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Positive Comments!



  • cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm liking the game. Some notes:

    1. I LOVE the professions. Seriously. I don't need to spend my time running all over looking for materials (I had lots by the time professions opened up), and I don't need to sit around crafting. I set my minions to their task, and let them get back to me when they are done. Just f#$%ing brilliant.

    2. The Foundry. Granted, a lot of the credit goes to the creators of the adventures, but the ones I've played have been quite well done.

    3. Quests. A serious lack of "Go kill X monsters!". It's there, but it doesn't *feel* like it's there. That's nice to have.

    4. Combat. No rote-button mashing, it's actually pretty action packed.
  • runicfirunicfi Member Posts: 269 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    NWO is a surprisingly good game. It has flaws, but it's only been out for a week and is a huge project. I like the game, and have faith that in a month or two it will be even better.

    Even Diablo 3 failed, and it was done by Blizzard, one of the most high quality studios in existence. It happens.
  • yarknarfyarknarf Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The game seems fun and the community seems pretty active for it being so new.

    As far as customer service I could write a few negative things with some of the snafus but instead I will say this;

    When I did finally get someone on my case they fixed my problem in 15 minutes, so that was good.

    Glad to be here and look forward to seeing how the game develops.
  • pzzdachupzzdachu Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gosh yer pretty!
    Allow me to introduce myself, I am P'zzd Achu.
  • flayedawgflayedawg Member Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm having so much fun right now that I'm already planning on killing my WoW account as soon as I hear this game is "officially released." It's not perfect, but nothing made by humans ever will be, & for what it is, it's pretty darn entertaining. The fact that I'm not feeling pressured to spend money makes it even better. Good job, so far.
    Fare you well
    Let your life proceed by its own designs
    Nothing to tell
    Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine ...
  • faladareafaladarea Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am having a blast in the game. And I have played a LOT of MMOs. I think this one shows real promise and it's clear that they have done some crazy good work here. Thanks, PW/Cryptic on a job VERY well done.
  • adamaantadamaant Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm hooked. I have spent 30 bucks total on top of my 60 for the founder pack. That's more because I'm a bit of a slot machine lover and enjoy finding out what's in the purple chests. I play the game for fun. I'll never have the bestest gear because that's not the reason for me to play. I enjoy the way the Queues work so that I can find an easy time getting a group, roaming a dungeon, even PVP which isn't my thing, but I like the AD I get when I play. I do my best though. I can't wait for more classes and more ways to spec your character. Almost all the games I've seen have evolved and improved over time. I don't think this will be an exception. I'd like to finish with one quick thing. Back when I was playing SWTOR a lot I got really bummed out reading the forums. There were a lot of people that didn't like the game for various reasons. I have to admit there were a lot of valid points. I began to dislike the game for the same reasons. I eventually stopped playing. Skip forward a year and I played quite a bit before again and saw major improvements and frankly I decided some of the stuff I didn't like before didn't matter as much as I thought.

    The difference with this game is that all the negative stuff on the boards doesn't even come close to convincing me to stop playing. I disagree with a lot of the complaints that people have. I'm not crazy about some pricing in the cash shop, but I have faith it will be addressed to some degree. So complain all you want. I love D&D, I really like this game. Here's to it's future and all the great content that I know will be added.
  • yupp99yupp99 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 45
    edited May 2013
    I have to say the companions are much better then Pong.Overall I think it is a good game and the potential to be a great game.There are many more Kudos compared to oh Siths about the game.The Foundry quest have some real creative mods.I think the Devs have been real responsive to the community.At least what I am use to.The bottom line it is a Beta and it is in development and I can see it improving as time goes by.I am still paying a sub at another game yet I am playing this.The other is a good game but I am having fun and that is a good thing.
  • sejo77sejo77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OP:Best thread eva' lol.I wanted to do the same, to start some anti complaining thread but you were faster :P.
    I'm happy that someone started this type of thread because the sheer ammount of complains enough to drive any sane person into a raging madman.
    About the game: i'm having a blast so far this game rocks. Thank you developers and publishers you made a really nice game, congratulation :). (no back thoughts just an honest option from an honest player)
    And complains, i can't really see them so far.
    And a message for those who are complaining:
    Lag: i don't have any (thankfully, i have a good computer and internet connection)
    Prices: i'm fine with the prices both ingame n real life prices, since i started i never had issues to buy or get the things i wanted (and we are talking about a freebie player here).Not to mention they even allow you to buy ZEN for ingame currency!! which is a huge deal for my opinion.
    PvP-Played a few matches so far and i enjoyed it.Yes i had beaten up a few times but also i made my kills as well :P. It felt balanced against all odds.When i got killed i had two or three guys on me and vica versa.In pvp it is very rarely happening that you get attacked by only one guy.About the rare one versus one encounters: my experinces are mixed.Once i got attacked by a dwarf guardian who was really good, he marched closer and closer to me and i really felt threatened.Other times i just put down melee guys easily.I think it is all depends on experience,you can't approach with the same strategie and expect the same results when you go against a guardian or you go against control wizards.One of the fights will be more challenging and will need more work to put 'em down.
    Leveling: I'm fine with that too both foundry and quests experience.I enjoyed leveling so far and i never had issues with it.
    After reading my post in some eyes it seems i'm a smoozer but i can tell you i'm not.I can be really critical and even cynical if i don't find something good enough (not that i'm proud of this) but in this case it wouldn't be true,
    This game has its potentional and considering that we see now is still just BETA, it is impressive.
    So to end this frickin' long wall post thx again PW and Cryptic to bring us this wonderful game.
  • bpphantombpphantom Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've been having a great time. Love the quest writing and the combat is darn good. It took some getting used to but I can see myself being here for quite some time. I really enjoy that my heal-spec'd cleric can actually solo well and my GWF is just an engine of destruction. Still room for improvement, but there always is, forever. Great game.
    - bpphantom

    Grace, Tiefling Devoted Cleric

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Then leave the rest to Batman."
  • surtur2surtur2 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    maralius wrote: »
    I've been browsing these forums for a bit now just looking at all of the doom and gloom. Some founded, some not. But hey that's what the other posts are all about. So how about we start a counter-thread. If you are actually having fun with this game, or have something nice to say, let's hear some of that.

    Yeah I know...lots of people will say that those who are having fun are playing the game. And that's true. But if you stop on by the forums and you see this thread and figure you are having a good time, let's hear it!

    Me personally, I'm having a load of fun. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones, but I got my Founder's stuff after filing a ticket and receiving an email within 12 hours telling me to apply it to my account. And I purchased ZEN without any real problems. More importantly the game itself is amazing. I'm a huge fan of D&D, have been since AD&D way back when. And I can honestly say I love how they made the wizard feel...well...wizardy. Same goes for the flavor of the cleric and the guardian fighter. I think the whole mark system from 4E was put in quite well.

    Graphics are amazing in this game. I love walking around Neverdead Graveyard admiring the place, and some of the foundry missions (Cragsteep Crypts comes to mind) are just amazingly beautiful and well done. Soloing foundry missions I had no problems with drops or EXP after the patch, but then again maybe I'm just easy to please. :)

    Let us know if you're having a good time out there!

    INB4 fake Cryptic / PW account trying to raise morale.

    TL;DR - If you're happy and you know it post a reply.

    Well I for one love this game. It has sucked me back into mmo mode (Sorry Honey :p) Dinner is on the table. Muahahah
  • shodans2shodans2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The game is superb. Thank you for creating it, I'm having a lot of fun.
  • maraliusmaralius Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fantastic to hear all of these positive things coming from the community. Brakkish I saw your post and I apologize for not getting back to it. I graduated with a Master's in Communication Studies yesterday so I have been a little occupied. :D But my wizard is 35 at the moment.

    I am also likewise happy to see people providing positive comments along with critiques of the game. This is a more fair and balanced approach I think for people coming to the forums to find out if they want to invest in this game.

    Happy hunting all.
  • redphantom01redphantom01 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Things I like about the game.

    The Foundry. I've always said more MMORPGs games could use something of a foundry, so that players don't have to sit around and keep doing the same raids while the developers try and come up with new content.
    I f**king love the idea that I've been given my own tools to create my own stories. Now I can create the content that I want to play, and the character driven stories that I want to hear (and maybe share if people ask me really nicely).

    The Control Wizard and the Rouge.
    The control wizard makes me feel like a Water bending Jedi. That. Is. ****ing. Awesome.
    The Rouge makes me feel like death on wheels and I can do it while looking handsome. :3

    I like that things are fully voiced and that I can earn Zen through astral diamonds. Though I suppose the devs/publishers are less happy about that.
  • mal3fact0rmal3fact0r Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2013
    A good number of the so called "doom and gloom" threads/posts actually begin with the poster stating how much they like the game, followed by their views on what would make it better. It's a good thing they actually care enough to post.

    That being said, I find it to be a pretty good game.
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I actually love the combat, it's familiar enough to MMO players of previous titles, but brings enough to the table to feel fresh.
    I love how the roles are once again somewhat defined, GW2 made a shambles of it all trying to kill the trinity without making better use of the newfound freedom
    I love the lore! love it! honestly DnD is a rich tapestry to read off and it shows.
    Healer is very similar to my old discipline priest, I loved that play style, half dps half healer all shieldz :P
    There is not a huge disparity between melee and ranged in terms of effectiveness
    The core game is great and it's FILLED with potential.

    A lot of these are important to me as a gamer, and you've ticked these boxes perfectly, great work Cryptic.
  • apocrs1980apocrs1980 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    maralius wrote: »
    I've been browsing these forums for a bit now just looking at all of the doom and gloom. Some founded, that's what the other posts are all about. So how about we start a counter-thread. If you are actually having fun with this game, or have something nice to say, let's hear some of that.

    Yeah I know...lots of people will say that those who are having fun are playing the game. And that's true. But if you stop on by the forums and you see this thread and figure you are having a good time, let's hear it!

    Me personally, I'm having a load of fun. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones, but I got my Founder's stuff after filing a ticket and receiving an email within 12 hours telling me to apply it to my account. And I purchased ZEN without any real problems. More importantly the game itself is amazing. I'm a huge fan of D&D, have been since AD&D way back when. And I can honestly say I love how they made the wizard feel...well...wizardy. Same goes for the flavor of the cleric and the guardian fighter. I think the whole mark system from 4E was put in quite well.

    Graphics are amazing in this game. I love walking around Neverdead Graveyard admiring the place, and some of the foundry missions (Cragsteep Crypts comes to mind) are just amazingly beautiful and well done. Soloing foundry missions I had no problems with drops or EXP after the patch, but then again maybe I'm just easy to please. :)

    Let us know if you're having a good time out there!

    INB4 fake Cryptic / PW account trying to raise morale.

    TL;DR - If you're happy and you know it post a reply.

    Being the author of said dungeon I thank you very much for the kind words, it took a long time to make and I'm very happy to see that a overwhelming majority of players enjoyed it as much as i did making it. I will be making another dungeon once bosses are implimented into the Foundry, but for now i am working on a solo campaign set in the world of Ravenloft. On topic I love the Foundry and what it allows us to do. And thank everyone again from the bottom of my heart for all the awesome comments and feedback!
    The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA
    Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
  • therealdestiantherealdestian Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2013
    Amazing game, but still needs a great deal of work.

    And some adjusting to the cash shop would only aid in its longevity.
  • wrenaqwrenaq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Great game loving it, great writing it has made me feel part of the D&D world ;)
  • caleshhcaleshh Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2013
    Love this game. And someone here said it.....squeaky wheels make the most noise and that is true....seems to be a couple squeaky wheels making a lot of noise, but eventually they get tossed. People complain about customer service....they have to field thousands of daily issues and they are doing it, its just rough when everyone thinks there problem is the main issue and its not.
    But the game......yup love it. Played for free for the most part but did buy some extra slots so I can make one of each char and a few slots for future char cuz I will be here awhile. Game is great with tons of expansion possibilities. I have yet to get into the foundry, just got my first char to level 60. Next char will be a fou.dry player. My 5 person group plays when we can....this way we can hit all the dungeons without worry of the need and greed system that I hope they fix. As said I'm here for quite sometime and I am excited to see what the future has in store for this game.
    Thanks for a great thread....hopefully its got enough grease to keep those few squeaky wheels away.
  • zedfighterzedfighter Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm enjoying the game for the most part, but to be honest, it really should be in closed beta still. To let a disgraceful bug riddled mess like this loose on the public was a bad choice.

    It's looking more like a cash grab than anything else. It's going to take years to fix all the bugs it currently has not to mention the new ones that will be introduced.

    The customer service is horrible at best. I think most of us would take stellar CS over a perfect game any day.

    Here's to hoping for major improvements with rapidity.
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