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Falling through the floor?

mostrandomistmostrandomist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 75
edited January 2014 in The Foundry
Whenever I try and preview my map, from any point on the map, my guy will start way far away from the map in the nether regions of the instance. I've tried setting my spawn point slightly above the floor. But I can't run around and test my level since my guy always falls below the map upon entering. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Post edited by mostrandomist on


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    forien69forien69 Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    While falling press ctrl+r or click "reset map" button in right bottom window.

    Try also enter map via "Play this map" button in Foundry instead of "Play from here" via RMB menu.
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    mostrandomistmostrandomist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 75
    edited May 2013
    yeah I did both of those, the play this map gave the same result, while the Ctrl-R warped me on top of the ceiling above my spawn point. I finally got Ctrl-R to stick me inside the actual map by tweaking the spawn point Y value, but this doesn't fix the problem, it's not like a normal player will be able to Ctrl-R their way inside...
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    levitatemelevitateme Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I usually try to ctrl-r on the main world page. that seems to magically make things better.
    Currently working on : Shopping Mall Security (NW-xxxxxxxxx)
    Author of the LGBT quest: Alternative Entertainment (NW-DHQPDNBZM)
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    sinthex1sinthex1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I am new to the Foundry myself. Ran across this post but did not see a fix. I am also having the same issue no mater where I place my character he falls through the floor. Even some of the encounters I set up fall with me. Was a fix found and if so what?
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    hercooles130uscghercooles130uscg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sinthex1 wrote: »
    I am new to the Foundry myself. Ran across this post but did not see a fix. I am also having the same issue no mater where I place my character he falls through the floor. Even some of the encounters I set up fall with me. Was a fix found and if so what?

    Just one questions. Are you in edit mode when you play through it (allowing you to move stuff around).

    If you are in edit mode, and you move your crosshair over any objects bounding box(white square) it will turn collision off for that object. So if you look at the floor...it will make the floor act like its not there. ctrl-tab reloads the map and fixes this.

    If you are falling through when not in edit mode, then move the starting point somewhere that you do not fall through, go into edit mode and fly mode, you can then manually move the spawn location and make sure its above the ground a little easier.

    Also some rooms that have multi-levels, placing the spawn point on an upper level will not work properly without adjusting the spawn point.
    yeah I did both of those, the play this map gave the same result, while the Ctrl-R warped me on top of the ceiling above my spawn point. I finally got Ctrl-R to stick me inside the actual map by tweaking the spawn point Y value, but this doesn't fix the problem, it's not like a normal player will be able to Ctrl-R their way inside...

    If ctrl-R gets you on the roof, then ya your point was too high and it might be causing the opposite effect (pushing under the geometry since you can't go up). If it's an indoor map, make a new, very basic open room, with no geometry, delete the spawn point and drag a new one to this room, it should default to the floor level. see if you still fall through the floor. Might be something busted on the map itself. (you can try duplicating the map as well)
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