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Green Dragon fight, need tips please

mannerothemannerothe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
Looking for tips on the Green Dragon fight. I forget the name of the dungeon, but it's around level 34-35. It's insane. AOE everywhere. DPS can't keep up with the adds. Those flying imps slow you down so you can't run away if they overwhelm you. I've tried healing it, and do great for the early part, but after I get imp aggro, and can't get rid of them, I also pull bigger things somehow, they start pounding me, then it's just timing. Usually the dragon will stun me, or there's so much aoe down, I can't go anywhere.

I'm really looking for a whole plan, though. Not just me trying to heal. I haven't had a single problem with aggro until that fight, and I really don't have any problems surviving any fight prior to that. It obviously needs some strategy, and that's what I'm looking for here. Thank you. Would love to hear from those that have beat it.
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    hardpeck1hardpeck1 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    Kill adds, ignore boss, have the tank tank the dragon on one side of the room, your DPS can kill/kite every add as it comes out, in the later part of the fight your only dmg on the dragon should be from your tank.

    Literally every fight in this game is add control. Kill adds, CC adds, win. Every. Fight.

    Don't herpderpfacesmashtunnelvision on the boss and you will do fine.
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    mannerothemannerothe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We tried that and failed. Three times. Like I said, dps can't keep up with the adds. Oh, well. I'll try again sometime. For the last try, we even ignored the dragon, and had the tank on adds, too, because he said it was ignoring him anyway. The group was all rogues, though, so maybe we just didn't have an ideal composition.
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    chaddiwickerchaddiwicker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have a level 60 along for the run. ;)
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    logludloglud Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok so this is actually a cool fight and I wish people would focus on their priorities and note the attacks coming in. To start this fight I would take down all adds first. It doesn't matter who has agro on the boss as he only does AoE and cone attacks. Would highly recommend having a rouge tank him. The tanks job in this fight is not the boss, but instead the adds. Get your mark up immediately when adds spawn and make sure they all agro to the guardian. When adds are down rotate to the boss DPS and then rinse and repeat. I cannot stress this enough though. Clerics, this is not WoW or any other MMO where you stand as far away from all adds at all times. The closer you are to the tank the more likely he/she can pick em up. Fight takes about 10-20 min if done correctly. Currently one of my favorite fights.
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    hardpeck1hardpeck1 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    I killed it my first time through, in a pug, with all level 31/32. Killed it first attempt, no wipes, cleric did die near the end, but we managed with companions and pots to finish the fight fairly comfortably.

    GF, DC, CW, CW, TR was the group makeup.

    Wasn't hard at all, when the pit fiend came out I kited it around (I'm a CW), and by the time the rest of the adds were cleaned up I had it down to 10%. Dragon died right after the big guy died.

    If your DPS couldn't keep up with the adds then you need to get better DPS.
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    serotonergicserotonergic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 42
    edited May 2013
    Wiped the first time, but got it the second time with a PUG. Naturally, EVERYONE should be on adds when the pop. Even the tank, too really after he's established aggro. oOne thing I personally did that helped us win as a CW was that I kept an eye out on the healer, who tends to draw aggro hardest, and anyone else who was getting low on health. I would stay near them to CC anything on them to make sure they didn't go down. When the shocktrooper spawned we all focused just focused him down ASAP.
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    nawdlenawdle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    Beat it on my 2nd attempt last night (first we wiped at about 25%).
    Absolute most fun I've had in a boss fight since... god knows when.

    It's tough because you have to be consistent and aware of your surroundings. As a healer I found:
    -Don't let your dps even touch the dragon until the adds are down. This is an endurance test.
    -Have a lot of potions. There will probably be times when you have to choose between getting off a life saving heal on someone else and letting minions beat on you for a bit, or letting the person die. Being able to get up and bail and top yourself off means you can do this without sacrificing yourself.
    - Keep Astral Seal up on every bloody mob you can. This is your number one goal. If people dodge the red, there's not actually that much damage in this fight and Astral Seal will cover most of it; I found the amount of aggro I had I could rarely cast many spells, so I tended to kite adds while team killed them and just keep Astral Seal up.
    -Be aware. If a teammate is downed, get there and get them back up.
    -Be patient. He takes forever. Don't get to 2 bars left and just decide to try to burn him. You'll get swamped with mobs. Just keep killing adds until the dragon's the only target left.
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    kenpkenp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mad green dragon isn't a hard boss compared to the last boss in Grey Wolf Den. Dat motherfocker spawns shadow wolves that hit for like 3k dmg....and he spawns them periodically. not to mention you need to watch for his aoe's~

    I failed 4 times on that boss with a pug (GWF, GF, DC, CW, TR) and ended up just leaving the dungeon.

    seriously....whose idea was it for the boss to spawn wolves that hit for more than the boss himself? (I know they can be killed quickly since they have low hp, but **** if they even hit you once, 25% of your hp is gone...)
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    clacksonclackson Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "Group was all rogues"

    There's your problem. Get a CW to control the dangerous adds while you burn them down. If the cleric is swarmed, the wizzie should be there to support them.
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