I've poked around these forums for a bit, but haven't quite found what I'm looking for.
I'm looking for a tutorial like the following:
http://mwomercs.com/game/training-grounds but as it pertains to Neverwinter.
I'm familiar with the D&D universe, but some of the mechanics in this game stray from the norm.
Things in particular I'm looking for:
- Where can I read about the differences between the paths that can be chosen at level 10?
- How exactly does paragon system work? It seems I can pick point from any of the initial paths on the left, but how does that affect the trees on the right?
- How many abilities am I restricted to? It seems I can learn more abilities than I can equip in the hotbar.
- Is there a list of commands anywhere?
Any help/links/pointing in the right direction is appreciated.
Eventually there will be multiple paragon paths to pick between. Picking one will open up a set up powers for you to gain in the paragon slots. Right now there is only 1 paragon path per class but that will change.
You can have all of the abilities. The limitation is how many you can actively bound to the controls. You can bind 2 at will powers, 4 encounter powers, 2 daily powers, and 2 class abilities. But between combats you can open the power menu and swap what ability is active.
I haven't actually seen a list of commands, but if you open the settings menu you can look at the current key bindings.
Is there a place, or in the UI, does it classify which powers are "at will" powers and which are "encounter"?
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