting for the wave of adds to spawn when the boss hits half health and most of the time I ignore them anyway finish the boss then kill the adds so every boss fight is like the last.

    Crafting, I’m a lil split down the middle with this as spending hours/days stood at a forge watching my toon swing a hammer isn’t exactly my idea of fun nether is getting someone else to do it in the background… and the fact that you don’t have to specialise in any particular craft, everyone can make everything… So what’s the point? At least if there are things that you can’t make it helps drive a player influenced in game economy. While we I’m on the subject, why does the AH only trade in AD? It’s just a pain in the ***, how many different currencies does one game need? Have your in-game gold and your Zen, but maybe I’m missing something there… As time plods on I’m finding more and more niggles it almost seems like at every turn Cryptic have simply chosen the easiest option and that brings me to my biggest bugbear with Neverwinter online and Cryptic as a whole.

    What really upsets me is when a company gets hold of an idea and does nothing with it. Neverwinter Online seems like Cryptic have taken their MMORPG template and added a Neverwinter theme. There is so much that could have been done here but it seems Cryptic ether couldn't be bothered or simply did not put enough thought into it... For example, Alignment, in D&D and Neverwinter 1 & 2 when creating your toon you could set there alignment. Alignment was split into to halves Good - Evil and Lawful - Chaotic this basically denotes your toons moral standing. In NW 2 this changed as you played the game but had little effect on the game itself. Cryptic had the chance to take this further, subtly woven into the quests are choices that place karma points into your Good/Evil karma meter and also choices that may change your Lawful/Chaotic meter so how you choose to play the game alters you toons moral standing. Now you can tie this in with a whole bunch of things such as, maybe you can only select certain paragons if your alignment is correct, so I you want your thief to become a "Dark Assassin" you have to play as an evil person or if you want to be a Night Templar you have to work towards being Lawful good. Further still, your moral standing could unlock emotes (much like fable) and even get you entrance into otherwise locked locations i.e the Thief who has been committing underhanded deeds gains access to a shady back ally bar where like minded toons haunt, there you can buy armour and weapons designed to match your toons dark heart or take on specialist quests etc. Then at this point your toons combat armour reflects there alignment BUT if there are times that you don't want to appear evil your "non-combat" clothing are not effected by your alignment so in the towns you can dress up as a goody two shoes and in combat you can let your darkness shine or vies versa... as I say there have been SO many missed opportunities with this game and it has left us with another MMO that I fear only the most hardened D&D fans will stick at long term.

    Although I do enjoy the fast paced and fluid combat (apart from the aforementioned lag issue) but again I fear this won't be enough to keep people coming back especially when you consider that your competing against already long standing WoW (which I don't play) and the up and coming Elder Scrolls Online. Final comment is, A LOT more effort needed Cryptic :(
  • nawdlenawdle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    knoteskad wrote: »
    Also 200 --> 220 is a 20% increase in stats, that's not bad in anyway.

    Errrrrrrrrrrrrr... what?
  • dicedork1975dicedork1975 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    abloec wrote: »
    Figured I would put out a list of the items I am disappointed with in this game currently.

    1. Obviously the servers.

    2. Dungeon itemization - This is seriously lacking, I have done countless dungeons (currently 9.2k gs even did first 3 bosses in Never Castle) and I see countless drops of the same item over and over. Take Cloak Tower for example, I mean really? an epic version of the rogue gear from lvl 16? Not to mention because that item drops so often the market is flooded with them. I find myself vendoring them over trying to sell for AD because the amount of gold/silver/copper I can get for them are worth more to me than the measly amount of AD.

    3. "Dungeon Difficulty" Yes dungeons are hard, but to me the so called difficulty is a joke. Its like the developers went and designed a boss than couldn't come up with anymore challenging mechanics so just made it into a freaking horde mode. Constant wave after wave of adds, I would be fine with this if it was for 1 or 2 bosses, but EVERY SINGLE BOSS. Gimme a break here, come up with some freaking originality.

    4. Underwhelming Tier upgrades - Tier 1 200 power, tier 2 220 power...... I mean sure its an upgrade but it feels like I am upgrading my pizza to have extra cheese. Its a mediocre increase in stats. Oh and the set bonuses are just horrid. A 4 piece set bonus is expected to give you a drastic power boost. Granted for the rogues PvP set of 20% more stealth timer, that is an awesome 4 piece. For my GWF with a 5 second cooldown reduction on skills that are on cooldown when I use a daily, that is just bad.... I use a daily maybe once every 2-4 minutes depending on the packs.

    5. Bugs - Fact that the dungeon delve chests for tier 2 dungeons still hasn't been fixed worries me, I was expecting a fix in tomorrows patch. Not even a mention of it, these things really need to be fixed ASAP.

    6. Aggro - Anyone who is lvl 60 and doing Dungeons will know exactly what I am talking about, Cleric threat is insane. GWF's tank tree is totally unviable, I have been specced full sent and I really wanted to be a GWF tank. I end up finding out that the spec I went is only good for one thing exchanging dps for survivability, you cannot hold aggro at all. Here's an example I was grabbing some mobs used my Daring Shout and Come and Get It than the Cleric heals me, they just run right by me straight for the Cleric.

    7. Lack of descriptive tool tips - There is so much that people really don't know because of lack of information. Stuff like Steadfast Determination for GWF's. You steadily gain determination while in combat. Ok so how much, this type of information can allow us to better create builds. Another one is Steel Blitz, gain a chance to hit an extra time with a chance that increases with how many people you hit(Ok so whats the % chance and how much does it increase, and what type of attack is it. Is it just a normal swing, is it a copy of the attack you were currently doing.). The lack of info really limits build diversity.

    Anyway it is almost 5 am here right now so this is all I can really think of currently, ill update if I think of more.

    I stopped reading as soon as you typed my (gear score)..Really just go back to WOW
  • abloecabloec Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I stopped reading as soon as you typed my (gear score)..Really just go back to WOW

    Well thats for you to decide, I am in no means stating gear score = skill. I stated it to show that I have done countless instances, Oh and none of it is bought.
  • draemorindraemorin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 80
    edited May 2013
    This game leaves much to be desired... and I'm no where near level cap.

    As a level 40... this is what irks me to no end (thus far at least):

    1) Errant Items Sales... ever notice if you accidently sell something off (without walking away from/closing the sale window) it costs you money (its vendor value) to return it to your inventory? Sure, I made an error in selling the item but every other MMO I've played allows me to return my "sold" item to my inventory free of charge provided I did not complete the sale by closing the vendor window.

    2) Companion issues... is my companion bi-polar? One minute it's standing next to me, doing nothing, as I'm having my skull bashed in by multiple mobs... and the next it's running haywire through the area/instance aggro'ing stuff beyond a wall and into a room I've yet to even enter let alone near. Oh... and why aren't we given basic control of our companions? You know... "stay", "attack", "defend"... sheesh!

    3) Loot dispersal... someone here already mentioned it... got Kangaroo? How about a fleet footed Ninja? I'm tired of running around, high and lo, trying to collect loot off of slain mobs. Worse still, rather than drop a single loot pile, some of these slain mobs drop up to four different loot piles all of which are scattered across the terrain like a hastily placed minefield.

    4) Cost of respec'ing my powers and feats... really? That much? You don't say! You have got to be kidding me...

    5) The lack of gear customization and character customization... shoot... we have cloaks in-game yet we don't even have a cloak hook in our character screen. Why not? You give us cloaks... give us a bloody spot to put one in (without having to occupy a normal armor spot).

    6) Logout to character screen... am I missing something here? Why must I logout of the game if I'm merely trying to switch to a different character?

    7) Cleric healing and the resulting "aggro" issues... surely this can be toned down... just a bit?
  • dominemesisdominemesis Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am not sure what is valid to complain/report about anymore, because the longer I play, the more I discover nothing seems to be working right, so I am not even experiencing the game as intended to begin with. As a CW, half my feats don't work, none of my t2 set bonuses are working correctly (2 not at all, one insanely), powers aren't working correctly with class features and synergies, racial features aren't working with feats, not sure if Recovery is working but just using Cryptic's math, or if its not working at all, etc.
    Therefore, I can't tell if something is OP/UP or broken because nothing I am doing now is a reflection of the game working as intended in the first place since half of everything is broken. So honestly, until Cryptic fixes A LOT of this, we have no proper baseline to know what is really borked or imbalanced.
  • darkcherub69darkcherub69 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As a person who has played multiple MMO's I have a few suggestions that Cryptic might consider.

    1: I know the game is free but My first impression was "Money Grab". Everything is way to expensive ie: bank slots, re-specing, AD only Auction house, Companions above 15, more than 2 characters. The object of most MMO"S is to keep you playing not make you buy whatever the currency of the game is. If I keep playing because I have so much time invested I am much more likely to buy your zen to support my account, but if your gouging me right from the start, I will likely stop playing. Make the environment "Less greedy" and you will keep players longer (which should be your goal).

    2: Create a "Gold Auction House" as well. I have two level 60 toon's and have more gold than i can spend. AD is to hard to acquire.

    If you make it seem that you want us to continue playing then we will. A good example of a free MMO strategy that is working is "Aion". Everything in the game is affordable. There currency is not used for gear as much as it is for enhancements. If you want to max out your gear you need to purchase there coins, but you can still get all the tools required just from everyday play ie: bank slots, respec, Gold based auction house ect...
    I really enjoy the combat and quest lines in NWO but if you do not start catering to your players I feel that you will get lost in the jumble.
  • khatzhaskhatzhas Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    The object of most MMO"S is to keep you playing not make you buy whatever the currency of the game is..
    . That is because many of those MMOs require you to pay in order to keep playing.

    Remember that Neverwinter is not the actual service that the company is selling.
    The company is selling specific unlocks for the game, and is providing Neverwinter free in order to create a market for those services.
    A good example of a free MMO strategy that is working is "Aion". Everything in the game is affordable. There currency is not used for gear as much as it is for enhancements. If you want to max out your gear you need to purchase there coins, but you can still get all the tools required just from everyday play ie: bank slots, respec, Gold based auction house ect...
    I really enjoy the combat and quest lines in NWO but if you do not start catering to your players I feel that you will get lost in the jumble.
    Isn't that the same system that Neverwinter uses though? You can buy everything from in-game earnings, but to max out stuff faster you need to give money to the company.
    Or is the issue that Aion is just a lot faster to earn enough to buy those things?
  • pelkastpelkast Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am not sure what is valid to complain/report about anymore, because the longer I play, the more I discover nothing seems to be working right, so I am not even experiencing the game as intended to begin with. As a CW, half my feats don't work, none of my t2 set bonuses are working correctly (2 not at all, one insanely), powers aren't working correctly with class features and synergies, racial features aren't working with feats, not sure if Recovery is working but just using Cryptic's math, or if its not working at all, etc.
    Therefore, I can't tell if something is OP/UP or broken because nothing I am doing now is a reflection of the game working as intended in the first place since half of everything is broken. So honestly, until Cryptic fixes A LOT of this, we have no proper baseline to know what is really borked or imbalanced.

    Exactly! At some point you just lose it. Don't know if something is designed to work like it is working right now, or if it is badly broken. Not only for items or classes but whole game mechanics like dungeons, pvp, etc.
  • raal1raal1 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree with the OP on most of what he stated.

    It's a shame. The game play is pretty fun until you hit end game. And there's little replayability because you just level through the same content. I thought the saving grace of this game would be the foundry. But there's such big limitations on the content you can create that it quickly becomes uninteresting.
This discussion has been closed.