The forums are a disease, they are already begining to kill the game and it's still considered Beta.... I saw the same thing with SWTOR when it first came out. It's only a matter of time.
Now that I think about it, what MMO has survived lately? It seems that every MMO I see now a days has this player base that has a "disgusted", "abysmal", "dire", "horrific" or some other overtone of massive
attitude towards the game. They get onto the forums, and post this rhetoric that appears to be so life changing and fundamentally destructive, and they always make sure to let you know how disgusted they are. Heh, they almost make you think that the game developers are murdering puppies or something....
How can an online game bring people to this sort of meltdown? The constant berrating, the constant attacks, it never stops. What are these people? Can't you just enjoy something that is provided for you? Is it just this "Entitlement" generation? People think they should be handed everything they want, when they want it on a silver platter?
This attitude will slowly put a cancer in the gaming community for Neverwinter, and it will eat away at it until the game is done. It's too bad too, I really do enjoy this game.
I love this game too and I will continue to play. You've got to remember that the forums are only about 1%~ of the actual population of the game. Use the ignore button, take whiny thread with a grain of salt and you will find yourself enjoying the game a whole lot more. Don't pay attention to other people's opinions cause at the end of the day theirs don't really matter.
I'm half asleep so that may have repeating words or may not make much sense..! x.x
Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
Those bios are outdated. Have some steam guides:
All that is so true sefenia. What is so worth the time here is the player build threads, the creative wiki, awesome foundry commentaries, lore from the moonstone mask, update news on things coming up and player photo threads. If we could have a sub forum for just those items and maybe a couple more, the retching urge might stop...:) Love the game and its just getting started.
Just look at this one:
Otter ~~~~ on Beholder
I don't know why are getting so worked up over the forums here. They're rather tame in comparison to what I have seen for other games. So far anyways...
You're trolling, right? Every game has this stuff.
You're a troll, OP. 1/10 troll rating. Go away now.
If you dislike the game so much just leave and dont let the door hit you on the way out.
Forums are always toxic if you read every thread use what you were given as a brain and only read important threads.
game is not beta. if its f2p then there is no such thing an "Open beta".
if it really was an open beta then there would be a character wipe. which there will not be.
You are entirely wrong. A number of games nowadays run through their last open beta and don't playerwipe afterwards. Especially when the end of that open beta coincides with the offical 'launch' of the game. TERA is an example of that - yes, it is F2P now, but it wasn't when it launched, and they didn't wipe after the end of the 'open beta'. Get over yourself. And a F2P game can have an 'open beta' before its slated for 'release'.
Most of the people who are enjoying the game are...well...enjoying the game!
There's always room for improvement, though, so even the negative comments are valuable.
This thread, however, won't foster anything constructive or productive though so it's getting a nice little padlock. If you enjoy the game, go on and enjoy the game! I wish I could but right now I'm stuck here...closing threads. Cleaning up posts. Etc.