A certain someone who posted a 600k AD enchanted key on the auction house finally found a sucker.
That person would be me, since I was bidding on some other lower priced keys, and there were a good amount, and as I was bidding, the page "refreshed" and for some reason the auction house automatically selects the top item (Why? Why would you do this.) And of course, I end up bidding on it.
So they will receive their 600k AD lotto winnings in about 3 days. Enjoy your Astral Diamonds.
To PWE: Please change the **** auction house system so it does not automatically select the top item???
Post edited by slaadar on
dtrain69Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Sigh...I'm gonna contact the person and see if I can get my money back in about 3 days, or at least half of it, I'm even willing to part with them half of it.
jarsterMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 10Arc User
edited May 2013
ouch, i feel your pain. if you're in Dragon, i'll donate 10k to you.
Why do i get a feeling that from day to day more things are ****ed up badly in this game?
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
princecharmingsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 6Arc User
It asks you to confirm the purchase, why do you not read that? I'm one of the guilty ones who post random items really high just to see who I can get to buy them. It's in every single game that has a player run auction.
Learn to adapt to it and accept that it's your fault. Doing what you did is what got me involved in it oh so many years ago in wow.
I just got a level 38 purple sword for my GF (I'm level 38) which bumped 4 stats up by a thousand for 100k all the other swords like it were going for 600k...
It asks you to confirm the purchase, why do you not read that? I'm one of the guilty ones who post random items really high just to see who I can get to buy them. It's in every single game that has a player run auction.
Learn to adapt to it and accept that it's your fault. Doing what you did is what got me involved in it oh so many years ago in wow.
No better than a thief.
Love the justification im not doing anything wrong its your fault i scammed you.
Love the justification im not doing anything wrong its your fault i scammed you.
You are scum
Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware. It's as good for video games as it is for real life. Auction house trading has been described as a form of PvP, and it's best to go into it with that in mind.
If the OP was supposed to get a confirmation request but didn't, that should be reported as a bug.
I just got a level 38 purple sword for my GF (I'm level 38) which bumped 4 stats up by a thousand for 100k all the other swords like it were going for 600k...
Wow, that sucks. Why would you pay 100k for an item you should be out-leveling in 45 mins - 1 hour?
Level 42 greens are going to be better than that swrod, sorry to burst your bubble, but you got ripped off
Dont waste your time contacting the seller, these kind of people are looking to steal from player, Ive been scammed in other game and its really frustrating. Try to forget this mistake as fast as you can while remembering not to do it again.
Sorry for you mates, hope you get a Nightmare mount with that key
Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware. It's as good for video games as it is for real life.
That is ofcourse true only when the system works properly and the seller didn't hide the flaw or intentionally cheated his customer. One out of three conditions are not met in this case and IRL he would be entitled to a full refund. Auction house is flawed and doesn't sort the items properly. Also according to EU regulations (I checked, it does include games, only nobody mentioned it yet) every purchase made using any internet system must have a 14 day return policy. It does include all currencies. It's going to be funny as hell to see the first trial about a purchase made in ZEN, AD, ISK or Gold in some random MMO game .
That is ofcourse true only when the system works properly and the seller didn't hide the flaw or intentionally cheated his customer. One out of three conditions are not met in this case and IRL he would be entitled to a full refund.
Does the AH ask the buyer to confirm his/her purchase in a way that the purchase price is clear? I honestly don't know, since I almost never buy from the AH in any game. If so, then the system works properly - or, at least, well enough that the buyer can catch any issues.
It's going to be funny as hell to see the first trial about a purchase made in ZEN, AD, ISK or Gold in some random MMO game .
Actual legal definition of "currency" aside (if it included ISK, I'm sure it would already have been tested), it would be interesting to see. However, successful ligitation may simply result in PWE simply pulling the game out of the EU...
However, successful ligitation may simply result in PWE simply pulling the game out of the EU...
Dream scenario right there. No more "game costs more than 59.99 in euros" and "need EU servers now" threads. Good riddance. They don't even understand VAT taxes their own governments implement.
I appreciate it's a ****ty thing to happen to you as an honest mistake, but i'm not sure why people are claiming this is a 'scam.' They are not lying and trying to sell a bag of holes as an actual usable bag or anything they just posted an item at an absurd price this doesn't make them 'scum.'
The AH really isn't that hard to use, its clunky and you actually have to look at what you are clicking, but it is quite easy to compare items, ask around even come to a forum to prevent paying over the top for something, I don't buy a drink for
bellaralodunMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I really hope you get your money back I mean... you could be like "I will tip you?" I have had this happen before, but I was the person winning the lottery. Sometimes mistakes are made... it is beyond sad when that happens and you wanna /die. Hey, if they do not refund you, perhaps the key will yield a mount? ..maybe?
purpleorbesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 186Bounty Hunter
Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware. It's as good for video games as it is for real life. Auction house trading has been described as a form of PvP, and it's best to go into it with that in mind.
If the OP was supposed to get a confirmation request but didn't, that should be reported as a bug.
except in real life if someone screwed me like this they would give me a refund or end up missing some teeth and or broken bones.
Thanks for the concern though, and lack of trolling in this topic makes me happy.
Learn to adapt to it and accept that it's your fault. Doing what you did is what got me involved in it oh so many years ago in wow.
No better than a thief.
Love the justification im not doing anything wrong its your fault i scammed you.
You are scum
If the OP was supposed to get a confirmation request but didn't, that should be reported as a bug.
The gorilla formerly known as Kolikos
Wow, that sucks. Why would you pay 100k for an item you should be out-leveling in 45 mins - 1 hour?
Level 42 greens are going to be better than that swrod, sorry to burst your bubble, but you got ripped off
Good luck with your attempt at getting a refund. I imagine someone posting a key for that amount wasn't banking on a taker. =/
Ah, another victim. Just a reminder, it takes confirmation
Sorry for you mates, hope you get a Nightmare mount with that key
That is ofcourse true only when the system works properly and the seller didn't hide the flaw or intentionally cheated his customer. One out of three conditions are not met in this case and IRL he would be entitled to a full refund. Auction house is flawed and doesn't sort the items properly. Also according to EU regulations (I checked, it does include games, only nobody mentioned it yet) every purchase made using any internet system must have a 14 day return policy. It does include all currencies. It's going to be funny as hell to see the first trial about a purchase made in ZEN, AD, ISK or Gold in some random MMO game
Actual legal definition of "currency" aside (if it included ISK, I'm sure it would already have been tested), it would be interesting to see. However, successful ligitation may simply result in PWE simply pulling the game out of the EU...
The gorilla formerly known as Kolikos
Dream scenario right there. No more "game costs more than 59.99 in euros" and "need EU servers now" threads. Good riddance. They don't even understand VAT taxes their own governments implement.
The AH really isn't that hard to use, its clunky and you actually have to look at what you are clicking, but it is quite easy to compare items, ask around even come to a forum to prevent paying over the top for something, I don't buy a drink for
except in real life if someone screwed me like this they would give me a refund or end up missing some teeth and or broken bones.
The gorilla formerly known as Kolikos