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Trickster Rogue Needs a Buff



  • papi032papi032 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rojjin wrote: »
    if you mitigate rogue burst dps with some hp/defense they are a trash rogue..
    I'm sorry. Do better rogues gain more stats on gear than bad rogues?
  • selonwselonw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 258
    edited May 2013
    rojjin wrote: »
    if you mitigate rogue burst dps with some hp/defense they are a trash rogue..

    Lol wut? you havent seen how crazy much hp and def DC have at higher level, ontop of their crazy shields they can pretty much keep up at all time. They dont even have to move, they can just stand there facetanking 3 rogues, and when it wears of, they just run around in circle a little bit until they can cast it again.
  • rojjinrojjin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've beaten the pants off of every cleric I've ever seen waltz into 60 pvp
  • kato009kato009 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mickst3r wrote: »
    The TR is so squishy and so easy to dodge away from they seriously need a buff!

    They die in like a couple of hits because they are so squishy.

    They have to get up really close in order to do damage, enemies can just roll out and range the cr@p out of the TR's.

    Once they are CC'ed they are pretty much dead.



    First of all let me state up front I have only played 3 classes to mid 20's because I keep getting so fed up with rogues and wizards I keep re-rolling to try and find something other than those two that are worth anything in PvP.

    I can't speak for post 29 but man there is nothing squishy about a rogue, they can take a beating better than my GF, GWF, and DC all three. They have ranged attack on top of melee (no other class does). They have the longest stun I have ever seen. They slow, they do insane burst damage. And their ranged is better than my clerics. Not to mention they have more get-a-ways than all three of my chars combined. WTF could you possibly have to whine about ????? Honestly ????? Rogues need their ranged attack taken away to balance them a little. And if post 29 they need it back for balance, fine but prior to 30 they **** sure dont need a ranged attack.

    All in all, if you dont have that OP feeling anymore, just re-roll and quick level to 10 then do nothing but pvp until your out of the 20-29 bracket cause I know **** well your plenty op til at least then.
  • selonwselonw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 258
    edited May 2013
    So much wrong in that post its obvious you havent played a rogue
  • papi032papi032 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kato009 wrote: »

    First of all let me state up front I have only played 3 classes to mid 20's because I keep getting so fed up with rogues and wizards I keep re-rolling to try and find something other than those two that are worth anything in PvP.

    I can't speak for post 29 but man there is nothing squishy about a rogue, they can take a beating better than my GF, GWF, and DC all three. They have ranged attack on top of melee (no other class does). They have the longest stun I have ever seen. They slow, they do insane burst damage. And their ranged is better than my clerics. Not to mention they have more get-a-ways than all three of my chars combined. WTF could you possibly have to whine about ????? Honestly ????? Rogues need their ranged attack taken away to balance them a little. And if post 29 they need it back for balance, fine but prior to 30 they **** sure dont need a ranged attack.

    All in all, if you dont have that OP feeling anymore, just re-roll and quick level to 10 then do nothing but pvp until your out of the 20-29 bracket cause I know **** well your plenty op til at least then.

    That said it all, ty. Level up, get gear, then speak about balance... You wouldn't believe what a full geared GWF does in pvp, it's a joke
  • casia345casia345 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 58
    edited May 2013
    kato009 wrote: »

    First of all let me state up front I have only played 3 classes to mid 20's

    I found your problem.

    1-30 is all about DPS. Everyone is in greens with no hp gear, no defense, and everyone is just stacking +power/crit. And everyone only has a few select abilities.

    Guess what happens when everyone stacks dps? the dps class is super op.
    Rogues also pretty much get their core abilities by the end of the tutorial.

    Also by only playing to level 20ish, I bet you dont really understand the dodge mechanics, or mobility aspect of combat at all. Which is the main problem with rogues.
  • armagawrdarmagawrd Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'd say the trickster rogue could use some sort of buff, whether it'll affect the pve or the pvp aspect of them doesn't really matter.. As is the class isn't particularly usefull in either one of the two. I'd personally say a trickster rogue should be more favored in pvp but thats not the case.. Their class features which are sneaking around in stealth and placing decoys for the opponent in my opinion dont really shine at all. For one, stealth is way too easily countered by the lantern artifact.. This is just a joke that pretty much negates 50% of stealths usefullness.. And second the amount of stuff you can do from within stealth is fairly limited.. Make some room for some traps or decoys or whatever, some more poking around, a few more counters on cloud of steel, have the illusion created by bait and switch attack for a few % of the atk damage, something..

    Currently you're supposed to straight up fight with a cw, a gf or (and here comes the joke) a GWF.. Yeah right =)

    So thats the pvp part.. And yeah well, I guess you all know how badly people would like a TR in their dungeon group. Nope, DC or CW please tyvm.. Again, allow for some decoy, some debuffing, some rooting, some snares, some poison.. I dont know, anything that'll make the character more usefull then it is right now..
  • reagenlionel1reagenlionel1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    No I did not just see a thread like this. LOL

    You expect HIGH burst damage with good utility AND good defense? Madness!
  • shadow5930shadow5930 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 502 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Old thread be old. Let it rest in peace.
  • mechcountmechcount Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Burst matters less now, and TR burst isn't even that great compared to other classes. CW, GF, and GWF have multiple attacks that hit almost as hard as Lashing and actually have control on them (yay prones).

    What matters is control, control removal, and the ability to hit your target even if they move. Seriously, try using sly flourish or duelist flurry outside stealth, any half-decent player can avoid you trivially.

    Korvox basically has it righ on the first page. Kill permastealth and drop the stealth burst, and you can fix the rest of TR to keep up without freaking people out when we get lucky every 3 min.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    this thread has been closed for necromancy:
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    and for rule 3.15, no "nerf/buff this class" threads:
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    . . . . Please keep feedback constructive and within a format for Community Discussion. Disallowed topics include things like, "Please Nerf This Class" and anything without the direction of a constructive Community Discussion.
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