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Guide: The Dread Vault - Yshiggol (End Boss)

tempritempri Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
So there seems to be zero guides or strategies on how to defeat the last boss in The Dread Vaults so I thought I would make one. The fight is REALLY simple once you understand the core mechanic, something that took my group over an hour and a half to work out.

Phase 1:
You basically kill all the adds that are summoned by Yshiggol AWAY from himself. They have a purple glowing link connected to each add so you know when it is too close to the boss. If it is killed near the boss he will heal for the amount of health of the mob, which is a large chunk.

Phase 2:
At 70%~ he will summon a miniboss which can be CCed and must be killed along with dpsing the adds that normally come down. All he does is simply teleport to a random party member and perform a slow swing that does a lot of damage and is easily avoidable. Back to Phase 1 until he hits 30%.

Phase 3:
At 30%~ he will summon another miniboss, a spider, which might be CCable (need clarification) that also summons adds throughout this phase that need to be AOE'd down. She does a long range frontal cone spell which can also be easily avoided as well as medium circles on the ground that explode after 2-3 seconds. Proceed to dps down until its dead. Repeat Phase 1 until boss is dead.

Ignore tentacles the entire fight as they will not do anything to you and will respawn after a few minutes.

Hope this helps anyone who was having issues with this and saves you some time.
Post edited by tempri on


  • chonkchonk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A++ Guide

    Would read again.
  • kroogkroog Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    during my run through, phases 2 and 3 spawned different mini bosses. Phase 2 spawned the orc boss from the cloak tower, and phase 3 spawned a demon. the demon, would jump in the air and spawn more adds when he landed. i think Yshiggol randomly spawns 'clones' of bosses from other dungeons.

    the other thing i noticed, was during phase 1, occasionally a whole platform would go red, if you stayed in that area you would be stunned for a second, and loose some health. best way to avoid this is to stay near the boarders of the platforms, and jump from one to the next. this will also keep you away from the tentacles.
  • jcfisher3rdjcfisher3rd Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Kill tentacle, stand in rings dps.
  • dosoordosoor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The spider can NOT be CCed.
  • neverhofneverhof Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Here's how weve done this boss a couple of times.

    As the OP says kill the first adds first away from the boss but also away from any tentacles, you can out range their attacks. The raised block below where you spawn is a safe ish place to use as a kill zone for adds.

    Phase 1.
    While there is any other adds than brain dogs alive, all dps focus on the large adds in the kill zone.(This applies throughout the fight)
    Once they're dead kill a tentacle to give you some room to manouver.
    Once a tentacle is down, have 1 dps preferably a rogue start nuking the boss, it doesnt need tanking. The rest of the dps, tank and healer group near the dps'er thats on the boss. Kill any brain dogs that spawn(they tend to go for the one dpsing the boss alot), if theres none left then throw a few shots at the boss.

    Keep doing this until either; you hit phase 2 when the boss becomes immune and he spawns a sub boss or a tentacle respawns.
    If its a tentacle first, kill that tentacle then back on the boss and dogs until you hit phase 2.

    Phase 2.
    Once you hit Phase 2, retreat to your safeish kill zone, the large red aoe that appears isn't much to deal with, a potion should be enough to handle that at the most. Kill the sub boss and any adds, stay out of range of the tentacle once again. Once the sub boss and adds are dead either kill a tentacle and repeat phase 1 or if a tentacle hasn't respawned yet have 1 dps back on the boss, the rest of the team dealing with adds until it does respawn. Then back off, kill the tentacle and back to the boss again.

    Phase 3.

    This is just a repeat of phase 2 with another sub boss, do exactly the same as before, deal with adds and the sub boss, then a tentacle if one is up. One dps on the boss while the rest of your team keeps the brain dogs under control.

    Once you have killed the 2nd sub boss its fairly easy to get the kill, just watch out for tentacles respawning and stay on top of the adds.

    The sub bosses spawn around 70 and 30% and its random which ones you get.

    If you wanted to play it safe around 75% on the boss stop dpsing him and wait for a tentacle to respawn, once it respawns kill it then push the boss over to phase 2(70%). That way you will have a clear area without a tentacle to kill the sub bosses. If not then just use your kill zone.

    Theres no enrage on the boss so take your time and follow the simple guidelines and you wont get over run with adds or one shotted by the tentacles.
  • skyewolf1skyewolf1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I beg to differ on the "tentacles do nothing to you"...one swat from a tentacle leaves me deader than a doornail :P BUT that being said, thanks for this, that boss was driving me batty. We've tried and failed NINE times so far! Going to give it another go tomorrow using your suggestions :D
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