I'm sure this has been reported before, but I wanted to make another thread in hope of it being fixed as soon as possible.
I normally run the game between 40-80 FPS depending on zone and what's currently going on, quite often my FPS will drop down to around 1 to 3 frames a second. I'm not the only one having this issue, a few buddies go from 120 to 10 quite often.
Just wanted to drop another thread, hope to see a fix for this soon, it makes PvP and harder dungeons near impossible.
Edit: There is no pattern to the FPS drops whatsoever, sometimes in the middle of fighting, sometimes while just running around town. I know it's not my pc for obvious reasons (mainly because others are experiencing the same issue).
I have similar performance issue but it only seems to occur while fighting Devil type enemies. The issue was most apparent in the Dungeon: Lair of the mad Dragon. It tried restarting the game and setting everything at the lowest setting but i still had the same issue with the game. the game also freezed and crashed twice while fighting larger pack of Devils.
I have a similar problem. Exept that the only time I lose my fps(usually around 90) and dropping to 10, is when I put my cross-hair over a Trickster Rogue in stealth. And it's a clear pattern. Not sure what's causing it.
I also have this problem. Mine occurs in the middle of the tower dungeon around the water area and whenever I fight mimics. The game seems to slow down more and more the mimic is onscreen until it is at 1fps. Hopefully I dont run into more specific cases like this as I progress, but it needs to be fixed.
I attached a DxDiag just in case.
Running the game with everything on max btw.