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Stuck Power Select Tab

exeter111exeter111 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
Problem since the patch possibly. On my character screen whenever I try to go to the power select tab it just shows my paragon path page. This is on my lev 33 GWF and the path has already been chosen. There's no way to click back like you used to be able to when below 30. So stuck just looking at a paragon select screen with no way to select any powers I consider it game breaking at least on this character.

Update: Great same problem on my 32 cleric.

2nd Update: Was able to fix it, apparently I'd selected the paragon path on my GF before logging out. Then when I switched to one of my higher level characters it would display nothing but the GF paragon message still. Was able to fix by logging my GF back in and clicking it back to regular power page there, thus fixing it on my other characters. Well explains why this problem isn't happening to more people.
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    slestraslestra Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Level 38 with 3 available point to spend in Powers/Paragon Path this page will not open to spend the points and I cannot change my ability's..I see others having the same issue.
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