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More Suggestions/Feedback

aurennaurenn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
First, Why is there no feedback/suggestions forum? Moving on from that I have a bit more feedback for Cryptic on little things to improve the game, specially late game. Would it at all be possible to convert XP into AD when you are level 60? Like 4K XP turned into 400RAD?

Another idea, that I'm sure has be tossed around, being able to party with friends who are a lower level and help them out with out them losing either A: Massive amounts of XP or B: Massive drop in loot drops. Both of which happened when I went to help some guys, I was level 48 they were around level 34-38 had all but lost their XP gain and were lucky if any white items dropped when before I joined they were getting around 2-3 greens from killing basic mobs.

Duels, I swear I saw two players dueling back in BW4...But I would like to see some form of dueling system, perhaps even an area where players could be "I put up my purple +6 greatsword, if you win you get it!" Sort of system for 1v1 duels.

I'm going to suggest my "Courier bird" idea again just because it's becoming more obviously a need when you are running around far from the enclave. Just a bird you can get with AD/Zen that allows you to send/receive mail/quests with out having to be at the quest guy or the courier or even send off with some items to sell.

Some crafting ideas would include being able to "break down" armor and weapons into raw materials, based upon the quality of the items, and use them for crafting rather than having to farm using your skill/kits. And perhaps someone can answer this, is there any plans in motion or in place to add weapon crafting/upgrading to the game?

Hrmn, what else is there...Oh! A Gellatinous cube mount/companion. Primarily a mount with reduced max movement speed but it requires more hits for you to get knocked off.

Quick hot bar change? Able to press a button and switch from one QER 12 345 6 Setup to another for quick and easy switch ups in combat.

Another idea, how about using lower rank enchantments to potentially fuse with a higher rank one to increase it's rank. Say I have 1 rank 1 enchantment and 3 rank 2's, I'd like to be able to use the rank 1 to fuse with the rank 2's with a 60% chance to get a rank 3, or 2 rank 1s and 2 rank 2s for the same result, or even 2 rank 1s and 3 rank 2s for a 70% chance, so on and so forth, if only because I'm so tired of getting stuck with 3 rank 3s and like 50 varieties of rank 1's in my inventory, well me and pretty much everyone in my guild.

Oh, any news on the foundry system being used to create guild halls? Or any mention of guild halls at all?
Post edited by aurenn on


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    monsterratmonsterrat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Definitely need a Gelatinous Cube mount, and Owl Bears:

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    aurennaurenn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh yes, more various mobs. I wanna fight what ever that howler mount is...I want mobs of things like THAT. And a Worg companion to go with my mount...
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