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the game starts already to get boring :O

vongurravongurra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 13 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
My impressions of the game so far.

To start with i love the combat system its great!
but in the later game the dungeons become very much same same bosses with loads of adds some few machanics , and that with a crappy loot system , i beleive the game needs class specific need/greed rolls , maybe need before greed or something like that , because if you are not in an premade group everyone is just gonna roll need on whatever , and try sell the item or trade it for gear that they need.

I also feel that the faundry will sadly not save this game , i mean its great that you can make your own quests to share with the community , ive done a few some are great but i beleive the majority of players wants to get some loot for the effort , and at lvl60 its not that really much to do except dungeons/pvp , its no open world grinding to do :/
I feel skirmiches aint worth the time either

The crafting system is lame aswell time consuming piece of garbage, for example i have grinded pvp and dungeons alot i have almost full epic except head piece and green lvl 15 or 30 shirt and pants ?

I put my hopes for gauntlgrym whenever its coming out but starting to get bored just abit above a week after its realeased is bad.

I also thinks that the respec cost should be changed to free people will not spend money to "tryout" specs atleast while its beta.

How to you guys/girls feel about endgame content and such ?
Post edited by vongurra on


  • ashrox10ashrox10 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In terms of dungeons I don't know why you feel they're boring. I'm not usually one for PvE unless it's raids however as a CW running epics I'm finding them challenging which is good and I feel like I play a true role in the group. True, the mechanics could do with sharpening, but groups still wipe on them which means they're difficult. Players like difficult.

    Loot system definitely needs work, too many people 'accidently' need epic gear.

    Crafting is alright, it just feels like a Facebook game to me though. Cryptic could have released the Crafting System on Facebook and have it's own game making money for them.

    Gauntlgrym, I hope, will save this game for me as a PvP enthusiast. However, I'm enjoying it as it is now. :)
    Vuxadin@Kaelangx on Mindflayer.
    PvE Enthusiast.
  • vongurravongurra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well about the dungeons i find them difficult but you cant argument that most boss fights feels like they are just overunned with adds? i would rather see fewer adds and more dangerous mechanics , because if you have the adds under control , the boss fights gets alot easier .
  • doctormonkeedoctormonkee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with you OP. The game is boring and the only "new concept" is the foundry. I have a lot more fun playing Tera because while the questing is equally repetitive, at least the combat is amazing and challenging.
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So you grinded(sic) and powerlevelled to 60 in just a few days and are already bored? Perhaps this is not the game for you then.

    Devs cannot possibly create enough new 'stuff' to keep you occupied and not bored. Not when you can grind through something in an hour that takes them weeks or months to develop.
  • buzdovan2buzdovan2 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Im 46 guardian so im not lvl 60 yet, but already now im really bored of questing and basically doing the same thing over and over again. I hate the fact that the maps are PACKED with mobs and you fight 15 mobs every 15 seconds. Combat has become annoyance rather then enjoyment, considering this is an action mmo.

    Dungeons, they feel the same as i lvl up. I only noticed the difference when i did lair of the mad dragon dungeon, different in a way that it gets harder, which is good, but not because the bosses are unique and have their own combat moves and mechanics, but simply because, yet again, the adds. This means every new dungeon is predictable, you know you are going to get swarmed with adds every time fighting a boss, and once you get used to it, it gets easy. Today we did lvl 45 dungeon without the cleric, and without the wipes, so yeah.

    I can't speak for the epic dungeons, since i haven't been there yet. I just hope word epic really counts for something, but considering this post, it might not be the case.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    elawyn wrote: »
    So you grinded(sic) and powerlevelled to 60 in just a few days and are already bored? Perhaps this is not the game for you then.

    Devs cannot possibly create enough new 'stuff' to keep you occupied and not bored. Not when you can grind through something in an hour that takes them weeks or months to develop.

    Exactly what I expected. Saw these types of jokers in chat in Zone and knew right away that they'd be in here saying "meh bored meh" after rushing to level 60 in just a couple of days. Happens in every single newly launched mmo anymore.

    They run thru every bit of new content that they throw out don't read a thing, don't listen to the npcs don't get involved in the story or the lore and rush to the end. I wonder if they do that with mystery books too, "Oh the butler did it. oh well I'm bored now."
  • labbblabbb Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    MMO does not equal console game that never ends .
  • kilo418kilo418 Member Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I see a lot of complaints in this thread, and that's fine, but where are the ideas that could improve your level of enjoyment? Give the devs something to shoot for. Let them know how they can make it more enjoyable.

    If you don't like the combat system or doing dungeons, then this just may not be the game for you.
  • wakerglasswakerglass Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    elawyn wrote: »
    So you grinded(sic) and powerlevelled to 60 in just a few days and are already bored? Perhaps this is not the game for you then.

    Devs cannot possibly create enough new 'stuff' to keep you occupied and not bored. Not when you can grind through something in an hour that takes them weeks or months to develop.

    yeah i'm afraid this is usually the truth when people complain about being bored before a game is even a week old.

    i agree this game doesn't bring too much new to the table, but it's impossible to keep folks who have far too much free time on their hands happy when it comes to video games. i dont' want to tell you slow down, because you'll play how you play. but it would obviously help if you would.

    slow down, that is.
  • gunmangunman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    I think they don't really have enough PvE content, at least not to the level of classic single-player RPGs (even Neverwinter Nights, to have a fun reference). That being said, it isn't too little by a LARGE margin. Try playing a single-player game 10 days , 12 hours a day...if you haven't finished it yet (completed all quests), then you're probably playing Baldur's Gate, TES, or smthg. And to be honest, quests actually tie into each other in this game, very similar to a classic RPG, as opposed to a plethora of MMOs out there where people on the same map have few or no links between each other.

    The devs have a small problem here, since hyperactive people (who play 12 hours a day and **** the content fast) are the ones who actually spend the most $$$ usually. So, they probably need a bigger carrot than the Tiered Epic gear already in the game.

    For more casual and semi-hardcore players, the game is quite fun. I've been having a great time reading/listening through every quest, and reading the occasionally good piece of lore. I feel like an adventurer, and that's what I'm here for. I'll probably spend some money to reward the devs for making something fun, but not amazing amounts, since I'm not into "fluff" or "zomfg need epixx fast". I'm a bit sad that mid-level maps (25-45) are a bit less fun than the rest, and the lore isn't amazing, but that's just personal preference.

    As for the Foundry, it's certainly a good addition, but to be fair, it is going to take a lot of time before people design great stuff. 90% of the content created is boring at best. 1 in 100 quests will actually be good (there are few in there already), but I think the devs need to work with those people more closely to actually add some more interesting progression/lore to it.

    I think it's the type of game where you play it for several weeks, see everything, then wait a month and jump back in for the new Foundry content. As far as monetization goes, I'm guessing the devs already have plans for what new fluff items to add over time to bring people back...or else they might have issues.
  • tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If all you care about is the gears, you will always be bored in games once you get it. I'm still having fun, hit level 60 before the non-founders were let in, have a lot of T1 gear. Since foundry scales, i'll be doing those for fun instead of gear or loot, i'm sure that will be the thing keeping me here the longest. As long as there are creative people making fun quests, it's all good.

    I've never been impressed with any boss encounter in any game really, it all comes down to simon says in most other games, especially when there are mods that tell you when a boss is about to do something and what to do (DBM in WoW). After a while it becomes all the same and boring too. Extra mobs coming seems like it's all the same, but it can get really hectic when people don't work together as a team and focus. Had some amazing fun when the party got overwhelmed and it was down to me (a CW) and a GW, and we had to get the boss down with all the adds. Done the same on boss fights in WoW, but there it was simply kiting the boss around, sticking dots on, and keeping aggro on me. Neat, but not nearly as unpredictable and anxiety causing, in a good way.

    Crafting is meh right now, but who knows, maybe they will add fashion gears to the rares that pop up. Already there have been some rare purples that have shown up for me, but i've been too low skill to make. It's a nice side thing, and i really don't see how it's different than any other crafting in any other game, they all are pretty useless except for one or two items.

    The need/greed really does need to be looked at. So many dungeons i've been in i've seen people needing on everything, and even begging to trade items they didn't win. It may get better once people realize the AH will bottom out soon, already seen t1 purples on there now for 1/10th what they were days ago, but greedy people will always be greedy.

    Once more classes and paragon paths are in, there will be even more to do too. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
  • ryger5ryger5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This post reminds me of kids who eat all their Hallowe'en candy in one night and then complain about a stomach ache and that they've run out of candy.

    The game is really good. From my insignificant perspective, I humbly submit, If you're bored already, it's a stern reflection of your ADD, not the game.

    And no, it's not because "you're hardcore". Don't flatter yourself. You just lack the imagination to enjoy D&D, a game that pretty much has always required an active imagination to truly appreciate.

    You might consider that harsh, that's fair enough, but forgive me for offering some "hardcore" rebuttal to this idea that the really "hardcore" gamers can't enjoy the game beyond a single week of play. It's the tired lie I've seen several MMOs indicted with.
    SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
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  • floredonfloredon Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    people complaining that this game is boring have never played DDO.
  • fyniousfynious Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    :DWell, I have to agree with the OP. The game is lacking things in certain areas. There are some very good things about this game as well.

    For one, I really like the textures for the different zones and dungeons. I really enjoy the combat mostly, I don't care for the fact that you can't move while you swing. Yes, I know you can't swing a 6' broadsword in real life while you're moving.. last time I checked this isn't real life. The combat engine in DDO is better, this is good but not the best. I also like the quests (the writing). I like the fact the game has a foundry and people are working to make custom content, I think that's great. Over all the classes seem balanced for what they are supposed to do. A lot of people don't understand the way D&D 4.0 works. A Control Wizard is not a Striker. (So, a Wizard in 4.0 D&D is not a Mage(DPS) like from wow.)

    Now for the things I think that need improvement or things that I think are basic design flaws. For one, I don't like the repetitive nature of the liner content in the game. I have played since the first day Alpha was available and I have leveled up many characters of almost every race and for sure every class. (I think total I've leveled up 5 to 60th level, currently in game I have a 60 TR). The fact that there is almost NO difference in questing/leveling from one character to another is pretty bad. Alts are a HUGE part of games like this.. and people are going to get tired of the leveling treadmill that is Neverwinter. Also, I don't like how the quests force a zone to be completed in the exact same fashion every time. There is no change. None what so ever. You HAVE to do A to do B, you can't mix it up, switch it up.. The use of D&D 4.0 was in my opinion a huge mistake. The RPG its self is already being shelved by the maker, yet we use this system to create a new MMO. I don't think that was a wise choice, although when they first wrote the design document I doubt that D&D 5.0 was known to the public. (Although companies that are using a license like this usually know stuff long before the public.)

    In the end, this is a much more polished game then I would have thought Cryptic was going to make. They have the makings of a great title here. But there are basic design decisions that they have made that will hamper them from really taking this title and make it a truly great game.

    Oh, one last thing. They need to really sit back and think about the pricing on some of their in game products. Like... 300ZEN for a bank addition. You need to spend (I think) 1800ZEN to get the full bank. That's 18.00 US to fill out your bank space. Which by its self is only slightly bad until you realize oh wait.. I have to do that for EVERY character.. WTF? You can't mail coins between characters among other annoyances. This is BETA and they have time to make corrections, which I hope they do.

  • natejam101natejam101 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree OP, this game is becoming boring rather quickly..

    When i started playing WoW back in 04 the boring factor did not kick in for me until 2012 when i finally gave it up after 8 years.
    ASUS P8Z68 V-Pro Gen3 mobo, Intel i7 2600k, 32gb DDR3 G-Skill Ripjaws, 500gb SSD, 2TB HDD, Geforce GTX 690 x2 Sli, 1200 watt Thermaltake modular PS, Thermaltake gaming tower.
  • scruffycavetrollscruffycavetroll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    I can see this game getting dull / getting burn out, but I get this with every game I play. I only started saturday and have one toon at 18, and sure i'm doing some things over and over again, but this is the nature of video games. I have to take a couple of days off.

    Take your time with a new title, as we all know the amount of content is slim, games like this take time to develop content.

    Personally, the foundry is a great tool. I haven't tried creating a quest yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I believe that as time passes, things will be added to increase the creativity that comes out of the foundry, I'm also sure that we will get some really cool expansions as this game only covers an extremely small part of the Forgotten Realms.

    I'm going to get ahead of myself here, but an expansion that adds the Planechase universe, I would love to be able to create foundry quests that start in NW, then go to other planes.
  • murdernicklemurdernickle Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know people will say that I just powerleveled and now I'm bored because of that but honestly I didn't. I played at my normal pace and hit the boredom in under a week. I didnt even make it to 60 before I was just tired of the repetition.

    There were some cool concepts and I really liked the foundry, but I just can't get into it the way I can with other MMOs.. it's purely a personal thing for me and I won't say either side is right. It's just something that I noticed and wanted to comment about.
  • scruffycavetrollscruffycavetroll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    I know people will say that I just powerleveled and now I'm bored because of that but honestly I didn't. I played at my normal pace and hit the boredom in under a week. I didnt even make it to 60 before I was just tired of the repetition.

    There were some cool concepts and I really liked the foundry, but I just can't get into it the way I can with other MMOs.. it's purely a personal thing for me and I won't say either side is right. It's just something that I noticed and wanted to comment about.

    sounds more like burnout...you just played the game so much that you want to puke when you look at it.

    take some time away...maybe a week, then come back. It might be fresh then.

    I'm going through this with MWO now, I haven't played in a month or two, I really want to, but when I log in to play, the desire just fades out of me, so I just need some more time away, I think you may need time away from this.
  • xantrisxantris Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic games are not about long drawn out hardcore gear grinds. They're generally about alts, collectables(ships, mounts, etc), and relatively casual endgame PvE. It works for them, so I doubt it will change
  • kittledorfkittledorf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Agree with OP, got around 8.7gs now... and im not motivated to get better gear. Gearing in this game aint fun beacuse it all look more or less the same, and also the upgrades is so small it feels just plainful to grind for them. I kinda enjoy the PVP tho, and it will be fun again after this patch when they fixed the bug. Still would be nice with more items in the pvpshop and more maps, got like two more items to get there at least. Cryptic got a lot of stuff "Coming soon" and well they will have lost a big part of the community by then, why the heck didnt each class have 3 paths from scratch?

    One more thing, bossfights in this game is really boring it's a tuff guy and then tons of adds in every single encounter... :O

    Oh one more thing, Zenshop is a lackluster not much "fun stuff" in there, and the gemfusing and enchanting in this game is just annoying.
  • wormgaswormgas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 57
    edited May 2013
    ashrox10 wrote: »
    Loot system definitely needs work, too many people 'accidently' need epic gear.

    Fixing this should be top priority.
    That's a fact!
  • infi321infi321 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with the OP. The game is so lackluster in many ways its just not fun at all. I log in and get 2-3 levels then I have to puke. Dungeons are so unintelligent its the worst design ever, crafting is just a worker queue you set up, theres really no incentative, and I dont even want to talk about pvp.

    Dull game, really.
    "Your story may not last forever; but it will exist forever"
  • erluciuserlucius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 213 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I disagree, the game is cool and if you grind with friends it gets even better. If you do solo grinding accepting quests without looking at the storyline because you can follow the quest path it's just your own playstyle affecting your gaming experience.
    The only real boring thing is dungeon bosses spawning 948793487698347695876967489 adds every 5 seconds (epic temple of the spider's last boss is nearly IMPOSSIBLE lol) and kids rolling need on everything they don't need
  • mutharexmutharex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    People who find this game boring are very likely coming from more traditional games like wow, for example. People who are enjoying this game rather have story, exploration and lore in their daily questing. having a blast, people who aren't should move along instead of posting unconstructive posts on how much they are bored. It's F2P, feel free to go play something else. And no, nothing in this thread has any constructive value, it's only "ME BORED", "****TY GAME"
    And honestly, LOL to the guy going back to Tera, really....
  • judgemonroejudgemonroe Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know people will say that I just powerleveled and now I'm bored because of that but honestly I didn't. I played at my normal pace and hit the boredom in under a week. I didnt even make it to 60 before I was just tired of the repetition.

    Same thing's happened to me. I was happily plodding along through the leveling content and doing dailies. Then I overleveled the graveyard in the middle of running it, so I missed out on the bag everybody's talking about. Then after moving on to Helm's Hold the tedium really began to set in. The PvE content is all the same. Kill X, perform Y, kill several million monsters that constantly respawn, and hope you can get to the end of this chain while you're still in the level range. Here's 2000+ XP for praying. Congrats, you leveled up!
  • pzzdachupzzdachu Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We are in Beta? This is Beta? Why wouldn't you get bored playing an incomplete game?
    Allow me to introduce myself, I am P'zzd Achu.
  • izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    I agree with you OP. The game is boring and the only "new concept" is the foundry. I have a lot more fun playing Tera because while the questing is equally repetitive, at least the combat is amazing and challenging.

    Sadly Tera's endgame is pure garbage.
  • viciousjediviciousjedi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    what I see is folks using exp exploits via the foundry to get to 60 fast.. then wonder why they don't have anything to do.. then say the game is bad.

    yes the lack of logic .. is so maddening. Rushing through content not enjoying the actually leveling process the normal way will lead to burn out real fast. Thats not the fault of the developers.
    Old School gamer, reviewer of mmos and slayer of dragons.
  • bondbpbbondbpb Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I thought D&D was all about the questing, lore, and story. The journey and not the destination. That's why I supported this game, it actually has story to it that many other MMOs lack or are weak on. The gameplay to me is fun, coming from an old school tab targeting
    MMO player which I can't stand anymore. With more classes and paragon levels being releases soon and I'm sure more content for what company doesn't release new content anymore, I can see this game lasting a while with a good playerbase. The foundry alone is a huge attraction, even with 1 out of 100 being good, if there are tens of thousands foundry missions, that's alot of good missions to play. Not to mention, yourself can always start a foundry mission and make the game how you like it to be.
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm still having some fun, but personally I feel like it's just Champions Online but with less customization. Unfortunately.

    It has promise.
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