Guild Name: The Ordo Imperialis [Ordo]/[OI]
Time Zone(s): Our members range from across the globe, on average from Australia (GMT+10), The America's, to the United Kingdom (GMT)
Website: http://www.ordoimperialis.comCommunication: Forums, Teamspeak, & Others
Introduction: The Ordo Imperialis gaming community is looking for mature and loyal champions. We're friendly, story driven, active, experienced with over six(6) years of organized gaming and other areas. We run our Teamspeak, webserver, and other game servers for other games. Though we're experienced gamers we are open to new players and we'll provide training and help our members. Founded on teamwork we often gather for foundry, PvP, skirmishes, and dungeon runs. Finally, we have roleplay lore to fit in the land of Faer