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Why can't I hide my shirt/pants?



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    yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    ausdoerrt wrote: »
    Because if you wanna look half-naked, you better lose some defense for it :)

    Well, you can just hide all your armor and lose no defence, so I don't see the logic there.
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    silestesileste Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dagurasu wrote: »
    Every time I look at the armor I'm wearing, I think "god why can't I hide the shirt/pants?", and then I click back over to my fashion outfit and I'm content until the next time I have to switch over to my actual armor.

    Please give us the option to hide the stuff, or give us different shirts/pants to use.

    LOL this is how I am.

    The shirt and pants are annoying >_< I want to hide them. I want to show my midriff! GASP!
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    savagedeaconsavagedeacon Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Real warriors fight in nothing but the birthday suit...................

    And they die fast...however i noticed that you don't lose your AC when in fashion mode so if your motive is that you don't like your armor and not that you like too much your underwear you have an alternative
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    isleeislee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree that the trend towards sensuality in games is really unnecessary, then again so are the feminist wannabes shouting sexism when a player (who is by default assumed to be male, nice sexism ladies) wants to show their character's skin. You missed women's suffrage by about 100 years. There's no shortage of men that agree with you, but they get tired of being beaten down by your all-men-are-just-teenage-boys-ogling-their-female-avatars rhetoric
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    metuzmetuz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Most of the armors is designed to show skin, even the armor examples in character generator show skin, most of the female NPCs show skin, and my own character can't! And you loose more than a bit defense at highlevel as you can get gemmed shirt/pants.
    And this is AD&D not real life, its almost lore breaking if a female fighter is not showing skin. Just add the options to hide pants/shirt and all will be happy.
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    phrausphraus Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2013
    sephere wrote: »
    The first thing I do when I make a character in this game, is take either the shirt or pants off, or maybe both
    It just looks better most of the time, although I admit the plate shirt/pants does look good sometimes

    On my defender, I have the shirt off and pants on, and I just keep them in my inventory if I want to change the look

    As for games like Tera, I really like the armor designs, even though everyone says they're too revealing,
    I think they look nice ascetically speaking
    For the magician classes, you can actually get a 40s style dress,
    and make your character have a bob and heavier makeup, so she looks like she's from that time,
    and that's just an example, it's actually rather interesting what you can do with the basic armors

    I wish the leather and some of the cloth armors in NWO had the same kind of ascetically appealing look,
    but the scale and plate do look somewhat better here in NWO, than they do in Tera, though;
    as in the plate actually looks like plate, shiny and all

    Lucky You: My poor cleric looks:

    In combat: Like the archbishop of Constantinopla

    In social: as a beggar or as a exotic dancer (courtesan wear)

    What I would like is an adequate medium point: the possibility to dress my toon in modest but attractive ways, and now the possibilities at least for female toons are just two extremes: nuns covered in steel for DCs or street h**kers for all the classes
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    flyingfinnflyingfinn Member Posts: 6,694 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just take them of from the slots. Few stats number here or there wont matter.
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    If you've shelled-out god knows how much for gemmed shirt/pants, you're not going to leave those off.
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    bootyjoosbootyjoos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 54
    edited July 2013
    While I don't feel one way or another about the models in this game, because the only thing I look at while playing are health bars and the ground, I feel that Rachel's arguments are worth consideration. And remember that nothing she says is getting shoved into your throat. Just as she can lock herself in her house to avoid seeing the sexism she doesn't want to see, you can do anything else that isn't reading this thread to avoid getting her opinion.
    Obviously, rachel is in the wrong here. I know my comments sound ignorant, but thats the cost of using trigger words to try and get rachel back here and start arguing. Not all women feel the need to shroud their faces and cover their ankles. This is about choice, not about sexism. And injecting your bias in a conversation about choice is like telling a white man hes racist for considering an african mans skin black. Pointless, melodramatic, and egotistic.

    The art director had a vision for the style of the game, and the artists executed that vision. If you want to play an E rated game I heard pink princess unicorn island was great.
    Why are you trying to get Rachel back in here to keep arguing with you? What do you expect to gain from it? Didn't you say earlier you're sick of reading her posts? So, you're so sick of reading her posts that you just *have* to reply to it and then some, to get her to post more. We let this sort of thing through but get all up in arms about someone who thinks sexism is bad?

    Please, let's all step back and take a good look at ourselves. What are we fighting for here?
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    manholiomanholio Member Posts: 493 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    bootyjoos wrote: »
    What are we fighting for here?


    Fappage. We are fighting for fappage.
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    vmlinuxvmlinux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree, I think everyone here would like to see the nice hairy happy trail on a warriors beer belly.
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    manholiomanholio Member Posts: 493 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    vmlinux wrote: »
    I agree, I think everyone here would like to see the nice hairy happy trail on a warriors beer belly.

    Um yeah, no.
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    alaerickalaerick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 166 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    steampunky wrote: »
    Women -can- find it sexy, sure. But most don't. Female sexual fantasies often aren't as visual as male sexual fantasies. And when they are they tend to revolve around guys closer to Michael Phelps or Johnny Depp than Hulk Hogan or Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Besides which: The male character is being designed as a power fantasy with sexual fantasy being a secondary consideration. While the female character (with armor-holes) is being designed as a sexual fantasy with power fantasy as a secondary consideration.

    And yes. Being able to make stuff invisible would only make the female characters sexier, not sexy to begin with. But that's just further catering to guys without commensurate offerings to women. Don't you think that's unfair?

    I don't want to sound rude but there really is no other way to handle this. I've read, I lost count, how many of your posts and seriously wtf are you going on about? Explain what the hell a "Power Fantasy" for a woman is? Like omg.. the Half-Ogre? You want some muscle bound steroid junky looking female character? I thought that was already possible using the character creator and chosing "Bulky" on the arms and "Flat" on the chest?

    You are seriously not making any sense. You are just pissed off that guys find women sexy? I mean wth? The human body is beautiful. There is nothing worse than a woman trying to ruin a good game with some crazy half cocked pseudo science bull**** when none is needed. This is Dungeons and Dragons. If you want super prudes go to LotRO. It is just what you are looking for!

    Meanwhile back on topic. Yes please for hide Shirt/Pants. They are ugly no matter what anyone says. They do NOT belong in D'n'D!
    steampunky wrote: »
    So you don't understand feminism and sexism or social convention.
    I understand that it has no place here in this game or many others based on "Fantasy". The very nature of Fantasy titles is that they are set in the past. You know where women had no right to vote, were often sexual toys for conquerors, Raised kids, had no education, no ability to work. That is exactly the setting this game takes place in.. Yet.. for some reason women are magically progressed to modern rights and yet some how that isn't enough.. Now you want to take away the sexual objectification as well. I got news for you. Try Sci-Fi. Fantasy by it's very setting and nature (Conan the Barbarian) does not have women in any real positions of power save the rare "Red Sonja" or some "Evil Queen". That is part of the very stereotypes that DEFINE this genre. I'm not saying women should be this way merely THAT is the nature of this setting. Even in the Lord of the Rings (novel) women are relegated to the sidelines while the men do all the work and adventures with few exceptions where a woman dresses up and pretends to be a man. That is the nature of this beast.
    steampunky wrote: »
    Not be bombarded by his sexual fantasy or the sexual fantasy of many other male players also playing the game.
    steampunky wrote: »
    The option this thread is asking for is sexism and eye candy and more nudity that I don't want to be bombarded with while fighting ogres and werewolves and dragons.


    I reduced all of that to the parts that matter. You do not want to be subjected to male fantasy in a "Fantasy game designed for and played by males for the last 25 years". This is about as bad as rubbing honey on your clothes and then laying down in a fire ant hill. Why on earth would you be here in "Dungeons & Dragons" a fantasy game originating in the 70s/80s? This is one of those games that should be inundated in innuendo. That should have metal bikinis.. That should fulfill the "FANTASY" from which it is based. If that's not to your liking then I suggest you figure out why on earth you are playing this game. There are other fantasies out there you need only look! Yet you clearly state that "YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SUBJECTED TO OTHERS FANTASIES" and here you are in an very sex oriented fantasy MMORPG.. /epicfacepalm

    steampunky wrote: »
    Frankly I'd love to have a character and a place that does not deal with sexism or sexual fantasy at all. But everywhere I look it's waiting.

    Try Lotro.. that game is as prudish and nonsexual as anything so much so I find it distastefully sterile and juvenile to the point of unplayable. You should feel right at home! There's also better crafting and nearly no pvp.. Wallah you win!

    PS: Ever since this star mask event came out I've seen countless guys running around wearing nothing but their underwear and a mask.. That's about as unfair as it gets if you ask me they are wearing LESS!!

    I want equality. If guys can run around totally topless. Then women should be able to as well. After all it is fairness and equality she wants.

    I'm so ****ing sick of this god **** ancient antiquated feminist bull****. Why is it obscene for women to go topless but not men? Most women I've talked to oogle a guys chest every last **** bit as much as men oogle a womans.. Women have the same stereotypical view as men. Needs to be toned not flabby or it's unsightly.. So come on get over yourself and move on. You are victimizing yourself at this point.

    Here's some interesting facts people often take for granted taken from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plate_armour

    Plate armour is a historical type of personal armour made from iron or steel plates. While there are early predecessors such as the Roman-era lorica segmentata, full plate armour developed in Europe during the Late Middle Ages, especially in the context of the Hundred Years' War, from the coat of plates worn over mail suits during the 13th century. In Europe plate armour reached its peak in the late 15th and 16th centuries, with the full suits of Gothic plate armour worn on the battlefields of the Burgundian and Italian Wars. The most heavily armoured troops of the period were heavy cavalry such as the gendarmes and early cuirassiers, but the infantry troops of the Swiss mercenaries and the landsknechts also took to wearing lighter suits of "three quarters" plate armour, leaving the lower legs unprotected. The use of plate armour declined in the 17th century, but remained common both among the nobility and for the cuirassiers throughout the European wars of religion. After 1650, plate armour was mostly reduced to the simple breastplate (cuirass) worn by cuirassiers. This was due to the development of the flintlock musket which could penetrate armour at a considerable distance, severely reducing the payoff from the investment in full plate armour. For infantry, the breastplate gained renewed importance with the development of shrapnel in the late 18th century. The use of steel plates sewn into flak jacket dates to World War II, replaced by more modern materials such as fibre-reinforced plastic since the 1950s. It is a common misconception that the plate armour of European soldiers adversely affected mobility in a significant manner, but in fact plate armour was less heavy and featured more even weight distribution than a full complement of a modern firefighter's gear. [1]

    This whole notion of wearing heavy plate/chainmail body armor is short lived. It arose and died off quickly. In the entire history of man most all wars were fought wearing little more than loin cloths.

    Most native countries including Native American, African, Polynesian, and may other areas looked mostly like 447px-Touch_the_Clouds_1877a.jpg
    Chest bare, animal skin wraps. That's it..

    Native Americans were more civilized than most other cultures predating that era.

    Egypt for example:
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    irdillonirdillon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 90
    edited October 2013
    Cryptic pls
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Lol **** this thread is old. But yeah hiding shirt/pants would be cool.
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    kaylos29kaylos29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This necro probably deserves a pass. imo
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    duthgar1976duthgar1976 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    cant wait to see the video of some guy masterbatating to his character to show up on youtube. just like the guy from WoW.
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    rezlezrezlez Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2013
    steampunky wrote: »
    I totally get that, yeah.

    Yeah! Sexism in the past means we should continue reinforcing sexism, today!


    Please enlighten me on how being stark naked has anything to do with male vs female hissy fits.

    @ Zilak

    Though I loved Scarlet blade, the majority of classes are covered from head to toe. Unless you're a Whipper, you're pretty much wearing plate armor all day, every day.
    someoneod wrote: »
    Why in god's name would you be against this when you CAN RUN AROUND NAKED AND GET FULL STATS FROM ARMOR.

    ^ This. Someone can just switch to Fashion View, without any clothes on in their fashion window, and they'll be nude even with Tene.


    I like pants. They're nice and warm. They normally have a function IRL. That is, until you get to a very warm climate.

    From Texas to now in Florida, I see girls - generally age 8 to 35 - sporting a long T-shirt...and that's it. Atleast some of them have the decency to wear underwear, but not all. In other words, many people still don't like to show pants irl.

    This is an actual issue in Neverwinter - when it turns out that nice "skirt" thing you saw in the previews comes from the shirt, and not some Uglyfugly pants that honestly no one wants to spend their time crafting up in the first place, the pants turn out to RUIN your outfit. I like additional, though small, stats, but I don't want to look like a walking cactus just because I wanted more stats.
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