Guild Name:PainTrain [PTX]
Guild Website:
Focus:Competitive PvP, PvE, Social
Who We Are.
PainTrain [PTX] is a competitive, organized and democratic based Multi-Gaming Community made up of veteran gamers located throughout the United States and Canada. Our member base is primarily over the age of 21 with years of gaming experience. In PainTrain we enjoy a variety of gaming genres including, but not limited to; FPS, RTS, Moba, MMORPG, and Arena Combat. We invite you to join our community and share your gaming experience with us.
In PainTrain, we take having fun seriously. Our focus is making sure that our community is active, helpful, mature, competitive and most of all, FUN! To accomplish this, we ask that our members be active, represent our community with integrity and use the social forms of communications we provide. It is very important to us that every member of PTX participate on the website and TeamSpeak on a consistent basis.
No Drama
PainTrain has a very strict “No Drama” policy. We do not allow trolling or discussions involving religion or politics. Leave all of the drama at the door. Real-Life drama has no place in our TeamSpeak server or in our guild.
PainTrain uses a very specific Ranking and Structure system to ensure success and stability within our guild. We have seasoned gamers in every leadership position in our guild to help promote the competitive, fun and friendly environment that our members enjoy daily.
The opportunity to advance is present here in PainTrain. While there is no requirement to put forth an effort to rise into the officer ranks, we encourage and enjoy to see members go above and beyond the call of duty as they ascend through the ranks. Our leadership is democratically elected in a very organized manner.
We believe that competitive gaming is through strong positive community ethics, member consistency and proper implementation of strategies and techniques. Our commitment to this philosophy allows us to create the highest level of productive output and unity within the guild. We ask that all of our competitive members adhere to these qualities and understand that this is a commitment to our atmosphere.
Gaming is our passion and creating a relaxed, entertaining environment catered to social gaming camaraderie is what we want to provide. We ask that our members maintain a positive ethic and standing within the guild. We plan on a heavy guild event calendar so whenever our members are online we have something planned for them in cooperation with the guild. Our current goals consist of recruitment, leveling, mastering abilities and trade, as well as group PvE, Raiding, PvP and crafting/ability workshops. Above all, we strive for an organized community while having fun doing it.
What We Look For In Our Members
PainTrain is looking for active and mature players that want strive to be successful all while having fun rolling over our enemies! We are in need of members that enjoy organized gameplay, theorycrafting and having fun in TeamSpeak. If you enjoy being yourself and gaming with others, PainTrain is the community for you!
-A mature yet fun loving attitude.
-Teamspeak 3 (This means a working Headset W/Mic)
-Must be 18+ (Special exceptions may be made.)
Must me 18+, in Server contact Braze@Kuunen or Wynwarz@Wynkar
You can do so by joining our teamspeak (info is on our homepage
I am interested in getting into a guild. I am not a newbie to MMOs and have played almost everything. I am a level 23 GWR and I hope there is some room for me. Let me know.
Its Holdfast from PTX
I have a Cleric and Guardian warrior
just switched to the dragon server for the guild
1) You can whisper me ingame if I am online (iEatCookies@thecookiemunster)
2) You can send me a message if I am online and I'll invite you when we get a chance to cross paths
3) you can message/whisper any of our senior members or higher ranked members
4) Register for our forums, post a welcome thread, and we'll walk you through
5) Join our TS3 and we'll walk you through