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[Suggestion] What this game needs

vaaso189vaaso189 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
There is one single thing that could make me ignore everything that is wrong with Neverwinter. For the time being that is alot.
(I hereby acknowledge that this game is in BETA stage. I really want the devs to see through, discuss this guys and gals).

I have a deep desire to EARN stuff. As for now, people who pay real money do not earn their items by doing tasks in game. What this game needs is something that you must earn and work hard for to get.

When you put down time into a game you want that effort to show, something that stands out from the rest and is recognized as an achievement. This could be mounts, better gear or gear that as stated before, stands out. It has to be unique.

Grab the readily available tissues...

As little as I care for those who compare games, the best example can obviously be taken from World of Warcraft (:eek:) .
You will have to play for a really long time to achieve certain mounts that you can only get from achievements, when you see a player with that mount you immedeatly know what he has achieved.
I guess we will see the Angel of Protection when someone has been playing every day for a year and that will have the same effect. But until then?

I could swear that you would decimate (slight exaggeration) the PvP whiners if you added a mount that was expensive but on par with the best mounts you can buy for AD/ZEN.
For the time being I only see currency, currency and more currency.
This applies to every aspect of the game. You all benefit from this wether you like to roleplay, PvP, PvE or any other activity.

Hey! Cool spider, bro.:rolleyes:
He said my story was cool. And he called me bro.
Post edited by vaaso189 on


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    maeghwynnmaeghwynn Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A change to the WASD movement model is what I need to see. I simply cannot play with the current system. I really don't understand why they went with this.
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    griebelgriebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I need a companion that acts like a magnet so I won't have to run around and won't have to climb the scenery to pick money and items.
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    glanniganglannigan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 463 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    More Cowbell?
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    myklrmyklr Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Micro-transactions are how F2P games/companies make money to maintain their servers, pay their bills and the people who do all the work. That is the F2P model and even AAA titles where you actually buy the game first are going that route in lieu of a subscription because they know they can make more money with it. I can see all MMO's going the F2P route eventually. More people will be likely to try the game if it's free and then maybe drop $20-$60 in the store. If there were in initial price tag on the title, less people will likely try it out and that is lost revenue. The more money they make, the more resources they have to throw at the game.

    Pay to Win is a problem and is a touchy area because you don't want to the game to become known as a P2W title. There needs to be rewards, solely through playing, that equal anything available in the store aside from the look of the thing. As long as there is a mount in the game as fast and strong as anything you can get from the store, then it's all good. However, the one from the store should look especially awesome. The same goes for armor, weapons and everything else in the game. I do think nightmare lockbox keys should be a drop, an very uncommon drop at least and if they are, I have not seen one yet.

    I got a founders package, not the spider, because I like the game and want to support it. I have played a number of F2P games and never supported them because they just weren't good games or they were obviously created just to run cover for an insane cash shop.
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