What I am doing is kinda simple (for the moment) but i seem to be having difficulty pulling it off.
Basically, I have my map transition from the Tower District to a door which leads to a room with an NPC.
Afterwards the NPC gives the Hero a mission and then what's meant to happen is you go back out the door to the previous map... but its not.
The steps I want to achieve are as such...
Tower District -> House -> Back to Tower District -> Main Map and Click on Dungeon
but what I am getting instead is
Tower District -> House -> Straight to Dungeon
For some reason it won't allow me to Transition it back to the prior map.
NW-DGYDZ7EAL - Khelgar's Treasure Cave
NW-DTULANXJC - Khelgar's Hideout
Thread with suggestions for Foundry