so question, is this a reportable and banable offense?
i laughed when i saw people advertising in zone chat for "LFG PVP QUICK LOSES"
but then during the boost period it was almost every game.
people are grouping up during boost times (and its happening more during normal times) to just afk matches to let the other team win as quick as possible, to get quick glory from just losing in 6-7mins. with silvery enchantments on they are getting like 400-600 glory just from doing nothing and afking at base.
its an absolute joke and i really hope the GMs do something. i've reported 38 people in the last few hours im getting tired of typing.
These are the issues when they put rewards for just being in PvP. It doesnt help they put PvP in a D&D game, to what extent this could be considered a D&D game. Needless to say, that was stupid.